October 14 News and Mentionings

Jesus, don't start saying Obama is more important then Michael or vice versa unless you want to start a sh*t storm. Cause that's all that's designed to do and it's bull squirt anyway.

Anyhow, that's a cute story about Michael and "Martia Brady", lol. Michael was too sweet.
If this is a reference to my post, I never said who was more important, i said as a politician, Obama will cause as much mess as any other president, and for the people who think mj is less important, his music will still be doing the healing as hit always has, so infact, i was doing the opposite.
Let's go again!

Pam Anderson said: "Actually I only see him for sex."

"Q You’ve been wed three times. How is your love life now?

A I always get my heart broken. I’m a complete romantic – that’s why I always get married. But I’m sleeping by myself at the moment and there’s no one specific in my life. Although there are about three or four non-specific men. Just kidding! The story going round is that I’m dating Michael Jackson. Actually I only see him for sex. Kidding again!"

Yeah, it was in Sept,I think??I swear i remeber reading that..... I remeber her quote about that!!lol its ok.
Pam is cool. Who cares, she ain't hurting Michael at all. And she's just being funny probably because she finds the whole rumor amussing. She's complimented Michael more then once all the while too.
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McCormick’s time with Jackson was innocent. They met while she was starring on “Brady” and he was part of the Jackson 5.------- See, this is a gentlemen. Michael seem to be shy, nice, and a gentlemen.

TRUE! what a gentleman! *sigh* :wub:

I just saw this mentioned on 'the daily ten'!!!!
TRUE! what a gentleman! *sigh* :wub:

I just saw this mentioned on 'the daily ten'!!!!

hmmmmm I read somewhere about MJ and Maureen Mccormick????

Can anyone remember where?????????????????????:scratch:

oops, didnt mean to quote myself...I meant to edit.........that's what happens when I wake up from a nap!!!! lol
hmmmmm I read somewhere about MJ and Maureen Mccormick????

Can anyone remember where?????????????????????:scratch:

oops, didnt mean to quote myself...I meant to edit.........that's what happens when I wake up from a nap!!!! lol

you mean Where Maureen talks about her date with MJ??or somethingelse?there is a link on here with what she says.
It was just a funny comment from a blogger/writer. It ain't nothing wrong with beeing inspired by a politician, Obama 2008, he gotta win, but it was just a remark towards Jusin's comment, and I found it funny lol
"Justin didn't say it. It's the journalist/writer's somewhat funny remark about that Obama is the only person he have been inspired by. That's all."

Usually anything concerning Justin Timberlake leaves me cold, but in this instance the blogger/writer was being the snarky one, and he did not say Justin said Obama is the ONLY one he's been inspired by. There's a world of difference between saying they've been inspired as an entertainer/dancer, and being inspired from another point of view, ie, political, presidential candidate. Justin was speaking at a political gathering in support of Obama. The sarcasm/humor by the writer in this particular case, to me, just was not appropriate to the seriousness of speaking out in support of a candidate (be it Republican or Democrat). The American presidential race is a very serious one that will affect millions of Americans as well as having implications for the world at large. In this instance, whether Justin has given major props to Michael or not, should be irrevelant. This is political, period. But, to be honest, I can't imagine anyone being swayed to vote for any candidate because an entertainment figure has endorsed said candidate. Hopefully intelligent fact finding and soul searching will play the major factor in that determination.
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hmmmmm I read somewhere about MJ and Maureen Mccormick????

Can anyone remember where?????????????????????:scratch:

oops, didnt mean to quote myself...I meant to edit.........that's what happens when I wake up from a nap!!!! lol

There's something about Maureen in Tabloidrelli's book. Interesting story if I remember correctly. :lol:
Maureen McCormick Talks Past Drug Use & Dating Michael Jackson

Maureen McCormick was the idol of thousands of teenage girls in the ‘70s as Marcia Brady. But though she portrayed the squeaky clean beauty on the family comedy, her real life has been filled with drama.
In a new interview with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush, Maureen addressed a host of rumors, including one suggesting she had a fling with her “Brady” sister and dating Michael Jackson.
But first, she tackled her past drug use.
“I was so addicted to cocaine,” Maureen told Billy. “I was so addicted to it, it nearly destroyed me.”
Maureen has revealed all in a new memoir, “Here’s the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice,” which hit store shelves today. But in Billy’s interview, she talked about the dark past she hid for years.
“Early on, it was uppers. Then it was cocaine. Then it was freebasing,” she said. “It was bulimia, then a really heavy depression.”
“You traded sex for drugs. Was it just dating guys that had drugs so you could just — you knew what they wanted?” Billy asked.
“Yeah. And I wanted what they had,” Maureen replied.
“Is there anything you’re not sharing in the book?” Billy asked. “Any of them ever abuse you or anything like that?”
“I was photographed by one person,” Maureen admitted. “Naked. I was so desperate that I let him put me on tape.”
“Where are [the tapes]?” Billy asked.
“I have no idea,” Maureen said.
Maureen was in her early twenties during her drug fueled days. And it was during that time that she went out on a date with comedian Steve Martin.
“I was totally obliterated out of my life,” Maureen told Billy, confirming she was on cocaine when she dated the former “Saturday Night Live” star. “He must have thought I was crazy.”
And perhaps, that’s why the two only ever had one evening out.
“I’m sure we kissed goodnight and that was really sweet,” she said. “That was the only date and I understand why it was the only date if I was totally crazed out of my mind.”
But Steve wasn’t Maureen’s only celebrity date. When she was 16, Maureen went out with 14-year-old Michael Jackson.
“We’d go ice skating together and we’d hold hands,” she said. “He kissed me on the cheek. We never really kissed… I was definitely interested in him, but I think with him it was more that we were friends.”

The one relationship Maureen has been quizzed about over the years though was a rumored romance with one of her “Brady” sisters.
“One thing people want to know –[did you] ever have an affair with Eve Plumb who played Jan Brady on the show?” Billy asked.
“No,” Maureen said.
“But you said once in a talk show that something happened, ‘I kissed Eve,’” Billy noted.
“I was just joking and having a good time and having fun and I said that I kissed her, which I did. I kissed her on the cheek,” Maureen explained. “I like to hug and kiss people, a lot. The newspapers got a hold of that and said that we were lesbians and gay and [in] a relationship together.”
Copyright 2008 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. http://www.accesshollywood.com/maur...-use-and-dating-michael-jackson_article_11682
"Showbiz Tonight' were being the usual pricks that they always are when they brought up that MJ was once with her. Even though I know it's not gonna stop him from loving someone but it truly is sad at the same time that he gets bashed for being with someone no matter what era in his life a woman had been with him.
"Showbiz Tonight' were being the usual pricks that they always are when they brought up that MJ was once with her. Even though I know it's not gonna stop him from loving someone but it truly is sad at the same time that he gets bashed for being with someone no matter what era in his life a woman had been with him.

pshhh figures lol.. his dates with Marueen right.?
Here's a picture of Michael and his high school class. Marueen is standing across from him on the other side of the students.

Here's a picture of Michael and his high school class. Marueen is standing across from him on the other side of the students.

Cool picture - thanks!! Are all the people in his class kids who were in some way involved in the entertainmnet industry in some way? What high school was it? About how old is MJ in that photo?
Michael's probably about 15. I forget the name of the school but, yes, all the students were child stars. Most were on TV shows.

And screw Showbiz Tonight. Morons.
Michael's probably about 15. I forget the name of the school but, yes, all the students were child stars. Most were on TV shows.

And screw Showbiz Tonight. Morons.
Wow thanks for the pic, Nicole:) I never knew there was that kind of school. All the classmates could understand one another a lot cuz they were all working in the entertainment industry. It was in LA or....??

And thanks to everyone who posted the articles!
What a precious picture. Thanks. I can imagine myself have a huge crush on him him if I were in his class. He's a heartbreaker