o2 Michael Jackson Only Shop


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Winchester, Uk
Just got back from the o2 and they were setting up a shop full of mj stuff looked really cool but i think it is all the stuff from the AEG/concert merch website i took some pics on my phone for you all









I want the long poster above sooo bad!


they wouldnt let me in, doors were tightly locked untill wednesday morning, I tried to get in but no chance was a good lock :no:
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Re: o2 Mj Shop

Wow, thanks for my posting. Look at the walls!! It's like my version of heaven :)
Re: o2 Mj Shop

Nice! Did anyone go to the British Music Experience when it was at the bubble? They had a section of MJ merch there. Then again, London's full of MJ stuff at the moment, unsurprisingly!
It did look really good and they had a screen like next to them MJ pics and it had number ones playing so im guessing they will be selling dvds/singles aswell

Its gonna be so hard to resist not to spend my money on wednesday!
For my wallet's sake it's a good thing I don't live in England and would first have to board a plane to get there, but otherwise.....I'd go crazy there and spend a fortune ( I feel like crap so I deserve it NOW is what I tell myself)
Thanks for the pictures Motsey!
For my wallet's sake it's a good thing I don't live in England and would first have to board a plane to get there, but otherwise.....I'd go crazy there and spend a fortune ( I feel like crap so I deserve it NOW is what I tell myself)
Thanks for the pictures Motsey!

Unless they will sell the stuff online.....
OMG I wanna go there now, but gotta wait till Wednesday, this is crazy, the film, the exhibition and now this shop. It looks really cool, never been in a shop just full of MJ stuff. Only stalls from previous tours and a little selection of things in shops but a shop full of Michael.
This is great! I have booked it for the following month. I hope to grab as much inspiration as possible. How long did it take to view the exhibition? Are you allowed to take photos, as one of my friends cannot attend unfortunately.

Thank You, Take Care
This is great! I have booked it for the following month. I hope to grab as much inspiration as possible. How long did it take to view the exhibition? Are you allowed to take photos, as one of my friends cannot attend unfortunately.

Thank You, Take Care

you book per 30mins guess you can book as long as you like but you pay per 30min and I asked today and was told no camera's at all
Was this at the o2 Arena? I have booked to see the exhibition in November and I hope to buy some goodies or my friends. Thanks for the photos and sharing them they're amazing. Sara
That is a piece of heaven. I love the walls. When I buy my own place, the walls are gonna look like that.Man, I need to take the next flight to London.

*MichaelFanNo1 logs off, sneakily leaves house, goes to the o2 and breaks in" :D

It looks great, thanks for posting! Did you see any Liz Taylor tribute jackets in there? I got one of the internet but had to send it back and cannot find one anywhere now and that'd be a good enough reason to go down there :D
Wow cant wait to visit it, I'm going to London for New Year so I'm deffo gonna go to this and to the Exhibition aswell
Thanks for sharing! Better not show my other half this lol I feel his bank card is going to take a hammering when I go to London next month :)
Wow this has definitely made me want to go now!! :D
Looks amazing, I want that dangerous wallpaper in my bedroom!!!! :O
Aw it looks amazing! I wish I could visit. Is this permanent or just a temporary thing they'll keep up for a few months?

I wish I could be there right now.
Nice picture btw. Thank you so much for posting! :)