October 14 News and Mentionings

Thanks for posting the clip. Interesting stuff. I guess Michael was just too young to really be serious about a relationship at the time. It's funny listening and contrasting other child stars lives with Michael's own. You realize how sheltered he was in comparison to some of them, like Tatum O'Neal and also Maureen.
Thanx for the clip but in the Billy Bush site it won't let me hear? sorry to be annoying but can someone pleaes put the interview in YouTube? Appreciate it :flowers:
Cool pic. BTW, why do you people watch those idiots at Showbiz Tonight? Access Hollywood is far more better. I am advising you fans, stop watching these haters. Showbiz Tonight is a wannabee Access Hollywood. They suck. Everyone knows that.

So, wait - MJ did go to high school? I thought he stopped going to school, or rather to A school after he was in middle school. When he started high school, or rather taking high school course, he was tutored by Rose Fine. I must have not known about that pic. That is interesting. I wondered why he stopped going to that high school? Anyone knows?

The story going round is that I’m dating Michael Jackson. Actually I only see him for sex. Kidding again!"

She better be kidding. I am sorry but it is clear as day that she is using MJ for pubicity. I think she needs to shut up and focus on her failing career. I do not give a damn if she is "smart" and all this other junk. Blah.

Also, I think it is best to understand that Obama will be compared to Michael regarding how he brings people of all races together. So, please understand that. I think it is silly for MJ fans to get all "bothered" by that reality. If some of you guys do not like Obama for some strange reason, that is fine, but just understand the reality. Also, there is nothing wrong with people beliving that Obama can help change a country. It is a belief, not a fact. I do not want to make this a political topic, but I just wanted to say that.

Hey, victory2004, or anyone, can you make a transcript on what she said? I can't hear the radio show because I lacked speakers.

It was in Emerson Middle School in LA, right?

That was what I thought at first when I saw the pic. MJ went to school with Danny Bonaduce as well. That was when they were at middle school. Mike went to school with Marlon as well. If he was 15 years old in that pic, then that cannot be a middle school because 15 is was too old to be in middle school. Just saying. Sometimes it would be nice if people had an accurate report of a picture so it would not confuse people.
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Hey, victory2004, or anyone, can you make a transcript on what she said? I can't hear the radio show because I lacked speakers.
Well she had mentioned it that it was very strange and that she felt she really didn't get to know the real him and that she hung out probably more with latoya. But that she thought he was hot and I think said had raging hormones or something and I think wanted to act on it but that he didn't.
^^ she wanted to act out on it but he didnt? or do you mean He wanted to act out on it??
Well she had mentioned it that it was very strange and that she felt she really didn't get to know the real him and that she hung out probably more with latoya. But that she thought he was hot and I think said had raging hormones or something and I think wanted to act on it but that he didn't.

Thanks for mentioning that. Damn, I wished I have my laptop because that way, I can listen to the interview myself. LOL. Anyway, interesting.....she hung out with LaToya and didn't get to know the real MJ. Alright.

she wanted to act out on it but he didnt? or do you mean He wanted to act out on it??

Maybe Victory2004 meant Michael had the hormornes but did not. I could be wrong.
Oh ok i thought so. I think thats what Victory2004 meant.That MJ had those hormones, but didnt act out.
hey there is no todays news i just asking :yes: :) cause today is 15 of oct there is no news :yes: is anyone is woke :sun: :giggle:
Rockstar - the people that are suppose to make the news thread will make one. You gotta understand that people work, have families or they have other things to take care of. When they are ready, the news thread will be made. Just wait for it.
i understand that i just through there wasn't no news today just asking bee :flowers: i don't being mean Bee i just asking cause i see the news here when i woke just all :)
^^^Yeah thats what I think she said also. she wanted him but if he wanted her she didnt know because he didnt act on it
Michael was 13 going on 14 at the time. it doesn't even sound right speaking about him like that. have you seen a picture of MJ at that age, he wasn't even developed, he was a kid.
This was posted by a member , theladyinhislife, over at the KOP board, who read the book.

I just read every page in her book and she did talk about beating on micheal a few times...but not michael jackson...it was her husband michael cummings - who she talks about all through the book...LMAO

She didn't say more than a paragraph about michael jackson...she only mentioned his parents scared her: katherine came across as "strong but quiet" and joe was esp scary and she went shopping and spent most of her time with, not mj, but latoya who was funny and complained about her parents being too strict and happy to be out the house. She went on a few dates with mj and said she was "As friendly with michael as anyone could be" she believed he liked her, and she was jealous of his talent on stage, they talked on the phone a few times too about tv shows and movies and that was it...nothing else to see folks...you can go home now..marcia brady was not slapping michael jackson around like a little biatch....

But I can see how people can get confused if they do not read through the entire book; there are like 4 different michaels in there, lol.

Just for reference, I think she hit on another guy once too, but his name wasn't michael...I think it was eric or joe or one of those guys.
:blink: uhhh... so the michael episode was almost mentioned in passing. so why was Michael's name highlighted in the book's press release ? she just name dropped michael to sell her book! oh well...
I'm with bgz on the statement made by Justin. He seemingly was speaking as an American citizen. I saw no attacks on MJ at all. :yes:
Yes, and she called it a DATE when in all likelyhood she was just accompanying him to the the rink as a family friend, afterall he was only 13 and may have needed a chapperone. David Guest used to take him out as well, as he was older. God frbid he should call it a date.
I do not think it is the same. Michael may have went out on a date (even with a chapperone) with her at the skating ring (some people date at 13). As a girl, going out with your female friends is not the same as going out with your male friends and vise versa.
uhhh... so the michael episode was almost mentioned in passing. so why was Michael's name highlighted in the book's press release ? she just name dropped michael to sell her book! oh well

Michael's name was mentioned because she stated that she had dates with him. That was why. Plus, MJ is a celebrity. So, if MJ was mentioned in a book the media will report on it. BTW, thanks for posting that quote from the KOP board. Maureen's husband's name is Michael and we all know that she would not hit our MJ. LOL.

and she was jealous of his talent on stage

Awww, cute.

Michael did or not because he never made any advances.

That doesn't mean that he did not have the hormones.

Michael was 13 going on 14 at the time. it doesn't even sound right speaking about him like that. have you seen a picture of MJ at that age, he wasn't even developed, he was a kid.

But that doesn't mean that he didn't think about it. Yes, he was a child, a teenage boy, but he was like any teenage boy when it came to girls. He was just more famous than other teenage boys. I see nothing wrong with Maureen's comments about MJ. She describe him as if he was a regular person. Tatum said in her book ( I am going by memory) that when MJ called her they would talked about sex. Well, he did and she claimed that she wasn't ready to hear about that so she gave the phone to her friend.

Yes, and she called it a DATE when in all likelyhood she was just accompanying him to the the rink as a family friend, afterall he was only 13 and may have needed a chapperone. David Guest used to take him out as well, as he was older. God frbid he should call it a date

It was a date. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not see what the issue is. Look, let's be on the real here. We have to realized that a lot of famous people know or hung out with MJ during certain times in their lives. If they write a book, they will mentioned him. When Jane Fonda wrote her book, she mentioned MJ. Did she used him for publicity? No. She actually left out a very interesting story about her and Michael. She revealed that part that she left out when she was being interviewed on some show. When Tatum O'Neill released her book, she mentioned Michael. Why? Because they used to be a couple back in the day. When David Gest had a book out, he mentioned MJ. Why? Because Michael is one of his best friends. We have to let these people tell their stories because whether we realized it or not, we personally do not know MJ. And there is really nothing wrong, as long as it is true, of people who are famous or well known to tell their stories about Michael. It is the reality of being famous and knowing a lot of people. We should get used to this by now. Maureen confirmed the rumor from the 1970s that her and MJ dated. Rather it was innocent or not, what does it matter? We really have no clue exactly how MJ was as a teenager. Unless we were actually there to see it for ourselves, we don't really know exactly. All we can do is take these people's word for it.
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I have no issue with Mj going out with maureen. The issue I am making is the insinuation that he didn't show sexual interest in her. i am making the point that he didn't because he wasn't ready for that type of thing at age 13. i do not believe that 13 year olds were as grown-up as 13 year olds today, furthermore, I actually wouldn't have been seeing her taking him to a skating rink as a date in the same way as boy dates girls. The whole thing just seems like an innocent kids going to a skating rink. Even she didn't say they were dating, even if she did fancy him.
it is very unusual for a 16 year old girl to fancy a 13 year old boy, esp one so immature as MJ was. Girls are usually far more mature at that age and look forward to dating older boys.
I have no issue with Mj going out with maureen. The issue I am making is the insinuation that he didn't show sexual interest in her. i am making the point that he didn't because he wasn't ready for that type of thing at age 13. i do not believe that 13 year olds were as grown-up as 13 year olds today, furthermore, I actually wouldn't have been seeing her taking him to a skating rink as a date in the same way as boy dates girls. The whole thing just seems like an innocent kids going to a skating rink. Even she didn't say they were dating, even if she did fancy him.
it is very unusual for a 16 year old girl to fancy a 13 year old boy, esp one so immature as MJ was. Girls are usually far more mature at that age and look forward to dating older boys

Dats, let's get some things straight here - she said he was 14 and she was 16. She never said that he was 13. I do not think it is a fair to compare teenagers from the 1970s to teenagers of this modern day. There were teens who have their innocence and are not into sex and there were teens who were. That comparison isn't a reasonable comparison. He might not have shown any sexual interest to her, according to her accounts of Michael, but that doesn't mean that he didn't think about it. He didn't act on it because maybe he was not ready. That doesn't mean that he never thought of her sexually. Maureen was a very pretty girl back in the day and guys really liked her. MJ was no different. Mike had a crush on Brooke Sheilds just like every guy that did back in the day. I wouldn't be shocked if he had a few sexual thoughts about her. A date is a date regardless if it was at a skating rink or the movies or going to McDonalds. I do not know if MJ was "immature" as a 14 year old. He probably wasn't and I would not be shocked as he was.
Again, SOME fans reading into some one's words about Michael. I didn't see nothing wrong with Maureen's comments, neither did I freak out about Tatum's. Lay off. It's been 35 years since then. We don't know how Michael was at 14, 15. Like Bee said, just because he didn't kiss her or anything doesn't mean that he didn't have hormones. But if you wanna believe he didn't, blame it on his background and no I'm not delving any further just so we can go off topic.