November 11 News and Mentionings

Hmmm, well I have some "issues" with this list.
But first....
Every time a new poll like this comes out, the lists are never completely fair. And on top of it all, it really is hard to rank such great musical artists from '55 and onward. There are sooo many great rock voices! Someone is gonna get the end of the stick, and some fanbase is gonna be pissed about it. However, I am not implying MJ got the end of the stick in this situation.

These are rock singers. They sing differently. Many of them are technically singing to hurt their voice in the long run. Someone like Robert Plant would technically be singing incorrectly to damage his voice. But he's a rock artist. That's what they do, and that's how they sing to get their emotion across to their audience. Aretha Franklin is a great choice for the best rock singer, I believe. However, I personally believe that 2 particular people should not be on the top 10 that are. I have never really taken a liking to Lennon's voice (and I know many of you will disagree with me on that) and also Bob Dylan. Especially Dylan though. I can't STAND the way he sings. Sure he deserves to be on the list somewhere, BUT NO.7?!?!?!?!

As for Michael....I do kind of wish he was a little higher up on the list. Mostly because he is so versatile. That gritty sound he gets when he sings higher, like in Dirty Diana or Give Into me...I love that, and I think it's very recognizable to other people. But whatev...
Michael can make his voice tear when he sings rock. He just shreds a song with that tight, chopped up phrasing. It's brilliant what he does.
Paul has a very good voice. He should be ranked higher then Lennon. Dylan is a lyrical genius, not a singer. But his voice works perfectly for his own songs.
Well yeah, but 25? Come ON. Aretha is great but it's a case of the emperors new cloths with that one, I'll tell ya. Well it's just because people don't know anything about what makes a good singer.

I think a lot of people know what they like and what sounds good to them. Considering that MJ is the youngest on the RS list[top 25], that is quite an honor, because he is compared to the greatest vocalist of all time in that genre -- tried, true and tested superstars.

Sometimes things are better than you think.
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I listen to a lot more music then people realize though, that's the thing. Ya'll are the ig'NANT ones. If we're gonna argue over to spell a misspelled word, lol. Michael can't spell neither.
Please. That's actually how you say "ign'ant" around my neck of the woods. :unsure:


Oh yeah Aretha fed me some fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and some collard greens, so she rules.

Until Michael gives me one of his giraffes, he ain't gonna be #1 on some stupid list. JAMON, SHAMON, whatever. :lol:
Michael's the best. Aretha's just fat... (that's a joke, for all you sensitive folks) and Michael's too skinny according to those same sensitives.
Oh snap, Nicole's gonna dangle my big ass off the balcony. HELP! :lol:

And Nik, again, you're gonna get motherf***ers on your tail, keep on saying Aretha fat because MJ ain't number-one. I'm over the Grammy incident by the way. :lol:
You know that's what I love Timmy. Mother fu**ers on my tail. Aretha needs to give some of her blubber to Mike.

Michael's number one.
Go to her house in Detroit and ask her then if you don't believe me. Just don't say "fattie"... LOL

Fat people and skinny people ain't hurt nobody, lol.
Naw, they just hurt themselves. Only anorexic skinny people though. It could just be natural.

And sometimes fat people are even self-loathing and bring the mood down, tra la la.
Hellz no! I eat a ton of food, lol. I'm just naturally thin. My brother's a vegan though and I'll tell you right now, I could NEVER do that. Food tastes like cardboard. Vegans and vegintarians ain't all that healthy anyway. They have to eat MORE food to maintain the nutriants they lack from meat and/or dairy, so half the time they're fat, lol. Ever go in to Whole Foods? Yeah, those people look reaaaaaal healthy, lol.
Hellz no! I eat a ton of food, lol. I'm just naturally thin. My brother's a vegan though and I'll tell you right now, I could NEVER do that. Food tastes like cardboard. Vegans and vegintarians ain't all that healthy anyway. They have to eat MORE food to maintain the nutriants they lack from meat and/or dairy, so half the time they're fat, lol. Ever go in to Whole Foods? Yeah, those people look reaaaaaal healthy, lol.

you've seen fat vegans??
Yeahhhhhh... lol. All those granola heads and organic foods people, blah. My brother's as thin as me though, lol. You can eat as healthily as you please but if you take in too much food, it doesn't matter how good for you it is, you'll gain weight. It's a simple process. Diets don't work. If you burn more calories then you eat, you'll lose weight. If you eat more calories then you burn, then you'll gain weight.