Guess what?? Guess what???
Still nothing here. No single word, mail, note or book from Opus. Nothing. I am really bored
Funny thing is I bought two books from Amazon UK on December 8th and, tired of my stuff getting delayed even when I paid extra money to get them sooner, I just asked for those to be sent by regular post, no extra taxes, no delay, no FedEx, no tracking number, just simple, regular, snail mail. As I arrived to my office this morning, they were on my desk happy and fresh.
So... I wonder... do my newly arrived books know a way to Chile my Opus doesn't know? What about that terrible weather blocking the whole world? Is my Opus on the hands of some pirate from Somalia or something??
PCR, you are so really do hope you get it soon! I can't wait for you to see it!!