November 11 News and Mentionings

Wow, I'm shocked as to where MJ placed on the list too. Not just cuz I'm a fan,
but because he really does deserve to be ranked higher than that. His voice is the proof.
Tho she has a great voice, I dont feel Aretha Franklin should be at #1. But then, whom am I?

But you gotta hand it to Ms. Franklin, despite whats believed or rumored, she can be VERY charitable.
As a matter of fact, she's donating 10 grand to a Detroit HS choir so they can travel to perform at
Obama's inauguration (sp?) in January. Thats about half of whats needed for all the students to attend.
LMAO, of course you wouldn't because you honestly don't see anyone on that list greater than "the king of pop". :tease:

Dang, ain't she your friend? Where is the loyality? LOL. But hey, you spoke the truth.

more artists out their and they have left their footprints as well

On point. I am glad MJ was on a list that means a little something. Good for Mike. 25 was a reasonable rank compared to the other artists above 25. :) 25 out of 100 is an amazing feat.
Aside from Jagger and McCartney placing so high, the list was actually fair

What? I wouldn't even put them on the list.

I listen to a lot more music then people realize though, that's the thing.

So do a lot of people and your point? And what does Ree Ree's weight have to do with her voice? What is wrong with being fat? I am a thin girl, but fat people are people as well. At times, I wonder why MJ fans, some anyway, are so ignorant towards other people when they should be the last ones to go after anyone? Why some fans overly defend everything that MJ does because they are fans, or maybe insecure of their fanhood or themselves, but if someone, let's say, Kanye, wants to express himself, he needs to "shut up"? There is one thing to be ill-informed, but it is another thing to be ignorant and nasty. The list is the list. There were people before MJ who probably can sing better than him, hell better than him. Hell, MJ probably might even admit that. I wish some of his fans would do some growing up and understand that MJ is not music. That there were others before MJ that are talented, musical geniuses and just as musically trained as Michael. It is just that Michael was a different kind of artist. That is really all it is. MJ is an humble person, I wonder why some of his fans didn't pick up that same kind of quality?
The list is the list.
Which really dont mean a whole helluva lot anywayz.
It's all about different strokes for different folks when you think about it.
Maybe they shoulda put a disclaimer in there: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.
What? I wouldn't even put them on the list.
MJ is an humble person, I wonder why some of his fans didn't pick up that same kind of quality?
Why you picking on another fan all the time? just asking.

btw, I don't see anything wrong with what Kanye West said about MJ, it's actually very nice and respectful.