October 14 News and Mentionings

I don't see anything wrong with what she said. She probably saw it as a date and she said she didn't know if Michael was interested or not because he never showed her. Michael's said himself that when he was in his teens that there were a few girls he was attracted to, but he was just too shy to go up and let them know. That could have been the case here. It's sweet, either way.
well... from my stand point she only mentioned mj's name to sell her book. in short, she was just name dropping
well... from my stand point she only mentioned mj's name to sell her book. in short, she was just name dropping

And is that a bad thing? I mean, she said very shocking, distrubing things in that book about her entire family. She had to put herself out there - she is in the public eye. That is the reality of fame. I mean, it is her story and if she wants to say it, let her. I do not see the big deal. She didn't lie. She confirmed a rumor from the 1970s about her and MJ dating. She said her two cents and she moved on. I liked what she said about Michael because it was real. MJ made it clear in his book that he had feelings about girls that he like and he was too shy to come up to them and tell them. A lot of teenage boys were like that. Heck, when I had a thing for this guy, I was shy to tell him that. I told a friend that I had a crush on the guy and that friend told everyone. I was embarrased but I got over it. What I like about Mike was that he didn't put it out there the names of the girls that he had crushes on. Very thoughtful.
Well it's the media who keeps brining it up. She mentioned Michael really quick in the book, because it was a memorable experience, and the media picked up on that and now they keep asking her questions about it. That's not her fault.
And is that a bad thing? I mean, she said very shocking, distrubing things in that book about her entire family. She had to put herself out there - she is in the public eye. That is the reality of fame. I mean, it is her story and if she wants to say it, let her. I do not see the big deal. She didn't lie. She confirmed a rumor from the 1970s about her and MJ dating. She said her two cents and she moved on. I liked what she said about Michael because it was real. MJ made it clear in his book that he had feelings about girls that he like and he was too shy to come up to them and tell them. A lot of teenage boys were like that. Heck, when I had a thing for this guy, I was shy to tell him that. I told a friend that I had a crush on the guy and that friend told everyone. I was embarrased but I got over it. What I like about Mike was that he didn't put it out there the names of the girls that he had crushes on. Very thoughtful.

yeah, that could be the case..About how you mentioned that MJ said that there were girls he was interested in, but was too shy to tell them. Maybe Maureen was one of these girls. And I feel you, ughhh the same thing happend to me too. I liked this guy and i told a "supposibly friend" and that time I liked this guy, and after that the whole school knew. ughh..:blush: But, yeah, I agree on the whole MJ situation with Maureen.
And is that a bad thing? I mean, she said very shocking, distrubing things in that book about her entire family. She had to put herself out there - she is in the public eye. That is the reality of fame. I mean, it is her story and if she wants to say it, let her. I do not see the big deal. She didn't lie. She confirmed a rumor from the 1970s about her and MJ dating. She said her two cents and she moved on. I liked what she said about Michael because it was real. MJ made it clear in his book that he had feelings about girls that he like and he was too shy to come up to them and tell them. A lot of teenage boys were like that. Heck, when I had a thing for this guy, I was shy to tell him that. I told a friend that I had a crush on the guy and that friend told everyone. I was embarrased but I got over it. What I like about Mike was that he didn't put it out there the names of the girls that he had crushes on. Very thoughtful.
Heck this is the story of my life when it came to guys. Too shy to tell them but you move on. Also, I do not see why this is a problem for anyone even if it was for name dropping. I rest to hear stories like this than all of that other mess. This reminds me of the porn stuff that was said about Michael. Why was that shocking for some people? Michael is a MAN. 99% of men have it. It only rehash that Michael maybe shy but he does many of the things many man do. SOmetimes, I think people and even many haters do not like the fact that Michael is not what they want him to be because they have build this believe in their heads about what they want him to be. SOme people would love to believe that Michael is a gay, child abuser, nutcase even if God himself comes down and say, "this man loves women @#$ like the next man.:D
And is that a bad thing?

i just don't like MJ's name being dragged unnecessarily. i hate it when MJ is being used,that's all.

wannabestartinsomthin21Well it's the media who keeps brining it up. She mentioned Michael really quick in the book said:
That's not her fault.[/B]

but yes, i agree that since MJ is still a hot name (the press better admit this!), it's not her fault that the seemingly innocent moment was played up real good to sell her book.
And is that a bad thing?

i just don't like MJ's name being dragged unnecessarily. i hate it when MJ is being used,that's all.

wannabestartinsomthin21; said:
Well it's the media who keeps brining it up. She mentioned Michael really quick in the book, because it was a memorable experience, and the media picked up on that and now they keep asking her questions about it. That's not her fault.

but yes, i agree that since MJ is still a hot name (the press better admit this!), it's not her fault that the seemingly innocent moment was played up real good to sell her book.
i just don't like MJ's name being dragged unnecessarily. i hate it when MJ is being used,that's all.

It was "dragged" because Maureen mentioned that she dated MJ. She also dated comedian and actor Steve Martin. That was "dragged" as well. MJ was not being "used" and he is grown. He handled so many terrible things with grace and dignity. If he couldn't handle something so innocent as to what Maureen stated, then he needs some help. I wish some of fans would not try to protect him all of the time just because he is going to be mentioned in some book. Whether it is positive or negative, at the end of the day, these people told their stories about the man.

but yes, i agree that since MJ is still a hot name (the press better admit this!), it's not her fault that the seemingly innocent moment was played up real good to sell her book

The media can take her innocent account of MJ and do whatever they want with it. It is the reality of the media. What can Maureen do about it? What can we all do about it? Nothing but react. She cannot tell the media what to do with their jobs. I can understand if they took her words and switched it to make it their own but they didn't.
simply stating my opinion on the matter does not make me "try to protect him all the time". i see it differently from your perspective but that doesnt make my opinion wrong. again, i was merely stating what i thought about the matter.

i was quite surprised why you needed to quote my last paragraph when it was a concession that indeed, it was maureen's own account of her life(meaning, i respect it which makes it no diferent from your opinion) and media picking it up like it was a totally shocking expose (which it was not. a lot of her admissions were shocking enough to sell her book) was proof that to the media, MJ's name is still a hot item- like some kind of a pixie dust that can wield magic on anybody associated with him.