One thing I hate when talking about Mike to people

Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

This is what all the ppl im around is saying. "He was good, but.. he was ugly" or "he was great but kinda gay" and all that stupid sh**. I get so pissed, but I try ignore it or tell them that they are wrong.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him
Exaxtly, I agree with you in 100%.
People who aren't huge fans always say that he's kinda weird when I talk to someone about Michael..
And I just wish they knew and saw him in the light that we fans know and see him
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

To a big degree it shows people's fearfrom and agresivity towards what is different. Whetehr he was waird or different is irrelevant, really... the issue is, why should that be a problem?.

Artists, genius artists anyway, are usually "weird".
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

anything different is considered weird today. so in that sense, i am glad Michael was "weird" cuz he was different than anyone else.




I agree
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I agree. Michael is one of the only humans who makes sense to me.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Yeah, i think he is one of the most logical - or even the most logical person ive heard of. He dealt with everything in a smart even way, not all crazy n ahhhhhhh hahaha, f the media

We gotta do our best to spread the love

Jackie xxx
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I know what you mean!! I HATE that! And you can't convince them otherwise either...people just think what they want to think. Gah.
But seriously...if Michael was weird, then I sure as hell don't want to be normal!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I like weird. Some people would call me weird. I think it's good because it's different. Michael is one of the most "normal" people I've come across. I think more people should be like him. That being said, I tend not to bring him up in conversations because I don't want to hear any crap from people, so I just keep my mouth shut. All my life I've been made to feel guilty for listening to his music, but I don't think I really should. They're the ones who don't get it, they're the ones who bought into the media's lies. I think my mom has it right when she told me just because these stars change, people start abandoning them and disliking them. It becomes like a trend to dislike them. I know now days if I hear someone bashing Michael, I will try to set them straight.

My dad has said some nasty things about Michael, but I've just ignored him and I don't really give a damn about what he says. He doesn't like him nor his music. Sometimes there's no reasoning with people and they will just keep on hating.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I am recieving unbelievable amounts of email for it. Its custom made, the design isnt original cuz i saw it online. And i wanted to get it by hook or crook and was willing to pay whatever price for it too. But that site sounded realllly fishy. N e ways i just saved the image and gave it to a local print company in my neighbourhood. I`ll post more pics once i get my finished product. Thanks though and feel free to use the design towards your own hoodie or shirt.

thanks.... loving the design.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Tell me about it. I have no time for people who say things like that. You can't point at someone that is different to you and say that their weird. The other person might say you're weird because you're not the same as the person you've just called weird, then if so everyones just weird!
Just because Michael built a theme park in his garden doesn't mean he's weird, it just means he has a cooler house than you.
Just because he wore pyjamas pants going shopping doesn't mean he was weird it just means he couldn't find his trousers in the morning or he felt like having a lazy day.
Some people hate anything different, they'r'e threatened by it.
Poeple think I'm weird that I listen to Michael non stop , no that doesn't make me weird, it just means I love Michael Jackson. Simple as that.

Gosh I could rant all night about this .
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

i dont talk about mj to anyone ! if the subject is coming up i quickly change the subject
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Oh yeap, it annoys me.

When our King of Pop died I heard people saying stuff like this:

"I am not a fan of Michael Jackon but I am sorry for this lost , he was great artist but that thing of hanging his children over balcony...something happened with that guy"

And this:
"His music was great his dancing, a true great artist (bla bla bla) but, sorry, since he hung his baby over a hotel´s balcony... humm.. I never liked that"
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

i dont talk about mj to anyone ! if the subject is coming up i quickly change the subject

yeah i sometimes feel like this, but on the other hand i dont think its right to keep quiet about him, he taught us so much, try n pass the msg on lol xxxx
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people friends will told me to get over him and start preaching about God...heaven....bla bla bla. they call me crazy and who's so fanatic?
i hate to talk with non fans...they wouldnt understand coz they dont care so mostly i avoid to have MJ conversation with them...if they start i prefer to avoid it
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

yeah i sometimes feel like this, but on the other hand i dont think its right to keep quiet about him, he taught us so much, try n pass the msg on lol xxxx

You are so right Jackie… for years I never spoke about Michael – I kept everything I felt about him and his beautiful gentle ways so to avoid conflict with ignorance – it was just so tiresome… only my parents and husband knew of my devotion and love for a man I have loved nearly my entire life.

That was and continues to be one of the most difficult things I ever had to deal with now that he is gone… that I never spoke up in situations I thought would only end up in arguments or with me defending him… I was never ashamed or afraid I just couldn’t be bothered… and I wish I had been.

Now I don’t care… almost all my friends are accepting, but think I am a little delusional and poke fun at me in jest – that is why I am so glad I found you guys – it is so nice to be here with you all – just wish I had found you sooner!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

It's hard to deny that Michael's hard childhood didn't have an effect on him as an adult!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

You have to recognize that his children names are a little strange... it doesn't matter anyway, there's people who name their children in more strange ways, lol.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

In any case, I think that better than denying he's weird, it's probably better to ask the person to explain themselves and see if they have any argument for what they're saying of if tehy're just repeting what the press have been feeding him. They might notice themselves that the latter is true.
Or just say "so what?, geniuses are usually eccentric!".
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I only hate one thing wich is when non fans tell ME that he they liked him ''better'' when he was black. really wtf... Now that is weird to me. Aghh I dislike people like that so much >.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

This is what all the ppl im around is saying. "He was good, but.. he was ugly" or "he was great but kinda gay" and all that stupid sh**. I get so pissed, but I try ignore it or tell them that they are wrong.

people like that crack me up! It always seems like they're fans, but really embarrased to admit it, so they say something rude after every positive comment to even things out.
Like: "yeah he was a genius.... uhm... but totally weird too"
It's like they slipped up and now have to cover it up.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

People are ignorant.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him

Yep the excat same thing happens 2 me 2!!!

It really ticke me off!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I know exactly what you mean. Whenever i am on Xbox live and talking to for example...i was talking to a friend about TII the film, andsomeone in the chat said 'what movie are you talking about' So i said..This is it, Michael Jackson....yeah dude, you are dealing with two real die hard MJ fans here.

So that;s all before someone can say something shitty about Mike.

Awhile ago on this other forum people were talking about his passing. And someone actually said
'fantastic artist, but not such a good person' ...when i read that i lost it and replied back. How the fuck
can anyone say such a thing...if anything, he was TOO good for this rotten world.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Michael, weird?

If he was weird, it was for seeing that another world is possible. A world free of the lust, gluttony and greed that is epidemic, the destruction of our environment. The greed that is all-encompassing, that drives the deaths of anybody who speaks out against it.

If he was weird, it was for urging us towards that other world, for knowing that its possible and that the system we live in is destructive, greedy and deadly, it kills us, strips us of dignity and humanity.

If he was weird, it was only for fighting this system every step of the way in an effort to bring love and hope back to a planet full of greed, greed so strong it kills off entire species, destroyes entire forests and turns them into deserts, destroys entire cultures and kills millions.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

You have to recognize that his children names are a little strange... it doesn't matter anyway, there's people who name their children in more strange ways, lol.

Okay I know you said it doesn't matter any way but...

'a little strange'

How so?

For his sons Prince comes from Michael's grandfather, great grandfather...

Which probably came from waaaaaaaaay...back in the day when people used to down talk black folks by calling them boy/girl and so on... So black people would name there kids stuff like Prince and such...(or so I've been told...can anyone back me up on that?) but then taking that part out they are basically named after Michael.

And Paris well....the city.

I'm just curious.
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Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

weird ? NO?

Michael is/was too good for this jaded, self absorbed, self centered world.

Well said buddy, and yes I have encountered that a LOT. Just recently someone said this when I showed them the VMA BJ video which was on my phone. "Wow so pro singer and dancer, if only he didn't bleach his skin." And I'm there with a WTF face. -_________- So I started telling that it's all rumours and stuff.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I was talking with a girl in one of my classes the other day and I mentioned I was going to see TII. She said to me "He was so sad. I don't think it's his fault he became a bad person".

I kind of had to contain my anger, haha...but I replied by saying "he never WAS a bad person," and we talked about his humanitarianism and I told her a little about the media's lies, the truth about the trial and the allegations, and the vitiligo, etc, and she was kind of embarrassed that she hadn't known.

It was actually kind of nice, because she walked away knowing at least a little bit of the truth about him. Even though that makes me sound kind of smug, it's okay with me.