One thing I hate when talking about Mike to people


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

analogue, it's like you read my mind and swiped my exact thoughts :)
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

anything different is considered weird today. so in that sense, i am glad Michael was "weird" cuz he was different than anyone else.



Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I agree
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

He was anything but WERID. Only some immature person who doesn't know who the real Michael was would say that.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I'm not sure if this happens to any of you but whenever Michael Jackson is brought up in a conversation someone will always say to me ''Yeah he was fantastic but you gotta admit he was weird'' and i'm thinking to myself ''No i don't have to admit he's weird at all''. As a matter of fact out of all the famous people i've seen being interviewed, Michael comes accross as the least weird one of them all to me. He's so humble and down to earth and i think that the problem is that people only know Michael through the media and the media painted that weird imagine on him. But if people would only listen to him in interviews (The one's that haven't been edited to make Michael look bad) they'd see that there isn't anything weird about him at all. Well in my opinion there's nothing weird about him

I just wish that people would listen to what Michael had to say himself instead of always listening to what other people said about him

Exactly my thoughts. This is why I cringe whenever Michael is brought up in any context with the average person. It's sad I know :( But it's horribly difficult to deal with at times. I will always correct them.. But nonetheless..
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I have the exact same feeling, and It's really annoying, they always say, ''Well, I liked the music but the man was sooo weird, it's obvious he has psychological issues and wasn't clear in his head''

I heard it just 2 days ago at thrilltheworld event where I live! Damn, I was like ok, what do I do, do I AGAIN start talking and explaining and showing things about Michael so they can understand, or I just let go cause I don't feel like spending energy on that today?

It's always the same thing! ''He was a good dancer but he was weirdo!''

I just don't know where to begin when it happens!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I have the exact same feeling, and It's really annoying, they always say, ''Well, I liked the music but the man was sooo weird, it's obvious he has psychological issues and wasn't clear in his head''

I heard it just 2 days ago at thrilltheworld event where I live! Damn, I was like ok, what do I do, do I AGAIN start talking and explaining and showing things about Michael so they can understand, or I just let go cause I don't feel like spending energy on that today?

It's always the same thing! ''He was a good dancer but he was weirdo!''

I just don't know where to begin when it happens!

It just shows the power of the media. Which is why I refuse to watch the news or read newspapers/gossip magazines..
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

The media stinks. Keep being positive. The truth will come out. Everything they have been saying about Michael they have been proven wrong. The truth is slowly filtering through.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I hope you are right, where I live, there are so many haters you almost have to hide you're a fan or they imediatly think you are crazy, suicidal and know nothing of ''what (didn't) happenned''
I'm exausted each time I try to explain cause I don't have enough patience for that, when people are saying he's a pedo or weird, I just loose it and talk in an almost agressive way, so I loose all credibility and I'm just then categorized 'crazy fan'
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Im tired of people calling him like that!! I really hate those people making fun of Michael!! I just want them to stop... Im so mad!!! ahhh!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I feel the same way as you and it´s always very sad to hear...
And this happens cause people don´t stop and think about the information they´re getting from the press. They don´t even try to investigate if this or that information is true and just keep repeating it over and over again. They only give atention to what people judges like being weird, like plastic surgeries and all less important things that get very much larger proportions than it really has. But those things Michael did and people could appreciate they don´t take notice, or because Michael has never tried to call atention for it (he´s never wanted to show himself out), or cause media considers is not profitable to spread the truth. Hence, anyway people are unaware of what MJ is really about, and it´s so unfare, cause they´re privating theirselves from knowing such amazing person.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I echo all your thoughts and feelings...:*****:

I'd go as far as to say, I don't bring him up in conversation, and if his name is mentioned, I get the strong urge to change the subject because I know what to expect, some stupid comment, some hurtful ignorant remark. :(

The way I see it is I'd rather not have his name mentioned at all, then have it mentioned and then mocked. To me he is too sanctified to be discussed loosley and jokingly. You may think I'm going to far, but every time I hear his name mentioned by 'non-fans' I cringe, because I'm waiting for a silly comment to be dropped. It hurts, so I'd rather not hear it.

Its an awful way for things to be, but you can't go around arguing with the world...and people who know Im an ardent fan, will take what I say with a pinch of salt becuase in their eyes I'm just 'obsessed with him'.

I wish more people would open their hearts and minds to who he really is, then we wouldnt have this sorry state of affairs. It hurts so much to hear people talk nonsense about him...I can't imagine the pain he must have felt.

Sorry for rambling, but I had this happen to me today, I had to stop my brother in law calling him J***o, and it made me think 'people just don't realise'. He wasn't even being horrible, he was just referring to him in that way, and I said "It's Jackson".
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

^^ I approve, I'd rather not his name being mentionned than mocked too.
btw, love you siggy!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

anyone that does not conform to normality is percieved as "strange and weird2

Whos to say whats weird and what isnt ?
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

People hated it that Michael wouldnt fit into the box that people wanted him to be in. He was himself, always. :(
Soo sad we can't ever get him back!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I do the same thing, I find I will often say I know he was strange but he was a genius or something to that affect,before everytime I talk about him, and I also do it as away to prevent the other person from saying something I will get really mad about. But your right, he wasnt strange. I think I will stop buffering everything I say about Michael.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

-_- Michaels a wierdo but I still love him. I dont care if you dont love the man but at least respect him. I dont give a hoots about madonna but im gonna go snicketing at her
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I SO know what you mean!!!!!

And for some odd reason, it takes a while to explain my side of things
*sigh*- a tiresome job...but I'm up for it for as long as it takes!!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

That's why I never mention Michael to other people until I know they like him or at least appreciate him.

I just dont want to waste my breath explaining the obvious...and waste my time talking to ignorant people.

At least my family don't mind at all that I'm a MJ fan. Some people I've talked to have to hide it from their parents which I find so sad... :(
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Agreed. Michael wasnt weird, it was weird what he had to deal with.

I agree.

BUT what I wanna ask is: WHERE CAN THAT shirt in your siggy be bought??

It looks so extremely cool I would LOVE to have that!
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Thank god for this thread me and my team had to pop off on a few people we know going so hard at him calling him gay a sellout and so on. I had to put them in their place I did my own research on him find out this man did so much for people, children, Music etc. He was like the God of the industry schooling them young cats on how the industry can really fail them but never give up on their dreams. After I send a few people who i was popping off on some of his speeches especially the one he did in NY they start feeling sad. He was apart of not only black history but every race history he struggle his heart out to express what love is he express what being united as one was very color blind just straight up love the world and even when they try to brake him down he remain so humble I really love him as if he was my own father, brother or uncle. The haters even went and read his book Moonwalk at times I wish the haters have a clear mind when talking side ways about MJ and Read real facts about him. I’m out 100
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Haters are ignorant.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

Depends on who I'm talking to; if I don't care for the person I'll just say "Oh! You're one of those Headline readers, huh?

Or I'll say; "Aren't we all weird to some degree? The man was a genius he had the right to be. Just like Mozart, Michelangelo, John Lennon etc. If someone's a genius they're labelled weird by society. That's how it goes."

About a month ago I had made 3 MJ CDs for friends I work with. 2 of them were really happy and thankful but the third one said "No thanks. I don't like him". I said; oh, ok. Then my supervisor was there and I asked her "do you want a Michael Jackson CD?" She said oh yes, cool, thanks.
Forward to last week; I was telling my friends about what I was gonna wear for the movie and that friend that didn't want the CD the month before asked "when are you guys going?"
I just answered "Nov 4th. we're going to the Imax. I think it's sold out though."

And next week when she hears us rave about the movie she'll probably go check it out.

Personally, I think it's better not to try to convince them. If they talk tabloids stuff just walk away. They'll get curious eventually. Specially when they hear about the movie.

Also never try to reason with a real hater. Let it be. It's their loss.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I agree.

BUT what I wanna ask is: WHERE CAN THAT shirt in your siggy be bought??

It looks so extremely cool I would LOVE to have that!

I am recieving unbelievable amounts of email for it. Its custom made, the design isnt original cuz i saw it online. And i wanted to get it by hook or crook and was willing to pay whatever price for it too. But that site sounded realllly fishy. N e ways i just saved the image and gave it to a local print company in my neighbourhood. I`ll post more pics once i get my finished product. Thanks though and feel free to use the design towards your own hoodie or shirt.
Re: One thing i hate when talking about Mike to people

I find it all depends who you talk to. There will always be haters, but even those people admit MJ was hugely talented. I find the majority of people I talk to thought MJ was an amazing performer who was overly gifted and should be viewed as an icon. That's 80% of the people I talk to. The other 20% are just immature and haven't done any research. They are usually the typical idiots that I have no interest in even having a conversation with. I find since his death, more people are open to MJ now. He is literally everywhere and is more accepted in general. So I guess if one good thing that came out of MJ's death is that it really gave him that "comeback" he wanted.