One thing I hate when talking about Mike to people

Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

The media stinks. Keep being positive. The truth will come out. Everything they have been saying about Michael they have been proven wrong. The truth is slowly filtering through.

I agree I find more and more people are going onto the internet and searching for the truth themselves they are learning the media has lied about Michael.

Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I think it's more from tradition to include fathers/grand-fathers names for boys and mothers/grand-mothers or god parents names as middle names.

Like Michael Joseph Jackson per his father and Prince Michael Jackson per father /great grand-father for his sons. (rich families name their sons I , II, III etc all of the time because of the legacy thing)

Do they?, had never heard of it.

Paris Katherine Jackson is named after Michael's grand mother and mother. And also was conceived in Paris, France. So, two good reason for her name.

Nothing strange there.

I thought Paris' name was Paris Katherine Michael Jackson?. It's not?.
I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him
its cause they dont know much about him, its called ignorance, but how can i blame them, media has been so against Michael for so long...

Somebody said, if you say a lie or anything many times people would believe it... and its exactly the same here, and stronger...

if all those would get to see This Is It they would see Michael was not only a normal man but extremely humble,

i know many would see it, but then again, i know closed minded ppl wont even gave him a chance, so, im happy i am part of the people who got to know the real person, and not the one the press painted
I'm actually afraid to talk about Mike to people, because they don't UNDERSTAND. I only have 1 close close friend to talk to. She's just my sponge. I talk, she listens. She either has nothing to say about it, or has something good to say about it. When the topic comes up with anyone else, I just shrink.
I could not agree more. Michael was not weird. It is the world around him that's weird........still is!

He was sadly too good for a world so cruel and I know he must now have been taken to a place where his love will be welcomed not condemned.
It was allways like that...what ppl don"t understand-they are affraid of it. Michael is so different, so unique, so amazing and beautifull and bad ppl are trying anything to take that away. They don"t know how to apriciate genious people.
I have spend hours and hours and hours talking about Michael....but the truth is coming out.
If you have good news on the cover of a magazine and a bad news on the back...people will allways read the back first. Sad , but true.
I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him

Where do you start with this?

Because you saw him first it means he means more to you! ffs have a word with yourself.

Michael iss weird, Picasso was weird.....Einstein was weird.

Yay for weird people, LMAO.
"He's the least weird man I've ever known." -Elizabeth Taylor

If he wasn't weird, he was certainly eccentric. He himself even mentioned the "strange eccentricities" in Childhood.

Michael iss weird, Picasso was weird.....Einstein was weird.

Yay for weird people, LMAO.

thats my theory, even though they were not they LOOKED weird, cause all geniuses look weird on the COMMON EYE!!!!!!!!! Gods sake, what about Mozart too, i could name many, but when comparing to Michael, Mozart always comes to my mind first, and i love Mozart as much
I haaate that. Or people will ALWAYS bring up the molestation accusations, obviously :rolleyes2:


Its pointless talking to people who have a set notion and don't WANT to consider anything else in their narrow little mind.

Good thing is though, I always manage to shut them up with my FACTS.
Great post. I agree with this matter so much. There wasnt anything strange about Michael, it was strange what he had to deal with. Michael is the far most normal human being Ive ever come across, but define normal? Michael was loving, caring, he was himself and if that means you are weird or bizarre then I dont want to even know what normal is. Michael was the example of everything everyone else is not. He did things most people would not do, he sang songs most people would not want to sing, he spent hours on end helping children and he accepted people into his life that he did not even know, all out of love, while others wouldnt even bother doing so.

Michael did everything from his heart and he did it because he was who he was. How was he weird? Plastic surgery? Not having enough women? Wanting to be a child? Crying openly? Whats so strange? None of those things are strange, look at his f*cking past and look at his childhood and you'd know they changed his life forever, Michael wasnt strange, it was his inhumane surroundings that were strange. Try being beat up when you do dance rehearsals and and be in the spotlight before you could even tie your own shoes, not have any friends, only camera flashes and people screaming at you day and night.

Michael was beyond normal. He endured so much pain that Im surprised he did not commit suicide at the age of 18. Michael wasnt the typical child star, he was a childstar who became an adult star because he kept on fighting and he never gave up. Most people in Michaels unusual situation would have killed themselves long time ago but Michael never gave up on life and human kind. If thats in any way odd then Im disappointed at the world, why cant people be proud of the fact that he managed all this pressure for 50 years of his life and still stood strong?

If Michael was WEIRD, if Michael was BIZARRE then please let me be weird and bizarre too because Michael was a genious.
thats my theory, even though they were not they LOOKED weird, cause all geniuses look weird on the COMMON EYE!!!!!!!!! Gods sake, what about Mozart too, i could name many, but when comparing to Michael, Mozart always comes to my mind first, and i love Mozart as much

I think what people don't realize, is they need eccentrics like this. The world needs a certain percentage of unconventional people to break barriers, whether it's in music, the arts, the sciences, or economics. Without them we would have never made any progress. What would the world be like without Einstein or Edison? The world owes a lot to these so called "weird" geniuses.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

weird ? NO?

Michael is/was too good for this jaded, self absorbed, self centered world.

That is EXACTLY it....I totally agree...Everyone else is weird...
Funny thing is that while alot of the world thought that Michael was weird, he felt the same way about everyone else. Michael thought that people were weird because they were pushing for wars while Michael was pushing for peace
what normal person could accomplish the things he accomplished? It's weird to be that talented :) but also in addition to his talent Mj is one of the weirdest people to ever live.

Not automatically a bad thing. I don't know why people are so bent on pretending it isn't true. It's really, really, really, really obvious that he is really, really, really weird.

I mean who uses propofol to go to sleep at night? Normal people? And before we knew about that we already knew he was really weird.

Hey if your proud of MJ, than you don't need to pretend. You can say it proudly. Yeah he was weird. So what? At least that way people will take you seriously, and they will believe that you actually believe what your saying.
I jsut present a statement:

Genious and eccentricity come hand in hand... and give them a list of examples. That usually shuts them up.

And to quote the great Rev:

'There aint nothin strange about yo daddeh... its strange what yo daddeh had to deal with'
I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him
Wow, I woulda made exactly the same thread myself! Agreed 100%.

It's crazy when you think how the media can turn a person into someone they are not. Like you said, I do think Michael is the least weird celebrity among all the ones I've ever seen and heard about. He is one of those very down-to-earth and decent people esp. in Hollywood. Why some stars who do crazy sh*t are considered "cool":smilerolleyes: while Michael is picked on?

Yeah it's a shame those interviews like the one with Rev.Jesse Jackson or Steve Harvey didn't reach to many people.
Woah ^^^ Im a native english speaker and I come out with THAT sentance?!?! I obviously need to sleeeeep!! *slams head on keyboard and starts snoring and drooling*
i know exactly what you mean... i go through this conversation almost DAILY, and i hate it. michael was not weird, but i cba wasting my time on those idiots who think that. they're just IGNORANT FOOLS like michael so nicely would have put it.
On Friday I was talking to some of the MJJC girls in the pub before the club night and the conversation moved onto how people treated us during the trial because we were MJ fans. I said 'they treated us like scum' and everyone agreed with that statement. I was in halls of residence at the time and I'd have people give me looks as to why I was blasting his music. Half an hour later they just walked off as I lambasted them with facts about the case and why MJ was innocent. Not that I cared. I'll defend MJ until the day I die and I'm proud to be a Michael Jackson fan. People can take their ignorant and misinformed statements and shove it.
On Friday I was talking to some of the MJJC girls in the pub before the club night and the conversation moved onto how people treated us during the trial because we were MJ fans. I said 'they treated us like scum' and everyone agreed with that statement. I was in halls of residence at the time and I'd have people give me looks as to why I was blasting his music. Half an hour later they just walked off as I lambasted them with facts about the case and why MJ was innocent. Not that I cared. I'll defend MJ until the day I die and I'm proud to be a Michael Jackson fan. People can take their ignorant and misinformed statements and shove it.

Couldn't agree more! I had people saying to me through the trial, "you're still a fan, even though he's done all this stuff with kids?" Uh, yes, because he was 100% innocent you friggin idiot! I mean, what a cheek to ask me that! Why would I stop being a fan after I have been for years? Geez.. :smilerolleyes:
I think what frightens and confuses people the most, is how much FAITH we have in Michael. they cant get their head around it, poor them.
I think what frightens and confuses people the most, is how much FAITH we have in Michael. they cant get their head around it, poor them.

I agree. They don't get it so they resort to the name calling. 'MJ stans', 'hero worshipers', and 'blinded' are all popular terms used against us frequently on message boards.
I have given up talking to people about Michael, I dont have the strength nor the nerves to explain to them anything anymore. As far as I am concerned, Michael is an icon and people who have problem with that are usually low life scums.
Michael was definatly his own man thats one of the reasons why I loved him so much he had his own style his own personality he want a generic artist. I love everything about MJ I have always tryed to mimic his style with the hats and the jackets haha

But in this day and age anything thats not generic is " weird"

But the biggest thing I hate that people say when disscussing Mike is " I liked him before he turned white"

That just pisses me off