I agree there is a contradiction between what PG said re rehearsals not needed or customary in MJ tours and this idea that Phillips has re anticipatory breach and refusing the advance. This needs to be cleared up. Other testimony was that Ortega wanted MJ to rehearse. Who was ultimately in charge here--was it RP? He seems to be the most upper-level exec, right?
On the other hand, this does not prove that pushing MJ to rehearsals directly (or even indirectly) led to his death. CM simply did not pay attention when MJ stopped breathing while administering propofol under disastrous circumstances with no proper monitoring device or resuscitation equipment. Being in debt had nothing to do with his inattention or lack of knowledge. On top of that, in the trial Shafer testified that calling 911 immediately could have saved MJ's life, as well as a simple 'chin lift' for opening the airway. CM also according to Shafer probably had 'close calls' with MJ previously during the 6 week period he administered propofol in this unprofessional manner--before any pressure to rehearse appeared.
Are you seriously saying that AEG pressure for MJ to rehearse on stage was a direct cause of his death?
Technically reahearsals were not AEG's business, as it was not in the contract. It was Ortega's and Michael's jobs to put the show together. Ortega is not AEG, he is an independant contractor, Michael was more like a partner.
I said earlier that I thought that PG's answers about reharsals, saying it was not his business, were pure hypocrisy. Because in real life, for the type of shows Michael wanted to do, it's clear you need to rehearse. At least Phillips is honest about that.
It will be very intersting to hear Ortega, and see if anything comes out of Frank's emails, because AEG's theory so far sound like they're saying "Ortega was worried, not us". Now it's Frank who called the meeting with the doctor. Of course. Then why do we have PG's email on june 20th saying "take the doctor with you ?", why do we have that mail from Timm Wooley "dr Murray is responsible for Michael's rehearsals appearance, Ortega is not tough enough" . AEG sound like they're saying Ortega, and maybe Frank, created the problems. Rehearsal's schedule was Ortega's responsibility, Ortega was worried about Michael, not us, Frank requested the meetings with the doctor,not us etc..
Ivy posted something a few days ago about supervising a doctor. AEG can not be held responsible for the doctors mistakes , ie treatment and the way it was given: they are not doctors, and could not understand that. So the facts that Murray used propofol, set up a drip and left Michael,did not call 911, are not relevant to this case.
Look at the verdict forms. Jacksons are saying "were the defendants
a factor in Michael's death" . AEG says, at the end of the verdict forms "who is responsible for Michael's death" and name everyone involved, except the kids of course, and...Murray. AEG seem to be saying "we didn't know about propofol, no one ever did, even when Michal used it before ". There is a nonsense here. Jacksons are not saying AEG directly caused Michael's death, and the judge is not saying that either. AEG are the one who use this argument and yet, they don't want to blame Murray, when actually they could. So the question is, why ?
I understand it's disturbing to see the Jacksons use the addict argument and doing tghis, especially considering their history, and the fact that katherine refused Murray's restitution. AEG will probably be doing worse, saying the same things and worse, and arguing they couldn't guess it was propofol, when they don't need to say that. That was one of my points earlier when I said not everything the Jacksons do can excuse what AEG is doing.
It's about negligent hiring , supervising and retaining.
At this point, I can still change my mind, but I think the Jacksons have a point :
AEG at least co hired Murray (cash advance vs contract), treated the doctor as an independant contractor (meeting with him, calling him, etc ), making it it clear to both Michael and the doctor that they wanted Michael to rehearse, even making Murray responsible for rehearsals attendance, - that maybe is supervising- and not considering Murray's role as Michael's health was declining, that would be the retaining part.
As for PG personally sued I don't have a clear opinion on that. PG seems like a nice guy who was very nervous on the stand, and twisted his story a lot, to the point that everything is not clear about what he did. Maybe other witnesses will make it clearer. Since the beginning of his testimony, I've had the feeling he's covering up for his boss.
I suspect RP understood that Murray was doing weird stuff. Not what exactly, not knowing the risks, but I suspect he chose that path because there was not enough time left, and a money issue.
The retaining part and Rp's role would be the reason why AEG can't put the blame on Murray : it was too obvious something was wrong with him. The "we were convinced by Murray" wouldn't fly, aspecially in RP's case.