Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I don't follow politics much.. but as far as I know one shouldn't win a Peace Prize if a wars' been fought?
exactly what i was going to say,as long as wars are still going on,no politision should be awarded this,
what about all the things michael did for peace,why wasn,t he nominated for one,
mjjfan4ever, ElleBella + others, I totally agree.

To quote Michael Gerson: "Peace — the kind of peace that keeps people from being killed and oppressed — is an achievement, not a sentiment."

Lots of people want and strive for peace so Obama is nothing special in that regard.
What should be special about Nobel Prize winners is that they have something real to show for their efforts - not just great speeches.
Obama could very well achieve a lot for peace in the future (which I'm not holding my breath for) but that's in the future and this is now. What has he DONE (not merely said) for peace?

Look at, for example, one of the other nominees, guys.

Sima Samar
Now that's the sort of evidence a Nobel Prize winner should have behind them.

Carina- thanks for the link... i will have to educate myself on Dr. Samar.

I totally agree..... there are so many "foot soldiers for PEACE" in the world, its just a popularity contest. Sad.....
oh lord are people exaggerating! Obama didn't ask for this prize so stop bashing him, jeez! poor guy!
I'm happy he won, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders and needs all the support he can get! the media is going overboard on this and I really feel bad for him when people say he shouldn't accept it.
When Al gore won there was barely any talk, yet he deserved it less if you ask me.
And if your opinion on wether he deserves it is based on what the media says, then you really need to start thinking with your own head! hasn't michael been slandered for years by them? we know better than to let them control our thoughts on michael, shouldn't that also go for other people?
read up on obama and what hes been trying to achieve before you start tearing him down.
Some years I really believe Nobel Peace Price is a joke.
At least you ought to have done something to earn the price before you get it.
oh lord are people exaggerating! Obama didn't ask for this prize so stop bashing him, jeez! poor guy!
I'm happy he won, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders and needs all the support he can get! the media is going overboard on this and I really feel bad for him when people say he shouldn't accept it.
When Al gore won there was barely any talk, yet he deserved it less if you ask me.
And if your opinion on wether he deserves it is based on what the media says, then you really need to start thinking with your own head! hasn't michael been slandered for years by them? we know better than to let them control our thoughts on michael, shouldn't that also go for other people?
read up on obama and what hes been trying to achieve before you start tearing him down.

Sorry my opinion is purely based on my own opinion on what the Noble Prize stands for and NOT based on what the media is saying.

Honestly, I have not watched the news in like 4 days. And believe me the media is the last thing that would dictate what i believe.

Michael was slandered and called every name in the book which were not true.

A lot of people on this board is merely stating the obvious... President Obama doesn't deserve the prize because he hasn't done anything for it. THIS is a fact. What Michael had to deal with was LIES.

You are also correct... whoever nominated President Obama needs a lesson in what the Nobel Peace Prize stands for.... and its not for a popularity contest.
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I have nothing against Obama, I actually quite like the guy but I was surprised about this. I just can't understand what the rush is to give it to him? Maybe in 5+ years time, when it'll be a lot clearer and will have actually done something to deserve the award. There are other people it should have gone to this year. It's kind of lost the prestige I personally had for it now tbh.
well I must say..I am from the U.S......and I say Bahhahahahha....O'Bama...winning Nobel Peace Prize......not very popular opinion amongst my pier group...IMHO...he doesn't deserve this.....he even said so himself...but..he did say he will donate the 1.4 million to charity.....and he should.
actually, can you believe Gandhi the father of non-violent peaceful civil disobedience who led to inspire the likes Martin Luther Kin Jr, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, to name a few....

Gandhi never won the Nobel PEACE prize? the year he was closest to winning but didn't win was 1948. Even then after his assassination the award was not given to Gandhi..... Nobel committee does not award it Posthumously.

Go figure.
Obama is not the 1st black president of the USA, John Hanson was. There were several presidents before the so-called 1st one George Washington. Warren Harding, the 29th president, had black relatives & ancestors.

I feel like i get a bit more smarter each time i read DuranDuran.

actually, can you believe Gandhi the father of non-violent peaceful civil disobedience who led to inspire the likes Martin Luther Kin Jr, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, to name a few....

Gandhi never won the Nobel PEACE prize? the year he was closest to winning but didn't win was 1948. Even then after his assassination the award was not given to Gandhi..... Nobel committee does not award it Posthumously.

Go figure.

aah...i did not know this.
I feel like i get a bit more smarter each time i read DuranDuran.
I had a teacher in school that said most of the stuff in the school textbooks was garbage, but that was what she was paid to teach. So she'd sometimes tell us about different info or books to read on our own time if we wanted. They weren't in the school library obviously, lol.
god... this is starting to sound like fox news

the man prob didnt even want the damn award in the first place

its not a trend to support him because he is black

yes i agree michael should have won the award but honestly look at the tension in the united states

one little thing can send this whole country into rioting and martial law

im honestly shocked by the things i hear said about obama and his administration honestly if u believed he was going to accomplish most of what he said in 4 years u have wool over your eyes

we were screwed 10 fold sense 2001 and it will take major time to get the economy back were it should be and to get decency back to this country wit out the tint of racial tension thats going around

dammit stop being sheeple
actually, can you believe Gandhi the father of non-violent peaceful civil disobedience who led to inspire the likes Martin Luther Kin Jr, Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, to name a few....

Gandhi never won the Nobel PEACE prize? the year he was closest to winning but didn't win was 1948. Even then after his assassination the award was not given to Gandhi..... Nobel committee does not award it Posthumously.

Go figure.

i thought Ghandi died of natural causes...who assassinated him, and how was he assassinated?
god... this is starting to sound like fox news

the man prob didnt even want the damn award in the first place

its not a trend to support him because he is black

yes i agree michael should have won the award but honestly look at the tension in the united states

one little thing can send this whole country into rioting and martial law

im honestly shocked by the things i hear said about obama and his administration honestly if u believed he was going to accomplish most of what he said in 4 years u have wool over your eyes

we were screwed 10 fold sense 2001 and it will take major time to get the economy back were it should be and to get decency back to this country wit out the tint of racial tension thats going around

dammit stop being sheeple

lol...fox news is not a supporter of Michael Jackson.
Wow, he sure seems unpopular by all the followup commentary, and yet just a few months ago the whole world was cheering him on. Stick with it, people.

Personally, I'm glad that this Obama "fantasy" is finally starting to fade away. He was a sweet talker, that's for sure.

and FYI.. yes we can = "thank you satan" backwards :lol:
In Obama's defence - he agreed that he didn't deserve it.

So really, this thread should really be having a go at the people who selected him, not the man himself.
I am happy for him, so far he has been a good president, he promised change and maybe he will help change, he can't just snap his fingers and make things better, it takes time. I really like him and his family, they are so down to earth and normal unlike other presidents who are so fake and actually kinda have a crush on him :p

That been said, he could still turn out to be the worst president ever, so really they should have waited until his time in the white house was finished.

Congrats Barack
Grace, that's the main issue here. It's not about promises made or "maybe"s. Millions of people can do that. The Nobel Peace Prize should be rewarding something already achieved for peace.