Official: AllGood Entertainment Sues Michael Jackson

i was worried too,but thinking about what you said logically you are right,aeg wouldn,t let anything happen to the concerts they have invested to much time and money into this,and have to much to loose,

I'm a little less worried today.Allgood us a tin pot company compared to AEG. I mean why would they choose Texas for a one night show over say , vegas? ( no offence meant to Texas by the way!)
Maybe we should bombard Allgood and let them know that if, in the unlikely even that they did suceed in forcing Michael out of the 02, they had better make sure they have a legitimate case against him that they win, because if they don't we would take legal action against them for any lossess we have due to the cancellation.
...all this confidence in aeg and not as much in Michael..

Please don't assume I don't have faith in michael, I wouldn't of bought a ticket if I didn't. Aeg are the financial muscle behind this tour & they will do what they can to rectify this sorry situation with michael.Aeg will not want to lose money & michael will not want to let down the fans.
I am going to sit here and wait..
9 days to go in the other case and now this...
someone please sort this mess out!
Now that is very suspect to me. Why wouldn't they attach any evidence or exhibits to back up their claims? At least Raymone provided actual contracts with signatures. There's no evidence!! Maybe they will file it later as an addendum? Hell, who knows lol.

And AllGood need to figure it out... In their legal papers they are demanding that Michael does not perform during the blackout period of 18 months, yet their lawyer is saying that they want to be a part of the o2 concert series. Gimme a break!!!
That to me shows the strenght of the lawsuit right there :doh:

The fact that they didn't attacht any evidence is fishy to say the least. Add that up with ATLF post in which it is clearly demonstrated Michael declined any offers to do shows with his brothers before Frank even met with AEG and you get the impression we're dealing with hot air here. :smilerolleyes:

With that said, I highly doubt the O2 shows are at any risk. There's way to much money involved in the whole thing to be cancelled, imo.
AGE is all talk, produce the signed documents and proof DiLeo is Michaels manager or do us all a favour and shut the F up!
We can show AGE right by not attending the supposed reunion concert. Simple as that, if they harm the London concerts and Michael!!!!
The lawsuit alleges breach of contract, fraud and tortious interference with a contract. It seeks at least $20 million in compensatory damages and at least $20 million in punitive damages. ^
^knew that would happen. Not going to see the show if they force him to do it
Maybe this is gonna go down just like the Raymone Bain thing...we dont hear anything, but i simply cannot imagine nothing is happening without the media and us knowing. Unless MJ really wants Bain to start a case against him....i don't know.

let's just hope we ain't gonna be kept in the dark...hope for a official statement from team MJJ.
took them long enough. nice to see them going after AEG. rather than just picking on mike for a change. at least AEG wont take no crap. bain wont be happy. get an injunction and there goes her 44 million LOL.and i doubt a injuction in a US court has any relevence in an overseas country. they have no jurisdiction
bain would get her monies regardless b /cno court hearing was held to say how much mj would've made from the concerts...hence thedefault. she doesn't even have to prove she's really owed that money

and aeg is based in los angeles so they can stop the concerts if their arguments are strongenough.

sorry but frank doesn'tspeak for the whole family. maybe not even mj at that time. if the family isn't part of the deal, there goes the whole family reunion thing that age was tryingto push:no:

where the hell is stupid ass dileo in all this? where was he during raymone's bs and where is he now? maybe someone can call teh phoenix and get their ass on the job. he starts this mess then remains quiet...and frank's never been the type to shy away from the media.

very telling
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I feel like at any remotely good time......somebody's suing MJ's ass for something. Raymain or however u spell it shouldn't even be suing MJ for that amount of money. Is it possible she's owed that much money? I mean she didn't even visibly do $44 million dollars worth of work for him!!!!

In terms of AGE, there's no way they could freeze up the 02 Concerts b/c of the large scale production and amount of people attending. AEG will stand in front of MJ and stamp out this little problem hopefully. And besides who cares about a one-night show in Texas and on top of that being PPV!?!?!?! Putting any kind of concert on PPV is a horrible idea!!
I feel like at any remotely good time......somebody's suing MJ's ass for something. Raymain or however u spell it shouldn't even be suing MJ for that amount of money. Is it possible she's owed that much money? I mean she didn't even visibly do $44 million dollars worth of work for him!!!!

In terms of AGE, there's no way they could freeze up the 02 Concerts b/c of the large scale production and amount of people attending. AEG will stand in front of MJ and stamp out this little problem hopefully. And besides who cares about a one-night show in Texas and on top of that being PPV!?!?!?! Putting any kind of concert on PPV is a horrible idea!!

If they manage to stop the O2 shows...which i highly doubt, they won't get any money at all. I'm sure Allgood ain't looking for that.
Hmmmm hope this gets resolved soon...
And I didn't know Dileo was based in Nashville...I could have payed him a visit LOL
I still dont trust AEG at all, they are money hungry watch out for them
bain would get her monies regardless b /cno court hearing was held to say how much mj would've made from the concerts...hence thedefault. she doesn't even have to prove she's really owed that money
it was a joke hence the LOL
Can't say that I am all that surprised. Things are getting so messy. I hope Michael is ok.
guys dont worry bout this a.g.e thing, theres NO WAY the concerts will be cancelled, aeg would NO WAY let this happen, we're talking about professional business people here with lots of money at stake. with these concerts having been planned for a long time i would think. people are always suing m.j it comes with his territory, can you imagine the uproar if it was canceled, its prob just a load of rubbish. dont worry m.j WILL deliver.
TMZ still says MJ turned on his own flesh and blood and they just ignore the fact that the brothers made a statement through their own manager and said they there never even asked about the deal. Does All Good entertainment think that the brothers also broke a contract that they were never even asked about? The only signature they have on anything is Frank Dileos. Nobody who represent Janet or the Jacksons. In a way I think this thing is very insulting to them because they are treating them like they didn´t even exist and suing MJ for not making a reunioun consert with....himselft. People sue MJ over everything but I don´t think Frank Dileo has deceived them. I don´t see how they could possibly really think that he could sign a contract for the whole family and think that a reunion consert would happen without haveing any contract with anyone else. Also I am still not convinced that Frak Dileo is MJs manager and most of all that he was MJs manager in november last year. I know I have read that it was Dr Thome Thome when the case with Julians action hous was settled and he changed manager after that. In the end of march 2009 there was a statement saying that he has a new manager Leonard Rowe. I am more worried about the Raymone Bain case than this but even in that case it hasn´t actually defaulted yet, even if it may if he dosn´t respond before june 18.
TMZ still says MJ turned on his own flesh and blood and they just ignore the fact that the brothers made a statement through their own manager and said they there never even asked about the deal. Does All Good entertainment think that the brothers also broke a contract that they were never even asked about? The only signature they have on anything is Frank Dileos. Nobody who represent Janet or the Jacksons. In a way I think this thing is very insulting to them because they are treating them like they didn´t even exist and suing MJ for not making a reunioun consert with....himselft. People sue MJ over everything but I don´t think Frank Dileo has deceived them. I don´t see how they could possibly really think that he could sign a contract for the whole family and think that a reunion consert would happen without haveing any contract with anyone else. Also I am still not convinced that Frak Dileo is MJs manager and most of all that he was MJs manager in november last year. I know I have read that it was Dr Thome Thome when the case with Julians action hous was settled and he changed manager after that. In the end of march 2009 there was a statement saying that he has a new manager Leonard Rowe. I am more worried about the Raymone Bain case than this but even in that case it hasn´t actually defaulted yet, even if it may if he dosn´t respond before june 18.

First of all...let's never take ANYTHING serious by a site called TMZ, a horrible...just horrible excuse for a 'news' site. I wonder why we even post articles from those douchebags on this site, really.
Why is everyone always trying to get money from MJ? I just hope MJ can get it sorted soon.
In a way I think this thing is very insulting to them because they are treating them like they didn´t even exist and suing MJ for not making a reunioun consert with....himselft.

It think it's totally insulting, especially when Patrick Allocco said that the brothers would be spliting $500,000. First of all, aren't those things usually NEGOTIATED back-and-forth before any thing is finalized.

I also think it's very interesting that Allocco has never said anything about PERSONALLY meeting with any of the other Jackson family members. I guess he can't because he never did. LOL! To date, he has only spoken about Frank's participation and his initial meeting with Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe.
LOL! at this thread. Typical Michael Jackson fans. Won't say anymore on that.

Even though I loathe to say it even RF laughed at this lawsuit. But Michael Jackson fans love to push for the haters as always.

AllGood are bunch of chancers.