Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'm glad noone claiming this outrage to be racism, because it's far from it. Politicians in general are all talk, with occasional action - which half the time isn't true to their talk in the first place. As someone said earlier - seems like a high school popularity award.
I'm glad noone claiming this outrage to be racism, because it's far from it. Politicians in general are all talk, with occasional action - which half the time isn't true to their talk in the first place. As someone said earlier - seems like a high school popularity award.

yes..we know when it's racism and when it is not. we know that that isn't the case, here.
F*** Him.

How can that SOB win a Peace Prize??? What, is SATAN up for an award too? Is he going to be given the greatest humanitarian of all time award?

My goodness! What have they done?? The man who has done NOTHING for peace is winning a prize for it?

What a corrupt corrupt organization. Giving a peace prize to a man who stands for no such thing.

What a world we live in.

exactly my thoughts.... F__K OBAMA!! im tired of people claiming he's cool because he's black,popular, this and that,etc. Alot of people here are not educating themselves and looking at the factual evidence concerning what he's done up till now and yes i do not like politicians either, they don't represent the people but they say things that the people want to hear to get votes so once they are elected they can take advantage of people's trust and put up their own agenda.
Well, I don't think he deserved it (just like he admitted), but that's no reason to bash him. Then again, I don't care that much, since he isn't my president. ;D He was only doing his job as a president, and the prize was like awarding a bus driver for arriving on time.

Jokes aside...

Come on, guys, give him a break. It's not his fault he got the prize. Blame the committee in Oslo.
Give him more time. No one can perform miracles within a few months. He has to clear up all the complicated mess the previous president left behind.
Getting this prize isn't as great as you think it is, it seems to be more like a burden for him, now he should be more ambitious to justify it. So take a deeeeep breath.... Even a president can't change anything without the support of his people ;D
Well, I don't think he deserved it (just like he admitted), but that's no reason to bash him. Then again, I don't care that much, since he isn't my president. ;D He was only doing his job as a president, and the prize was like awarding a bus driver for arriving on time.

Jokes aside...

Come on, guys, give him a break. It's not his fault he got the prize. Blame the committee in Oslo.
Give him more time. No one can perform miracles within a few months. He has to clear up all the complicated mess the previous president left behind.
Getting this prize isn't as great as you think it is, it seems to be more like a burden for him, now he should be more ambitious to justify it. So take a deeeeep breath.... Even a president can't change anything without the support of his people ;D

This Nobel Peace Prize is increasingly becoming a bad thing for Obama. As people are beginning to ask why he deserves this prize since he hasn't really done anything yet, they are starting to realise his whole political career has been about getting ahead without really doing anything. People are realising he was elected President after not having really done anything of note in the Senate, or before that in the Illinois State Senate. At this rate he'll be elected again in 2012 for a second term, not having done anything in his first, and he'll finish his second term being regarded as one of the best Presidents in US history despite doing nothing. He's already regarded as such just for being the first mixed race President. But people are wising up. His international support is dwindling, his approval with American voters is declining. Hopefully, if this trend continues, he'll struggle in 2012. People are losing hope that Obama will change anything.
Well, I don't think he deserved it (just like he admitted), but that's no reason to bash him. Then again, I don't care that much, since he isn't my president. ;D He was only doing his job as a president, and the prize was like awarding a bus driver for arriving on time.

Jokes aside...

Come on, guys, give him a break. It's not his fault he got the prize. Blame the committee in Oslo.
Give him more time. No one can perform miracles within a few months. He has to clear up all the complicated mess the previous president left behind.
Getting this prize isn't as great as you think it is, it seems to be more like a burden for him, now he should be more ambitious to justify it. So take a deeeeep breath.... Even a president can't change anything without the support of his people ;D

He's kept the patriot act, he's kept the wiretapping, he's kept most of the Bush policies, guantanamo is still open and there were sources and reports that have revealed torture is still being used under Obama's watch. He has escalated the war and added more troops in afghanistan when he has claimed that he was going to withdraw them within a few months, however under his name thousands of soldiers and civilians have continually died, you call that change??! He bailed out the bankers and wall street when he should have bailed out the people! The guy is a criminal!
He's kept the patriot act, he's kept the wiretapping, he's kept most of the Bush policies, guantanamo is still open and there were sources and reports that have revealed torture is still being used under Obama's watch. He has escalated the war and added more troops in afghanistan when he has claimed that he was going to withdraw them within a few months, however under his name thousands of soldiers and civilians have continually died, you call that change??! He bailed out the bankers and wall street when he should have bailed out the people! The guy is a criminal!

Thanks for trying to educate the ones who have had the wool pulled over their eyes.
Obama gives a great speech, I could have been taken in by him but the truth is out there for everyone to see if they just look...
I like Obama, and he has given a lot of people hope, which is very important, and he has great visions for the future..but that he won, I was a little shocked..and I do believe that if Obama was asked if he would like to receive, I do think he would say no, so do others..he said he was extremely humble and in his speech talked a lot about the future, since he knew that he probably got it based on that, and that he hadn't gotten any results or achieved anything yet during his presidency.

I am Norwegian, and this has happened all in Norway...it said in the papers yesterday, the front page, that there were more people against him getting this award in the Nobel Comitee. So I don't know what happened..
I like Obama, and he has given a lot of people hope, which is very important, and he has great visions for the future..but that he won, I was a little shocked..and I do believe that if Obama was asked if he would like to receive, I do think he would say no, so do others..he said he was extremely humble and in his speech talked a lot about the future, since he knew that he probably got it based on that, and that he hadn't gotten any results or achieved anything yet during his presidency.

I am Norwegian, and this has happened all in Norway...it said in the papers yesterday, the front page, that there were more people against him getting this award in the Nobel Comitee. So I don't know what happened..

Does Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize ? NO!!!!!

But as I think about it more and more... the whole Nobel Committee should resign their posts and have a new election or however it is determined.

It is an absolute disgrace to the Award and a slap in the face of Peace of this spectacle to occur.

Think about it ... Gandhi never won. Nelson Mandela spent years in prison. Aung San Suu Kyi has spent 21 years in and out of prison, mother teresa won after 20-25 years??

I have followed the Nobel Peace Prize and have valued and look forward to the announcements for the last 20 years. Not after this year.

To me the most egregious thing about this years nominating and choosing Obama is the fact that there is a Genocide in progress in DARFUR, Mass killing in BURMA. The CONGO and UGANDA are a mess.

There are so many legitimate NGO's and people suffering and fighting for PEACE. They deserve the spotlight and the funds so they can obtain peace for the oppressed.
Does Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize ? NO!!!!!

But as I think about it more and more... the whole Nobel Committee should resign their posts and have a new election or however it is determined.

It is an absolute disgrace to the Award and a slap in the face of Peace of this spectacle to occur.

Think about it ... Gandhi never won. Nelson Mandela spent years in prison. Aung San Suu Kyi has spent 21 years in and out of prison, mother teresa won after 20-25 years??

I have followed the Nobel Peace Prize and have valued and look forward to the announcements for the last 20 years. Not after this year.

To me the most egregious thing about this years nominating and choosing Obama is the fact that there is a Genocide in progress in DARFUR, Mass killing in BURMA. The CONGO and UGANDA are a mess.

There are so many legitimate NGO's and people suffering and fighting for PEACE. They deserve the spotlight and the funds so they can obtain peace for the oppressed.

I agree with you, but it was not Obama's decision...as one of my teachers said "probably Stoltenberg (the prime minister) who just wanted him to come to Norway".

I think this also has made it much harder for Obama now. But someone else deserved it..
What has been up with awards lately? Are they just giving out to anybody they feel like? Dont get me wrong I love Obama and all and I feel that he has a great mindset as far as where he wants to take the country but he hasnt done anything yet. There really hasnt been a major progress since Bush has been in office and there have been plenty of people before him more deserving of that award. The thing about Obama's popularity (which I think is unfair) is, people treat Obama like he is the first african american to accomplish something or that has changed something when plenty of well known blacks have done that BEFORE him. If you really put everything into perspective Obama really hasnt done anything historically different (besides just being the first MIXED president), he just gave hope to the country that was not there before. I'm tired of people just giving out awards to anybody just because their popular. They do that ish for music and I guess it doesnt change for politics