Open Letter from MJ fans in Support of MJ Estate

I can't believe people are calling this a "private family matter". It is not. THEY made it public. The Jackson's are despicable people for what they're doing, and fans have every right to say whatever we want in support of Michael. That's what fans do. If this were a private matter we wouldn't even know that it was going on. They made it public to get public interest, they just didn't expect it to backfire on them. And on top of that, they didn't even send it to a reputable news source, they sent it to a tabloid. Tabloids tried to destroy Michael, yet this family is constantly on side with them.

Michael chose the executors and by us supporting them, we are supporting Michael's wishes. The Jackson's are going against what Michael wanted, and we have every right to an opinion on that.
I can't believe people are calling this a "private family matter". It is not. THEY made it public. The Jackson's are despicable people for what they're doing, and fans have every right to say whatever we want in support of Michael. That's what fans do. If this were a private matter we wouldn't even know that it was going on. They made it public to get public interest, they just didn't expect it to backfire on them. And on top of that, they didn't even send it to a reputable news source, they sent it to a tabloid. Tabloids tried to destroy Michael, yet this family is constantly on side with them.

Michael chose the executors and by us supporting them, we are supporting Michael's wishes. The Jackson's are going against what Michael wanted, and we have every right to an opinion on that.

There is nothing private about this issue.
Randy Jackson's purpose to release that letter in TABLOID was to get people backing their cause and intimidate executors - it backfired and rightly so.
^Besides you don't need to 'run the program' to take a stand on something.
It might be public, yeah. But as fans we don't run the program here. And we don't belong in this business.

The only one running anything is Michael through the executors of his estate. He decided what to do with his assests which were acquired through hard work & sweat. If Michael wanted to leave all his assests to the pigeons, let the pigeons have it. No one has the right to dispute how he wanted to distribute his wealth. That was his own personal & intimate business.
For the record, I whole heartedly disagree with the decision of MJJC and the various fan groups to respond or comment regarding this private family matter.

how is it private when randy wrote an open letter and sent it to the media to be reported on and then twitted about it. it would have been private if there had been a private letter sent to the estate and then it was leaked. Randy wanted public and media attention as that is their only weapon against the estate. to embarrass/annoy the executors into either leaving or doing something that would give the family cash. they have no legal way of getting rid of the executors so go to the media to make a public statement which makes this issue anything but private

the fans supported michael and gave him information in the past when leaches like weisner and others were stealing off him and now fans are supporting him against others who want to steal off him and his children.thats what family does. they look after their mj looked after us during 9/11 during his trial while outside hotels. the close personal friendships he had with many fans
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Im sure those that support the family over mj and his kids are welcome to write their own open letter in support of randy where they can personally add their name to it.and post it on janet boards if they so wish. as this is a michael jackson board mjjc is doing what it feels the majority think from the posts that are on this board. no ones personal names are added so no one should have a personal issue. i dont support katherine as the statement says. but the open letter is written for what mjjc feels is the majority as this is a mj board not a randy rebbie or tito board if such places excists

Couldn't have said it better.
it IS our business since the fans ARE what makes the the things go around. Michael Jackson is now a product that need to be looked after. we also have a legacy to look after. obviously the Jacksons don't care. they have proven that over and over. yes, the estate has done mistakes but it's NOTHING compare to what the Jacksons has done. my loyalty is to Michael J Jackson and NO one else. and right now i support the estate!
it IS our business since the fans ARE what makes the the things go around. Michael Jackson is now a product that need to be looked after. we also have a legacy to look after. obviously the Jacksons don't care. they have proven that over and over. yes, the estate has done mistakes but it's NOTHING compare to what the Jacksons has done. my loyalty is to Michael J Jackson and NO one else. and right now i support the estate!

The bolded part, such a small statement but says it all.

About a month ago I saw document about Elvis fans, they talked about keeping his legacy alive and other things, not important to this issue.
They had two-way communication port open with the people that are looking after the affairs of the estate. I cannot see that working if any of the brothers were in charge of the estate or even near to estate.
The bolded part, such a small statement but says it all.

About a month ago I saw document about Elvis fans, they talked about keeping his legacy alive and other things, not important to this issue.

yes, we (Elvis fans) have always fought for his legacy and always will. it wasn't always easy but we got involved and we still are. the same must be done for Michael. he deserve it even more than Elvis.
About this mess being a “Private Matter” that is the biggest load of crap I have heard all year! You can be sure that if the fans had lined up in mass support of this garbage the same people yelling “private matter” would be saying the fans are the greatest thing since peanut butter for rising up and speaking out. This manipulative propaganda campaign backfired in the Jackson’s face and the fans saw right through it so now the family’s very public declaration is a “private family matter”. People need to get real and stop playing games.
The estate knows that some fans are more for the family than Michael, so it is ok that some here feel we should not be involved in this. I feel when the estate does something we do not like, we should voice our concerns, and when they are doing something of value we should let them know. This letter was a great move, because it let's the estate know that we are looking at what they are doing, and it also lets the Jacksons know that we are aware of their letter and can understand what aspects of it are true/false. If those who signed the letter know a huge block of consumers do not believe the claims they made without proof, then hopefully the next Jackson mess up would be milder. Since whether you believe it or not, there will be more Jackson mess ups.
Agreed. I don't support this letter due to the actions of the Estate which divided the fan base and did serious damage.

In all fairness The letter is not in support of all the Estate has done. But over all we support the Estate's position over the Jacksons accusations and their call for resignation. We also realise some fans may even support the Jackson (4) in this matter and that is their perogotive.
Although every fan does not agree with all decisions the Estate has made, we agree that overall, the Estate has done well in preserving Michael's legacy. In addition, we agree with the Estate, that "false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy" do nothing to promote the positive ethic Michael Jackson espoused while alive.
This is normal behavior. Every time a letter is written, there are some who feel it should not be done, and they usually cite the same arguments. It is healthy and good for us to have these different views in the community.
This is normal behavior. Every time a letter is written, there are some who feel it should not be done, and they usually cite the same arguments. It is healthy and good for us to have these different views in the community.

And that should apply not only to this matter, but to all threads/topics posted.
In all fairness The letter is not in support of all the Estate has done. But over all we support the Estate's position over the Jacksons accusations and their call for resignation.

Yes, the jacksons' letter wasn't some artistic critique of some of the estate projects. It was accusing the executors that mj appointed of being criminals and fraudsters and, as i read it, driving an elderly woman to her grave and being involved in a conspiracy to murder michael jackson. I'm amazed that anyone couldn't be in favour of sending out this fan letter in support of the estate.
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Can I just say how proud I am of most MJ fans?

We may have our disagreements...but no one can accuse us of not loving MJ. When push comes to shove....we stand up for him.

Michael Jackson's wishes aka his estate and everything he held dear are under attack from his own family, but there is absolutely no doubt whose interest we are defending.

And that's always a beautiful thing.

That letter is just the greatest thing... we could have done. I hope this is the last time we have to issue statements in support of the estate, against MJ's greedy siblings. Not only is it embarrassing, but it is also very draining. I am sure the executors would rather be sitting around a table hatching a plan to make #Bad25 great instead of having to go tit for tat with a bunch of middle aged has-beens.
It is draining and it's sad to learn family couldn't help themselves and their greed.. But we're standing by Michael, always.
Can I just say how proud I am of most MJ fans?

We may have our disagreements...but no one can accuse us of not loving MJ. When push comes to shove....we stand up for him.

Michael Jackson's wishes aka his estate and everything he held dear are under attack from his own family, but there is absolutely no doubt whose interest we are defending.

And that's always a beautiful thing.

That letter is just the greatest thing... we could have done. I hope this is the last time we have to issue statements in support of the estate, against MJ's greedy siblings. Not only is it embarrassing, but it is also very draining. I am sure the executors would rather be sitting around a table hatching a plan to make #Bad25 great instead of having to go tit for tat with a bunch of middle aged has-beens.

:hysterical: So true!!
Can I just say how proud I am of most MJ fans?

We may have our disagreements...but no one can accuse us of not loving MJ. When push comes to shove....we stand up for him.

Michael Jackson's wishes aka his estate and everything he held dear are under attack from his own family, but there is absolutely no doubt whose interest we are defending.

And that's always a beautiful thing.

That letter is just the greatest thing... we could have done. I hope this is the last time we have to issue statements in support of the estate, against MJ's greedy siblings. Not only is it embarrassing, but it is also very draining. I am sure the executors would rather be sitting around a table hatching a plan to make #Bad25 great instead of having to go tit for tat with a bunch of middle aged has-beens.

I co-sign this post with love. MJ's fans are the best in the work. We stand up for the King no matter what.
I can't co-sign this letter. We may not all agree with the way the Jacksons went about things, but at the end of the day none of us really know the whole truth.
I can't co-sign this letter. We may not all agree with the way the Jacksons went about things, but at the end of the day none of us really know the whole truth.

Thats ok You dont have have suport it some dont feel comfortable doing that and MJJC doesnt require you do
may I ask do you support the Jackon's letter attcking the Estate. or are you also holding off on that too ?
Thats ok You dont have have suport it some dont feel comfortable doing that and MJJC doesnt require you do
may I ask do you support the Jackon's letter attcking the Estate. or are you also holding off on that too ?
Of course I don't support it. Nor do I think it was wise. I'm for nothing but the truth. And that's something none of us know. I'm not going to put mu support towards either side without knowing all of the facts.
Of course I don't support it. Nor do I think it was wise. I'm for nothing but the truth. And that's something none of us know. I'm not going to put mu support towards either side without knowing all of the facts.

I agree, we can't know the whole story...
With the jacksons you just never know...
I can't co-sign this letter. We may not all agree with the way the Jacksons went about things, but at the end of the day none of us really know the whole truth.

When you get the whole truth, don't forget to share it with us.
When you get the whole truth, don't forget to share it with us.
Assuming we even get the whole truth (we most likely will not), there are a hell of a lot of people that will be aware of it before me. I'm not sure I understand your post.
I neither trust nor support the e$tate. How can some people put all their trust unconditionally and blindly in these sharks of showbiz? They "represent" Michael but they are NOT Michael. As some people here say, we're so far from knowing the whole truth and everything that's going on behind the closed doors. And I just don't get all this hatred towards Jackson family. They may not be perfect and I don't support most of the things some of brothers do but they are still Michael's family; on the other hand we're all aware of Branca/MJ story... Who's able to confirm that the will isn't fake? If they faked the songs, why couldn't they fake the will? Were any of us there when the will was signed? I don't think so. And the fact that this time Janet herself is involved, is a sign to me that there's something terribly wrong going on with this estate, and I don't talk about the income they've generated for children or MJ's mother. By the way, she's not a machine, she's only a human being, she may have a stroke, she can make mistakes and she may need the protection of her family too, everything is not always black and white. And do we know what she really thinks about estate? She may say one thing in public and another one in private...
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Of course I don't support it. Nor do I think it was wise. I'm for nothing but the truth. And that's something none of us know. I'm not going to put mu support towards either side without knowing all of the facts.

Absolutely agree....