One thing I hate when talking about Mike to people

Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I sooo agree with you!! I get SO tired of this... "yeah, he made great music..but he was weird" "Yeah, he was cool..but you have to agree that he turned crazy the last years"...
Djisus I'm tired of people saying that to me.. I defend him, and say what I mean, and put them in their place..cause they are just ignorant. And then I just say "I dont wanna talk about it, cause I only get upset", or something like that. I'm sick of it..people are ignorant.

What was said to his children in the memorial "Michael wasn't weird, it was weird what he had to deal with."..... Couldn't said it more true and right. And Paris clapped really hard and smiled...God bless his children.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Yeah, I've gotten that a lot... but for me, the most annoying thing now is the people who, when Michael died were all of a sudden the biggest fans in the world and kept saying oh no I always listened to his music, and now couldn't give less of a crap about Michael or his work. That really pisses me off...
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

In total agreement with you. I just had this happen today at work. Co-worker asked me about the movie (since I went last night) and he said basically verbatim what you said. I had to end the conversation right there. I can get passionate about it with people, but sometimes it's not worth it.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Yes this has happened to me too, it annoys me! :rant:
Michael was not weird at all, people don't get it don't they, he was a human being too!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

If Michael was weird, then I am as well.
And that's okay with me!

Michael was a threat on so many levels, the logical thing to do was to convince the masses he was 'weird' and try to destroy his credibility.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Okay I know you said it doesn't matter any way but...

'a little strange'

How so?

For his sons Prince comes from Michael's grandfather, great grandfather...

Which probably came from waaaaaaaaay...back in the day when people used to down talk black folks by calling them boy/girl and so on... So black people would name there kids stuff like Prince and such...(or so I've been told...can anyone back me up on that?) but then taking that part out they are basically named after Michael.

And Paris well....the city.

I'm just curious.

It's not the name Prince that I find strange, but the fact that he named them both Prince.
Also, that all of them are named Michael as well... why would you do that?.

Sorry, not trying to be mean. But I do think they're strange names.

But like I said, it doesn't really matter.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Oh, okay. Meh I guess...

Geogre Foreman did that with his sons and he has 5.

Tito sorta did that with with 2 of his sons. So it happens. *shrug*
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Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Some people have even said to me that after watching This Is It they thought that Mike was acting weird in that. Are they f-ing drunk? Were they watching a different movie than i was? During the This Is It movie Micheal came accross as very sweet, humble, funny and down to earth, he didn't act weird in anyway what so ever.

I think that people want Michael to be weird so they convince themselves into thinking he is, even though he isn't
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I agree with you analogue, and it's very annoying when people say that when talking about Michael.

I think that people want Michael to be weird so they convince themselves into thinking he is, even though he isn't
I think so too, they don't want to admit that Michael was actually a normal human being, funny and humble like we all should be. He's too good to be true for them.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I quite like the fact that so many people didn't understand or know him or even thought he was weird. It means we don't have to share him with so many people! There's something quite nice about knowing him in a way others don't.
Imagine - if everyone thought he was as all round wonderful as we did, we'd never get the chance to see him in concert etc. There'd be too much demand!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Just got the 'weird' thing again yesterday, and it pissed me off like never before!

A guy at my job asks me if I went to see the movie, I say yes, then he says 'so, how was it, I start talking and then, from nowhere he starts talking about how weird he was and that we canno deny it that it had something weird and that what he did was weird..

I SWEAR he must've said the word weird 10 times in 20 seconds. I was getting very angry and almost shouted at him STOP DAMMIT!

Then he just said 'what were you saying about the movie?'

I said in a low, annoyed voice 'it was good' then didn't talk to him for the rest of the day.

Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

People talk out of their asses, I swear sometimes I become surprised at their ignorance. Like this guy the other day was badmouthing him, and when I started to mention his kids he didn't even know he was a dad. He was like whatttt?? He has kids?? How can you talk crap about a person you don't know nothing about?!!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Michael was not weird. I get that too. It's always "he was talented but...". I hate that. Many people have said if you had the chance to be around him or talk to him you would see what a good person he was. I blame the media a lot for how they treated Michael and the way people looked at him. Then when he died they talk about him in a nice way. Why couldn't they do that when he was still alive? He had a heart and feelings and these people stomped all over them. They could never bash his talent so they went after him as a person. It was terrible.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Sheesh, if people come away from this movie and still think Michael is weird, then I guess there's no changing their minds...
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Weird is a matter of opinion. SOme of these people who call Michael weird can be viewed as weird as well. I corrected a girl in the store in 2003 about Michael. She was looking at tabloid and called him this and I showed her her own ways. For her to be sitting and judging a man whom she does not know is viewed can make her be viewed as a weirdo. She had to agree and then change the tone to how talented and chariable Michael was regardless to the claims at the time. That is how you have to deal with people. It is just like tabloid people. You know you have to have a dirty life and be very insecure and full of mishaps in your own lives in order to get into a business that lie on people to make money.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I've seen a lot 'weird' things and mj is not one of them

I don't give an EF anymore.. as long as we keep showin our love of him in public..and that doesn't necessarily arguing back.. people will *eventually* get the message.
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Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

As children we are told to be unique, to be an original. As teenagers and adults we are pressured to bottle up our emotions and be bland and "normal". I think this is why Michael related to children, as a teenager he was expressive and unique and this carried through his adulthood.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Uh.. when someone says to me that Michael was weird or something, instead of starting to argue with them to prove Michael's innocence, I just say 'Okey then, give me one reason why you think so?' And most of the ppl can't give ANY serious reason why they think Michael is weird.. they start with that stale 'his skin is so white', 'look at his nose', 'he always wears black', 'he doesn't speak in public' blahblah.. bullshit bullshit bullshit... I don't even explain them the situation. They have been so stupid to believe that media maddness and I'm not gonna be the one to open their eyes. Don't waist your time on those prejudiced ppl...
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'd rather have one weird Michael Jackson than 10 million so-called "normal" people. The way I see it, Michael had more guts than any of the people who criticized him for his "weirdness" combined. Me and my friend used to talk about how we would walk around town with our pyjama pants like Michael all the time if we were as brave as him (and it'd be kind of cold to do that in October over here). :D

99.9% of the people I see walking down the street every day are either trying to hide themselves with their boring business-clothing and by looking all busy and important, or they're trying blend in with some groups that they don't feel that they belong to. Michael was being himself and I guess that just doesn't fit the norm for a lot of people. But I still wish the world could be more like the way he saw it and I wish more people could dare to live their lives the way Michael did, by being themselves. If that's seen as weird by some, then too bad for them. They may live longer lives than Michael but can they say they lived?
I agree!
people always say that to me and its so hard not to get into a heated debate with them about it.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'd rather have one weird Michael Jackson than 10 million so-called "normal" people. The way I see it, Michael had more guts than any of the people who criticized him for his "weirdness" combined. Me and my friend used to talk about how we would walk around town with our pyjama pants like Michael all the time if we were as brave as him (and it'd be kind of cold to do that in October over here). :D

99.9% of the people I see walking down the street every day are either trying to hide themselves with their boring business-clothing and by looking all busy and important, or they're trying blend in with some groups that they don't feel that they belong to. Michael was being himself and I guess that just doesn't fit the norm for a lot of people. But I still wish the world could be more like the way he saw it and I wish more people could dare to live their lives the way Michael did, by being themselves. If that's seen as weird by some, then too bad for them. They may live longer lives than Michael but can they say they lived?

Great post!:cheers:
I used to talk about Mike to people all the time... even those who don't want to hear it.

but after his napping, i don't like talking about him to people.
I've always been able to handle anything negative/cruel things about him before.

but now i can't talk about him without crying.
When i try to defend him i would end up crying and get very violent.
of course i talk about him to other Michael Lovers. but not the ignorants... i try to avoid it.

he was never weird.
When people say he's weird, i alway thought back to the 1993 Grammy awards...
when he was like "i wasn't aware that the world thought i was so weird and bizarre"... O____o UHHHHH it kills me everytime.

If he's weird then weird must be a really beautiful thing.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'd rather have one weird Michael Jackson than 10 million so-called "normal" people. The way I see it, Michael had more guts than any of the people who criticized him for his "weirdness" combined. Me and my friend used to talk about how we would walk around town with our pyjama pants like Michael all the time if we were as brave as him (and it'd be kind of cold to do that in October over here). :D

I used to wear my PJ to school and town all the time... O_O
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I used to wear my PJ to school and town all the time... O_O

Which is awesome :). I just remembered that when Michael did that it was somehow portrayed as weird and bizarre by the media. Most of the time when the media were pointing at some of the things that Michael did and called him weird for that, I thought it was the media who came out looking ridiculous.
i once got into serious debate with my friend about michael miming some of his songs in live performances, so what if he did mimed! but that just a few of fast songs and of course you'd run out breath to sing and dance at the same, michael's a true musical genius, he can do whatever he wants!!! i really hate when people give reasons like they dont like michael coz he's black, cant sing live (WHICH IS SO WRONG!!!!), and talk about negative things about him, :(, I DEFINITELY DO NOT BELIEVE IN TABLOID JUNK! RUBBISH!!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

It's not the name Prince that I find strange, but the fact that he named them both Prince.
Also, that all of them are named Michael as well... why would you do that?.

Sorry, not trying to be mean. But I do think they're strange names.

But like I said, it doesn't really matter.

I think it's more from tradition to include fathers/grand-fathers names for boys and mothers/grand-mothers or god parents names as middle names.

Like Michael Joseph Jackson per his father and Prince Michael Jackson per father /great grand-father for his sons. (rich families name their sons I , II, III etc all of the time because of the legacy thing)

Paris Katherine Jackson is named after Michael's grand mother and mother. And also was conceived in Paris, France. So, two good reason for her name.

Nothing strange there.
No Michael wasn't weird. But he was eccentric and unique. He stayed true to himself. I always found his being "different" one of the most attractive things about him. There is a difference between being unusual and being weird.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'd rather have one weird Michael Jackson than 10 million so-called "normal" people. The way I see it, Michael had more guts than any of the people who criticized him for his "weirdness" combined. Me and my friend used to talk about how we would walk around town with our pyjama pants like Michael all the time if we were as brave as him (and it'd be kind of cold to do that in October over here). :D

99.9% of the people I see walking down the street every day are either trying to hide themselves with their boring business-clothing and by looking all busy and important, or they're trying blend in with some groups that they don't feel that they belong to. Michael was being himself and I guess that just doesn't fit the norm for a lot of people. But I still wish the world could be more like the way he saw it and I wish more people could dare to live their lives the way Michael did, by being themselves. If that's seen as weird by some, then too bad for them. They may live longer lives than Michael but can they say they lived?

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thank You!