Open Letter from MJ fans in Support of MJ Estate

If they faked the songs, why couldn't they fake the will? Were any of us there when the will was signed? I don't think so.

And how do you know "they faked the songs"? Because some people insist that it would be Jason Malachi and they know "better" than other fans? Should we believe Michael was intentionally murdered because some people are saying so? People can always say a lot.

Have you seen the previous will which is almost identical? Faking two times with a change that doesn't affect those you accuse of fraud? There is not any sign of the will being forged.
Have you seen the previous will which is almost identical? Faking two times with a change that doesn't affect those you accuse of fraud? There is not any sign of the will being forged.

Exactly. LOL! Just one of those FACTS that folks don't like to mention when they call the Will of record fake.

I support this letter 1 million percent and if I had a Twitter account, I would TWEET a copy of this letter to every Jackson Family member who has an active Twitter account.

Especially since they like to "think" that just because we are Michael Jackson fans, we are also fans of their's and will support every LAME idea and/or project they come up with. NOT!
Oh it's because you leave some evidence when you try to fake something? :D

The burden of proof is always on those who allege something. In this case on those who allege the will is fake. So far the Jacksons and everybody who claims it's forged failed to present any evidence in support of their claim. They only have a big mouth and zero proof.

Meanwhile there are plenty of signs that the will is real, such as the fact that the previous will was almost identical. It's also consistent with what we know about what Michael thought about his family (see Glenda tapes for example). I would have been surprised if he had left anything to Joseph, Jermaine, Randy etc - especially his whole Estate.
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Yeah, I agree.. I honestly I really believe that the will was not faked, it is exactly like how I would expect it to be, with the charity thing and leaving almost everything to his children...we all know they were EVERYTHING to him.

But then again, we can never be 100% sure.
I honestly I really believe that the will was not faked, it is exactly like how I would expect it to be, with the charity thing and leaving almost everything to his children.


The ONLY thing wrong with Michael's Will is that "the majority" of his family is not included in it and in my opinion, therein lies the problem

The thought of all of the money is driving some of them, especially Randy, crazy - APPARENTLY!

Thanking MJJC once again for composing this open letter to The Estate of Michael Jackson. Well done!
Co-sign.The thought of all of the money is driving some of them, especially Randy, crazy - APPARENTLY
Why Randy is the bad guy now? Since Michael's passing he's one of few Jacksons who hasn't been trying to make any profit off of his brother: no tv or tabloid interviews, no tour with other brothers, no books, no albums or have I missed something?
Meanwhile there are plenty of signs that the will is real, such as the fact that the previous will was almost identical. It's also consistent with what we know about what Michael thought about his family (see Glenda tapes for example). I would have been surprised if he had left anything to Joseph, Jermaine, Randy etc - especially his whole Estate.

Well, faking the will doesn't mean leaving everything to brothers. And there may have been another will between "previous" and the "last" one. Perhaps Michael realized he couldn't trust people mentioned in his "previous" will so he made another one but it was "replaced" by the one that suited so-called executors most, that's why it's almost identical.

Yeah, I agree.. I honestly I really believe that the will was not faked, it is exactly like how I would expect it to be, with the charity thing and leaving almost everything to his children...we all know they were EVERYTHING to him.

But then again, we can never be 100% sure.

That's right.
Well, faking the will doesn't mean leaving everything to brothers. And there may have been another will between "previous" and the "last" one. Perhaps Michael realized he couldn't trust people mentioned in his "previous" will so he made another one but it was "replaced" by the one that suited so-called executors most, that's why it's almost identical.

That's right.

Coulda, woulda. If there is another will then people who say there is should present it. Otherwise it's just couldas and shouldas. Anyone can theorize about anything. What matters is facts. And they do not support the fake theory at all.

Never knew all of that about MJJSource and Randy!!

But great letter!! - I Support MJ Estate 100 % !
One more thing about Katherine: in the beginning she tried to oppose the estate, but later on dropped the accusations, must have received some threats and was nicely asked to shut up, but apparently some people have a very short memory.

Coulda, woulda. If there is another will then people who say there is should present it. Otherwise it's just couldas and shouldas. Anyone can theorize about anything. What matters is facts. And they do not support the fake theory at all.

Do you have all the facts in your possession? You know everything what's going on behind the scenes? I bet Jacksons and estate do know something we don't. But if we base only on the "facts" presented to us then Michael was paranoid, all his concerns and worries didn't make any sense, and we should start eating all the bullshit they feed us with and buy fake songs/albums.
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Do you have all the facts in your pocession? You know everything what's going on behind the scenes? I bet Jacksons and estate do know something we don't. But if we base only on the "facts" presented to us then Michael was paranoid, all his concerns and worries didn't make any sense, and we should start eating all the bullshit they feed us with and buy fake songs/albums.

Again, the burden of proof, the burden of showing evidence is on those who make accusations. You can "bet" on anything all you want, but so far those accusing Branca and McClain haven't been able to come up with any evidence against them. If the family is able to present convincing evidence I sure will listen to them. Up to now they failed to do that and failed badly. They only have a big mouth and no evidence.
To this day Branca & McClain haven't been able to come up with anything to backup the authenticity of controversial tracks, that makes jacksons and estate even :lol:
To this day Branca & McClain haven't been able to come up with anything to backup the authenticity of controversial tracks, that makes jacksons and estate even :lol:

The Jacksons are accusing Branca and McClain of forging the Will. The Cascio tracks have nothing to do with the Will. I am not a fan of the Michael album and how the Estate/Sony handled it, but I certainly can separate the two issues. Hopefully you can too.
In their letter they're accusing estate of other things such as bad business decisions, choices and quality of work, dishonor of MJ's legacy etc, so two issues are kinda connected.
Oh please! The family who have produced dud perfumes, tribute concert made up of x factor contestants and artists who have called mj a p*do, books of old photos in collaboration with a porn director and some tacky belts are suddenly all concerned about quality and dishonour? You can forget that argument.
In their letter they're accusing estate of other things such as bad business decisions, choices and quality of work, dishonor of MJ's legacy etc, so two issues are kinda connected.

The main point of the letter is the allegation of forging the Will.

The Jacksons do not give a damn about Michael's legacy. Otherwise they would not drag his name into shady businesses, like tacky belts and the kind. Their only problem is that they don't get near MJ's money. The Estate might have made mistakes, but we are still better off them handling MJ's businesses than the family.

And the family can prove their allegations if they want to in front of a court. But they choose to shoot their mouth in the media instead. Distributing badly written, ridiculous letters full of false allegations to tabloids and stuff. If they have evidence, take it to court and we will see. Otherwise it's just smokes.
Oh please! The family who have produced dud perfumes, tribute concert made up of x factor contestants and artists who have called mj a p*do, books of old photos in collaboration with a porn director and some tacky belts are suddenly all concerned about quality and dishonour? You can forget that argument.

Yeah, the Gene Simmons fiasco comes to mind and that was a classic error, to which the Jackson seemed proud of, until the FACTS slapped them in the face.

And Jermaine's "I'm doing it by myself" MJ Tribute wherein NOBODY wanted to sign on. ANOTHER classic project.

On the other hand, you had The Estate of Michael Jackson get Justin Beiber to come to the MJ fingerprinting ceremony. John Branca is a well respected member of the music business, something the Jackson's gave up, while waiting for Michael to join them on stage again.

I always say that the Jackson who appears on American Idol, could have been one of the brothers, if they hadn't wasted all of those years waiting for Michael. They dropped off the face of the earth and folks were no longer interested in them.
Why do you guys mix all family members together? I don't defend Joe's actions (who didn't sign the letter btw) or brothers tours, books, albums and stuff. They did what they did but it doesn't mean that everything they say in the letter is a lie.
On the other hand, Janet hasn't participated in any of this yet she signed it. For the first time we can see what she really thinks about it. Should we start hating her too?
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Why do you guys mix all family members together? I don't defend Joe's actions (who didn't sign the letter btw) or brothers tours, books, albums and stuff. On the other hand Janet hasn't participated in any of this yet she signed it. For the first time we can see what she really thinks about it. Should we start hating her too?

I don't think there's any hate, per se, but there is a whole lot of DISAPPOINTMENT in the Jackson family (some, not all) and their actions since Michael's death.

They have acted badly, in my opinion, and most of it stems around money.
I don't think there's any hate, per se, but there is a whole lot of DISAPPOINTMENT in the Jackson family (some, not all) and their actions since Michael's death.

They have acted badly, in my opinion, and most of it stems around money.

I agree with you cause I feel the same way. I just don't think their claims is an absolute lie, especially now that Janet is involved. I think they're based on something we're not aware of (except of course things mentioned in the letter.)
And Jermaine's "I'm doing it by myself" MJ Tribute wherein NOBODY wanted to sign on. ANOTHER classic project.

It was indeed classic. Remember he announced obama was attending, but hadn't checked with the white house first and they were forced into issuing a v public denial. To whip up support he said ppb wd appear on stage and said something about they would do whatever the music might lead them to do - this was less than 10 wks after their father had died.

I think anyone making comparisons between what the executors of mj's estate have done, and what his family have done in mj's name since 25 june is wasting their time - the family have lost their right to criticise any estate projects after the stunts they have pulled imo.
One more thing about Katherine: in the beginning she tried to oppose the estate, but later on dropped the accusations, must have received some threats and was nicely asked to shut up, but apparently some people have a very short memory.

Do you have all the facts in your possession? You know everything what's going on behind the scenes? I bet Jacksons and estate do know something we don't. But if we base only on the "facts" presented to us then Michael was paranoid, all his concerns and worries didn't make any sense, and we should start eating all the bullshit they feed us with and buy fake songs/albums.

if katherine had opposed the will and estate and lost she would have been taken out of the will altogether and been left with nothing. that wad michaels rule. seeing ad she had no evidence to show she took good advice not to contest the will.

Re randy. i guess u missed all his interviews calling mj a drug addict after 09.
Some dont seem to understand that if someone claims something is fake or wrong it is upto you to show evidence to support the claim it is not upto those u are accusing to show evidence of no wrong doing.

why is it that faniky are coming out with the same allegations they did three years ago. yet back then they didnt go to court or produce any evidence. why do the family never produce evidence to back up their claims. latoya says branca was involved in the killing but nope no evidence is shown. they talk the talk but never walk the walk. why is that?
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Why do you guys mix all family members together? I don't defend Joe's actions (who didn't sign the letter btw) or brothers tours, books, albums and stuff. They did what they did but it doesn't mean that everything they say in the letter is a lie.
On the other hand, Janet hasn't participated in any of this yet she signed it. For the first time we can see what she really thinks about it. Should we start hating her too?
no she just went on t.v calling mj a druggie as she laughed. then admitted in the next breath she hadnt seen or spoken to him in years.
no she just went on t.v calling mj a druggie as she laughed. then admitted in the next breath she hadnt seen or spoken to him in years.

I agree with you. She's just like those greedy,money grubbing brothers and sisters of hers, with the exception of Jackie ALL of Michael's siblings are despicable and YES of course it includes Janet. She probably doesn't have the money we all think she has and also wants a piece of the action. Despicable
I agree with you cause I feel the same way. I just don't think their claims is an absolute lie, especially now that Janet is involved. I think they're based on something we're not aware of (except of course things mentioned in the letter.)

Oh so Janet all of a sudden makes them credible? Really?? She's the one that went on TV and told the world Michael was a drug addict and then inthesame breath said she hadn't talked to him in years. Funny right? She's just like the rest....
I don't support everything this letter says. I am not backing it. IMO, there are multiple ways that The Estate has failed. With that being said, I surely don't support the actions taken by the family. I'll just choose to be indifferent to all of them. *shrug*

^ I feel ya and I agree with this! I trust no one as I said before. But, at the same time wouldn't want the Jacksons to run MJ estate cause they will milk it dry! So If there is no contesting the Will ever then better those incharge now then them. But, I sure hope the estate gets better at some of the choices they make in terms of projects in MJs name in the near future! No more controversies especially with the mans music that they could have avoided in the first place!!
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