Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


He got one and Michael didn't?

I know he's the first black president and all but what more has he done for the world?

Nobel Peace Prizes must be a joke.
Obama is not the 1st black president of the USA, John Hanson was. There were several presidents before the so-called 1st one George Washington. Warren Harding, the 29th president, had black relatives & ancestors.
Obama is not the 1st black president of the USA, John Hanson was. There were several presidents before the so-called 1st one George Washington. Warren Harding, the 29th president, had black relatives & ancestors.

wow...ur just a walking history book aren't ya? lol...well...cool...i didn't know all this...
I gues it's okay that he won the Nobel Peace Prize but he hasn't fullfill alot of his promises yet that he promised to change, he promised change and I haven't seen much yet but I gues we should give him some time :yes:
My email to POTUS admin this morning after I heard the fantastic news.

Congratulations Mr. President. You inherited the biggest work load of any President I have seen in my life time. How I wish you had inherited a surplus and no wars like George Bush did. Unfortunately you got the worst but thank the good Lord you are willing and so far have worked your butt off on behalf of the American people. Unlike the administration that sat and pontificated, then wreaked this country for
the past 8 years, you have been a work horse.

Every step of the way the haters keep raising the bar but you continue to do what
you are being paid for. That's all I need. So in honor of your efforts being acknowledged in such a major way I have just made a sizable donation to your party.

I respect and love you. Blessing to President Obama, his family, and this great country.

*I hope this news cheers him up. Nobody on this earth can make me hate our President!*
its obamas problem now. but i mean damn what can he honestly do that can reapair even 1/4th of the damage bush did in 9 months?

be reasonable people
Obama is not the 1st black president of the USA, John Hanson was. There were several presidents before the so-called 1st one George Washington. Warren Harding, the 29th president, had black relatives & ancestors.

ummm wasnt john hanson the guy who went to the north pole?
Wow why didn't they give Nobel to me instead? Or may be Chuck Norris? Obama actually did nothing special and won it omg. People who voted for him should receive it, not him
F*** Him.

How can that SOB win a Peace Prize??? What, is SATAN up for an award too? Is he going to be given the greatest humanitarian of all time award?

My goodness! What have they done?? The man who has done NOTHING for peace is winning a prize for it?

What a corrupt corrupt organization. Giving a peace prize to a man who stands for no such thing.

What a world we live in.

Geez calm down! Comparing him to satan is a little childish and dramatic, don't you think? You're acting like Hitler won it.
Congratulations Obama.

It was a surprise to me too. Actually I didn't even know they were giving the Nobel Peace Prize now.Who were nominated this year? A year goes fast, I think Ahtisaari (last years winner) is still celebrations his. :D

IMO Obama has done things that can affect the world positively and therefore giving him this prize is not wrong, but I think giving it to him now is too soon. They should have waited for 4 years see what he can really do (or not do).
Many things he said he'll fix are still in the works and who knows if they get fixed. Like Irak, Afganistan,Guantanamo,the economic crisis and the health care system in USA.
I was so surprised and really feel this was a wrong choice. Obama was nominated two weeks after he became the president of the US. I do like Obama but feel like he doesn't deserve this honor, not yet. He hasn't accomplished anything yet, not for peace. Remember that the US is still at war and war does not equal peace. I know Bush left such a mess and it will take a few years to clean it up so perhaps he would have been worthy a few years from now.

He hasn't really done anything. So strange.
Got to say, I'm dumbfounded that Obamam won. He got it for his aspirations? Come on!! 99% of politicians promise us world peace and a better life! The winner should be someone that has actually achieved something towards such a goal. It's farcical.
man i couldn't believe this!!!!

.... this is a sick joke.
he did not effing deserve this award. There are so many peaople that actaully act and try to make this world a better place... and this guy who only runs his mouth won?

this is sick. just sick.

this is stupid beyond all levels.

Obama to donate Nobel prize money to charity
Posted: 02:04 PM ET
WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Barack Obama will donate the roughly $1.4 million award from his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to charity, a White House spokesman said Friday.

I think it's cool...:) Though I also think Michael should've got one far more.

That's nice... :) Frankly, he doen't need the money anyway... =p

But I cant help but be bitter.... :( Michael's humanitarian works are often so ignored by the general masses.
Wow, he sure seems unpopular by all the followup commentary, and yet just a few months ago the whole world was cheering him on. Stick with it, people.
So much hate in this thread. Guys should be hapy. And yes I think Michael should have gotten an award but to be fair she should have gotten it years ago!!
What? WHAT? He's been in office for nine and a half months and he doesn't have a very flattering record so far.

- Escalated the war in Afghanistan (war = peace?)
- Nearly tripled the United States national debt
- Has failed to fulfil any election promise so far
- Failed to win the 2016 Olympics bid for Chicago

On what basis does he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? Not only has he failed to increase the peace to any extent, he has failed as a political leader. It's nothing more than blatant idol worship at this point.

Quite off topic - but with regards to the Chicago thing - hasn't US already hosted the Olympics enough? I am glad Rio De Janeiro got it! So excited for them!

With regards to the nobel peace prize - I think politicians should generally be exempt from nominations - that is unless they got a good 20+ years of peace-making done!!
Okay Honestly what do you expect for this man to do in 9 months to repair what bush did in 8 years?

He was nominated before he got into office

Whats with the bashing? Let the man do his job. He is not the anti christ


he's not going to keep all the promises he made

jesus christ..

Agree :)

No matter who gets elected for that job, not everyone is going to like them. And even when we do like them at the start - we always feel they let us down at some stage. That's politics - they can't make everyone happy.
the right and proper thing would have been to award the various people and organizations that has been working to end genocide in Darfur, Burma, Congo, .....etc.
The organizations could have benefited from more publicity, the money for the further promotion of their efforts....

but to give it to a president that has "aspirations", who's been in office barely, and has done nothing for peace?

how about giving the award posthumously to a man whose message was of world peace, taking care of the earth, living and loving each other for a more peaceful, and harmonious world.

whatever... I am out.
It's not that he won, it's the fact he has done nothing to earn such a prize. For instance look at Gandhi, he was nominated for years, and finally was awarded it the year he was killed. All I can say is, he should put that money he is getting to at least help the debt that has been caused. It's not a lot, but hey it's 1.4 million less.
mjjfan4ever, ElleBella + others, I totally agree.

To quote Michael Gerson: "Peace — the kind of peace that keeps people from being killed and oppressed — is an achievement, not a sentiment."

Lots of people want and strive for peace so Obama is nothing special in that regard.
What should be special about Nobel Prize winners is that they have something real to show for their efforts - not just great speeches.
Obama could very well achieve a lot for peace in the future (which I'm not holding my breath for) but that's in the future and this is now. What has he DONE (not merely said) for peace?

Look at, for example, one of the other nominees, guys.

Sima Samar
Now that's the sort of evidence a Nobel Prize winner should have behind them.
For what exactly? He hasn't done shit.

I was pretty mad when my mom told me about this yesterday. My first thought was, "Obama wins it for doing absolutely nothing but Michael Jackson donated millions to millions and he doesn't win a thing." The world is corrupt I tell you...
I am happy for him, so far he has been a good president, he promised change and maybe he will help change, he can't just snap his fingers and make things better, it takes time. I really like him and his family, they are so down to earth and normal unlike other presidents who are so fake and actually kinda have a crush on him :p

That been said, he could still turn out to be the worst president ever, so really they should have waited until his time in the white house was finished.

Congrats Barack
Theirs better people than bloody Obama who deserved this award most suitable person for it Died on June 25th, i was talking about this last night with one of my friends and we both Agree that MJ should have won the Nobel Peace Prize hell even Bono is more deserving for it than Obama is :mad:
are you kidding me? what did he do so big that he deserved the Nobel Prize? and so soon? he's only been a president for a few months
when I read the title I thought it was a joke lol
they're just kissing his ass because he's the first AA president and it's a trend to support him