Official: AllGood Entertainment Sues Michael Jackson

Οn the Fifth Count, that Plaintiff be awarded an order enjoining
Defendants from producing, performing and promoting the Jackson concerts schedule for
the summer of 2009, or at any time during the “blackout period;”

Money money money money!!!
Funny that they have not produced said "agreements." Those so-called agreements should have been attached to the complaint they filed. That's #1.

It also appears that AEG is not too concerned, since AllGood Entertainment sent AEG a "cease and desist" letter way back in March. That's #2.

And now their lawyer is talking about them being a part of the O2 concert dates. PLEASE!

haha! rethinks it... just renames them no entertainment:tease:
I don't think for one moment the London concerts will not happen because of this, there is no signed contract, no proof that they ever spoke directly to Michael, and unless he has given Frank power of attorney to sign on his behalf, and please god he hasn't then I can't see that they have a leg to stand on.

I'm just thinking that if AllGood Entertainment had a signed Power of Attorney in their possession "from MJ to Mr. DiLeo," they would have attached it to their complaint. It would have at least given some weight to their claims.

Oh and since AllGood is claiming that Mr. DiLeo signed for the entire Jackson Claim. Then, in my opinion, their should be a signed "Power of Attorney" attached to their claim from each Jackson family member that Mr. DiLeo signed on behalf of.

I'm just saying, if you want your claims to sound valid, then you should attached ALL relevant documents to your complaint.
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I'm just thinking that if AllGood Entertainment had a signed Power of Attorney in their possession "from MJ to Mr. DiLeo," they would have attached it to their complaint. It would have at least given some weight to their claims.

Yes, but look at this that TSCM posted on page 11

PURCHASER shall allow "Company [Frank Dileo]" 120 days to acquirer [sic] written confirmation from all family members involved including Michael Jackson. If more time is needed to confirm the participation of the Artists, the parties shall discuss, and agree in writing upon, a reasonable extension (Purchaser and Company).

I guess they dont have those written confirmations ;)
Yes, but look at this that TSCM posted on page 11

I hear you, and it's obvious "to me" that AllGood Entertainment never received that written comfirmation from each family member, otherwise those written confirmations would have been attached to AllGood's complaint.

And therefore their complaint could have stated that "all family members are on board this project, except MJ."

I also think it's interesting that their complaint NEVER addresses the fact that AllGood has at least spoken, one-on-one, with the OTHER members of the Jackson family. I mean, we know MJ is the marque name, but the other members should have a voice also (especially Jermaine, LOL).
I'm positive it will all be fine.

You don't hire a band, dancers, Ortega, have AEG live backing you, rehearse for months for the biggest stage show of the decade and get stopped by something like this a month before it start's. Either it will all amount to nothing, or AEG or MJ will settle with them. There is no way they will let this stand in there way. Besides, considering AllGood are willing to dissapoint over a million fans, it's not like they care about MJ or us anyway, they just want money. If they get it they will shut up. Anything for money, lie for you, die for you, even sell your soul to the devil.

this post sums up everything. just read this post if you start to have doubts. MJJC poster of the day!
NJ promoter sues Michael Jackson, alleging breach
By DAVID PORTER – 1 hour ago

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey concert promoter has sued entertainer Michael Jackson for $40 million for allegedly breaching a contract to play a reunion concert with other family members.
In a lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court in Manhattan, Allgood Entertainment claims it made a deal with Jackson's then-manager to produce a reunion concert with the Jackson family this summer and possibly a pay-per-view Jackson family reunion event.
The deal called for Jackson not to perform elsewhere before the event or for at least three months after it. The lawsuit says Jackson, manager Frank DiLeo and event promoter AEG broke the contract by signing to do a series of concerts in London this summer, which may also include a pay-per-view event.
According to the lawsuit, AEG knew of the agreement between AllGood, Dileo and Jackson, "but due to their dominance and power in the live performance industry, coerced and/or induced Dileo and Jackson to disregard the agreements with AllGood and to work with it instead."
"We've given Michael Jackson and AEG every opportunity, publicly and privately, to resolve this matter and to date we have not heard from anyone," said Patrick Allocco, Allgood managing partner.
Allocco said the last contact with either camp was May 22 in Beverly Hills.
Representatives for Jackson and AEG could not immediately be reached Wednesday.
Allgood attorney Ira Meyerowitz said the company isn't looking to stop Jackson from performing.
"What were looking for," Meyerowitz said, "is for our clients to be involved in the London concerts or be compensated for agreements they entered into."

This one actually sounds more reasonable. Here they also say Allgood is NOT looking to STOP MJ from performing. I hope all this gets cleared soon...and really,if Allgood IS right, they have a right to get their wishes..or whatever you wanna call it. An agreement, is agreement. However , if Allgood hasn't got any proof of these signed agreements....then it's all very shady and ..well..bullshit?
awful. i really hate mj sometimes for all this. he has the worst team ever as the most famous person on earth. really embarassing.
This one actually sounds more reasonable. Here they also say Allgood is NOT looking to STOP MJ from performing. I hope all this gets cleared soon...and really,if Allgood IS right, they have a right to get their wishes..or whatever you wanna call it. An agreement, is agreement. However , if Allgood hasn't got any proof of these signed agreements....then it's all very shady and ..well..bullshit?

I understand what you're saying, I just can't see Frank DiLeo have the authority to sign a binding agreement for Tito, Jackie, Randy, Marlon, Jermaine and especially Janet Jackson. I mean, surely Janet has her own representatives that would speak on her behalf.

The signing for the ENTIRE family is the point I continue to come back to, because I just can't see Mr. DiLeo having the authority to sign for them all.

A proper agreement needs to be "whole" and "valid," if Mr. DiLeo did not have the authority to sign for ALL Jackson members then the entire agreement becomes null & void, in my opinion.
How come MJJ Productions location isnt noted? Its just a dash.

And how can they try stop a concert in another country? Isnt that out of their jurisdiction?

And why is all this on Mike? The Jackson family as a whole were to be involved and yet only Mike and co are being sued?

Too many ?? and not enough answers.
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awful. i really hate mj sometimes for all this. he has the worst team ever as the most famous person on earth. really embarassing.

For this particular case, I don't think it's fair to blame MJ. Unless you believe Frank Dileo has the authority to sign an agreement that involves MJ's entire family.
I haven't read the briefs, but based on what I read earlier about this case the lawsuit seems tenuous, at best. I highly doubt DiLeo ever had power to represent Michael Jackson. Moreover, even if it turns out that the suit does have validity AEG will just pay AGE to settle. They aren't going to sacrifice 250 million, or whatever it is they're making from the concerts, for the 20 (absolute max they'd give) AGE wants. They'd essentially be leaving 230 million, or whatever the amount is, on the table.

Also, AGE may have jurisdiction over AEG's HQ, but do they have power to enforce an injunction in the UK? I'm not sure of this.

^5 I agree 100% with ya on this.

Why did AllGood Entertainment attached an UNSIGNED copy of their complaint with their press release? I was just wondering if that was the norm.

(The attached complaint is also filled with typos and incomplete information concerning MJJ Productions, but that's another story.)

It isn't necessary for a company who has filed a civil complaint to provide a signed document to the media. It's the norm. It's for media/blogs, etc.

Funny that they have not produced said "agreements." Those so-called agreements should have been attached to the complaint they filed. That's #1.

It also appears that AEG is not too concerned, since AllGood Entertainment sent AEG a "cease and desist" letter way back in March. That's #2.

And now their lawyer is talking about them being a part of the O2 concert dates. PLEASE!

Now that is very suspect to me. Why wouldn't they attach any evidence or exhibits to back up their claims? At least Raymone provided actual contracts with signatures. There's no evidence!! Maybe they will file it later as an addendum? Hell, who knows lol.

And AllGood need to figure it out... In their legal papers they are demanding that Michael does not perform during the blackout period of 18 months, yet their lawyer is saying that they want to be a part of the o2 concert series. Gimme a break!!!
And there's another problem, i.e. "is Frank DiLeo authorized to sign an agreement on behalf of Janet, Tito, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, and Jermaine."

How can AllGood confirm a Jackson Family Concert, if Mr. DiLeo is not authorized to sign for the remaining Jackson siblings?

AllGood is going on-and-on about Frank being MJ's manager, well what about the other Jackson family members. That's sounds like a case of FRAUD, in regards to Mr. DiLeo. Signing for MJ is one thing, but the others, I just don't see it.

Thank you for this excellent point.

Janet, Tito, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, and Jermaine should be preparing to sue All Good and Frank Dileo for $100 million this (like Raymone Bain's "lawsuit") is a scam. How can some make business deals for you without your knowledge or consent?

AGE is a disgrace and they will lose this.

Word of the day is:

Conspiracy -
An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.


I think this one will be thrown out of court. Verbal agreements and written agreements are two seperate things. If Michael did not sign any contracts, then this moron has no case.

If Dileo signed Michael's name without Michael's knowledge, then Dileo needs to be held accountable..not Michael.

On top of that, this suit is taking place in the United States. They have no jourisdiction to stop the shows since they are in London
And AllGood need to figure it out... In their legal papers they are demanding that Michael does not perform during the blackout period of 18 months, yet their lawyer is saying that they want to be a part of the o2 concert series. Gimme a break!!!

Yeah. I agree. Either the media completely misquoted Allgood's lawyer. Or Allgood is playing both sides of the field IMO.
The thing is, despite what AGE is now trying to claim, Frank Dileo's signature on the original agreement in no way indicated that he had the power of authority to sign for ANY of the Jacksons, let alone the whole clan. The agreement did not even try to imply that Frank's signature was a binding agreement for all of the Jacksons to perform, as this clause from the original agreement indicates:

PURCHASER shall allow "Company [Frank Dileo]" 120 days to acquirer [sic] written confirmation from all family members involved including Michael Jackson. If more time is needed to confirm the participation of the Artists, the parties shall discuss, and agree in writing upon, a reasonable extension (Purchaser and Company).

He signed an agreement simply to verify that he would attempt to get all of the Jacksons on board, and was given 120 days to get their authorization and signatures for the concerts. He obviously failed as many of the Jacksons weren't even aware of the plans when details of this case surfaced back in March. None of this has anything to do with Michael Jackson, yet AGE would like to make it about him.

Yeah, a contract which simply does not exist. Good luck to AGE on producing any contract or agreement that is actually signed by Michael Jackson, or for that matter any legal document signed by all of the Jacksons and Frank Dileo to give him power of authority to sign them into any agreements without their knowledge. None of this exists, it is a non-case with regards to Michael Jackson.

Jackson family If you see this or are aware of this situation please sue AGE & Dileo into bankruptcy ASAP!:cheeky:

Word of the day is:

Conspiracy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.


Well, this lawsuit should come as no surprise to any of us. At least they are'nt hanging all this on Michael's head only. With AEG being named in the suit as well, I'm sure there will be no steam rolling of Michael Jackson!

You know what I don't understand, last year Michael clearly stated publicly that he was not interested in doing any shows with his brothers at that time. So why would he be saying that and at the same time giving someone authority to agree on his behalf? Should'nt Frank have been aware that Michael was not interested? and I'm sure AllGood would've known about MJ's statement so why did they continue to push?

With that said, I don't know why stuff like this keeps happening to Michael, is there no one that has his best interest at heart that he's willing to listen to?
My two cents...

When granting an injunction the Court will always balance the harm caused to the respondant with the benefit to the applicant. They take into account impacts on third parties.

Money owed because of breached contract vs. one million people losing money over concert they paid for = there is NO WAY the concerts won't go ahead.

So don't stress :)
Somebody is playing games...

The one being named as the "little guy" wants to put himself before a million people? Is this "little guy" willing to reimburse "all" the concert goers of the 50 shows in order to put on his one?

No judge is going to put one concert before 50.

AllGood will just have to move out of the way and let the mammoth pass by.
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So is it me or is this all Joeseph's fault? I know AG (I refuse to call them theyre real name cuz theyre not Good! lol) are taking advantage of this but it seems like always that Joe is trying to get Mike to do something Jackson Family related to make money using Michael. And of course Michael never wants to do such a thing. Joe and his phony manager claiming to be Mike manager even called Roger Friedman! Geeez!
Ok this doesnt sound like a good thing. Why would he have that over Michael? If that is truly the case then he could sign michael to anything and make him do it wither michael wanted to or not. Thats a sign of a bad manager imo. I honestly dont think the dileo is Michael's manager. If he was he would have known about the AEG deal before hand.

Excellent!!! Excellent !! point...
Me thinks...:angel: me HOPES that the current slew of lawsuits are ALL bark and NO bite. They're P'd-off coz they had already started lickin' their chops at the thought of all that they could make off of deals with Michael that never had any LEGAL merit, just talk and possibilities.

So now, they're vengefully doin' this to cause problems coz that's probably all they can do is make noise and create bad press.
I'll believe they have legal grounds to stop Mike & AEG when I see it happenin'.

^MsMo i think that's all that will pan out at the end of this. it really is something how this was announced, when? March? look at all the paper being thrown around in the last 90. doesnt take a rocket scientist to see whats going on from landis to nogood.
this is why MJ is regarded as flaky..cus a** holes interrupt any good thing he's tryin to do. any event he's tryin to put together. any album he's tryin to put out..any concert he's tryin to do. every time, since he bought the beatles catalogue, since 1985, people have sought to interrupt him.

the bigger he got, the more that people saw money in their eyes if he was about to do somn.

it's not MJ's fault he doesn't do a lot of things these days. it's THEIR fault!! their love of money is the root of all their evil ways.

if he decided not to do any events anymore, i wouldn't blame him.

you have a point .. but all I can say is that same Michael that had the sense to fire one lawyer and hire the best one for the job (T-mez) in the middle of his trial that could have seen him put away for 15years + when the media and everyone was saying he was insane and didn't know what he was doing... is the same Michael we are talking about now...

and I can see AEG being all over this... they knew about this and I can't see them laying low after all the work that has gone into selling out the O2, rehearsals, auditions.. etc...

I think the best thing that happened to Michael with this lawsuit is AllGood naming AEG in it...

and please note there are dozens of lawsuits per year filed against the likes of Oprah, Warren Buffet, Bob Johnson etc... just becuz they are not overly publicized like Michael's don't mean they don't get them too
^MsMo i think that's all that will pan out at the end of this. it really is something how this was announced, when? March? look at all the paper being thrown around in the last 90. doesnt take a rocket scientist to see whats going on from landis to nogood.

:yes: LOL :smilerolleyes: :cheeky:
It seems like someone at AllGood Entertainment is incompetent. It was silly for AllGood to go to people acting like they had all of the Jackson siblings on board when in fact, they did not.

Even if Dileo was bragging about his association with the Jacksons as mentioned in the court docs, how could AllGood not know they did not have the Jacksons? They should have been able to tell they did not have them before they started spending money and running all over the place.

Do they really think the Jackson siblings would not have been in contact with them personally in some form or fashion if they were about to put on something as historic as a family reunion concert?

AllGood Entertainment wasn't hearing anything from the Jackson siblings except silence, so why run out spending a bunch of money and acting like they had them? It's like throwing a bunch of money into having a surprise birthday party without knowing if they had the guest of honor, but on a larger scale. What in the world? LOL

Now, they've got this lawyer that is using the situation as free advertisement for his law firm and he's tossing out cyber copies of typed up court documents without AllGood's address, no actual signatures and no exhibits as a way to make a strong statement?

This is some crazy mess right here. It's like a comedy show gone wrong.

OH HELL NO!!!!! :angry: :censored:

This is just getting beyond ridiculious!


Does this mean the concerts may be cancelled???