Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans
But you should not go through this stress after listening to your favorite artist--you see what I mean. You should be able to play his song, say Waw he has changed his technique, love it, or don't like it. You should not have to say "which part is him and which is Jason?" They took the fun and love out of the new release and I am not happy with them.
exactly. never in my entire life, ever since i was a baby, have i EVER been made to go through this 'artificial' process, when it comes to listening to music. either i danced in my crib, or i didn't period. like the two year old who sang 'beat it', that's what music listening's supposed to be about. from the soul. 'audiologists' never interfered with the average listener, before.
so, all of a sudden, this process is supposed to be ok?
nobody is supposed to tell you that you can't hear, and that you should listen to an 'audiologist'. that's bullshit.
hell...i never had that problem with Elvis Presley. why am i supposed to have it with Michael Jackson, all of a sudden?
indeed..the MJ experience has been the most fun experience in my life. it was never a dictatorship.
now, sony is trying to make it a dictatorship. along with people who agree with them.
i don't need a 'professional director' to tell me how to keep MJ's legacy.
don't worry MJ, i will keep your legacy.
i don't have to buy Breaking News, and i won't.
and for those who say, i'm hurting MJ's legacy by not buying this, you know that's bullshit when you're saying it. you already know there are myriad ways to keep his legacy, witnout buying this album, just as Elvis' legacy is being kept without any new music of his coming out.
so making that leap and rediculous comparison, is like saying i hate MJ's mother, because i disagree with something she said about Michael. or hate my mother because i disagree with something she said.
you know that disagreement does not automatically mean hate. and you already know that not buying something new does not mean erasing a legacy, when you can surely rebuy something old. but you already knew that, and just want to argue, anyway.