November 11 News and Mentionings


Guess who's back – and spilling (some of) his story

'The first thing I do is put on the mask."
This is a sample from Eminem's I'm Having A Relapse, a strange freestyle rap that was leaked online.
The song will not appear on Relapse, his hotly anticipated follow-up to 2004's Encore, and when precisely this album will appear is a mystery, though some time next month is the best bet.
In the interim, we can preoccupy ourselves with Eminem: The Way I Am, the just-released memoir from Vibe Magazine's choice for Best Rapper Alive.

In the The Way I Am, he is pictured posing as Michael Jackson, which is not a stretch: both are unparalleled innovators; both have retreated to the shadows because of their inability to match their work with their presence. (Hundreds of years ago, before the dominance of pop media, would even the audacious Charles Baudelaire have been put on blast for not drunkenly picking fleurs du mal in public?) Is reclusiveness now pathological, or merely an astute way of negotiating one's life in the public and private spheres?


‘One Simple Prayer’ is set to take centre stage

A bright new voice is rising on the local Christian contemporary music scene – her name is Audrey, and she’s ready to conquer listeners’ hearts with her uplifting music of faith, praise and love.

Audrey was inspired by her father a former school teacher and choir master, and started singing and performing with his choir at the tender age of five. “From an early age I would arrange variety shows and perform, doing lip-synching and dancing to Michael Jackson tunes,” she recalls.

The intrepid youngster also sang and acted in a variety of school productions, was a soloist in high school and sang with an outreach band “Penguins in Africa” during her university years. More recently, as a Pastor at His People Church in Johannesburg, she has headed up its performing arts ministry and was a member in a recent church CD recording.
Now, however, it’s Audrey’s time to shine in her own right. Despite not being attached to any record label, she has forged ahead and is now releasing her debut solo album, co-writing many of the tracks with Baird, her husband Phiwayinkosi and even her children. Like the Jacksons, the Mbuyazis are clearly a very musical family!


All Access with women's basketball player Lindsey Kluempers

Who is your favorite musician?
Let's go with Michael Jackson just because his songs are so fun. He was my absolute favorite growing up. My parents made fun of me, but I love him. I like John Mayer. I like Jason Mraz.

I like all those crazy rap songs on the radio right now that I don't even know who sings them, but they're fun to dance to. I really like all music except for really heavy metal and rap.

Full article

Tips for Maintaining Your Physique While Enjoying Your Favorite Treats

LOS ANGELES, Ready or not, the holiday season is here. The temptations begin with Halloween candy, continue through Thanksgiving with turkey and pies, merry-making eggnog and potato latkes, and then New Year's toasts. But, it doesn't end there. Next come Super Bowl buffalo wings and Valentine's Day chocolates to contend with. Everyone's stomachs keep expanding with four months of non-stop holiday cooking and feasting.

Enter Helene Phillips, the mind, body and soul guru to the elite dance and fitness world. Helene suggests to people that will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen to try something new this year -- exercising while preparing their tasty meals and treats during the holidays.
"Most of us don't realize that within the kitchen lies our very own private gym," says Helene. "With our heavy pots stored below the kitchen counter and our dishes stored above, the workout becomes continuous simply by reaching for everything." So, instead of gaining that holiday jolly belly this year, the cooking connoisseurs should try maintaining their physiques while still being able to enjoy their favorite holiday treats. Below, Helene shares some of her fun and easy fitness tips that anyone can try in the kitchen...

Holiday Music to Get You in the Mood
First step is for the cook to put on some holiday or dance music in the background. This will help to get into the holiday spirit and the toes tapping to the beat. If the cooking stays enjoyable, then it'll be a fun experience overall.

Prepping the Food AND Your Body
Before prepping the food at hand, taking a few deep breaths will help to increase the supply of oxygen to the body. First, lift the hands and arms high into the air and fill the lungs with a deep inhale. On the exhale, lower the arms and put the hands on the kitchen counter. Looking down at the floor, make sure that the hands are shoulder width apart and that the body is perpendicular to the floor with the hands still on the counter. Everyone should feel a stretch down the backs of their legs. Staying in this position, take a few more deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and out through the mouth.

Squatting for Pots and Pans
When it's time to pull out the pots and pans under the kitchen counter, try squatting down next to the pot instead of bending over. This is an exercise that is great for strengthening the arms and quads.
Grab the pot with two hands and hold it close to the body. Before standing, fill the lungs with a deep inhale. On the exhale, pull in the abs and straighten the legs. The trick is to not use the hands to assist on the way up. Squatting down instead of bending over saves the back from strain, too. This is an exercise that can be done repeatedly while waiting for something to heat up.

Kitchen Counter Push Ups
The common kitchen move of stirring is excellent for the arms, but there's another exercise that can yield great results for biceps.
Place the hands on the kitchen counter and feet away from the counter so it looks like a "push-up." Keeping the body in one diagonal line from toes to the head, make sure to keep the chin down, head back, and pull the belly button in. The neck and shoulders should remain relaxed.
To begin the push up, bend the arms and try touching the chest to the counter. The only movement should be coming from the arms, with the elbows going straight back and close to the body. Do 10 reps, rest, and then do 10 more.

In the time it takes to prepare those amazing holiday meals, everyone can work their abs, legs, arms and derriere. Great music is also essential for the soul. But, the best part of all -- the cooks in the kitchen can now enjoy the meals they've slaved over guilt free!
Helene is a renowned dancer, choreographer and Emmy-nominated director, having worked with mega stars such as Madonna, Michael Jackson and John Travolta. As one of the original 'Solid Gold' dancers, Helene is a respected choreographer in the industry and has contributed to some of the world's most acclaimed productions.{A63F5592-E157-4DDD-AE95-F270329DA6BA}

Beyonce, Solange Knowles, Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey were among the artists present at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo this weekend.


This time around Bey performed "Single Ladies." Even though I think she's trying to channel Michael Jackson with this outfit (sparkly leggings? military inspired vest? futuristic glove?) I actually love this one.


Kanye West Shifts Focus From Fame And Awards To Honoring His Mother, Obama And Fans

Fresh off his first EMA win, rapper says he'd rather 'penetrate culture' than receive kudos.

Kanye West has changed his priorities over the past year. While in Liverpool, England, for the 2008 MTV Europe Music Awards last week, the rapper told MTV Base that his main career objective is just to be groundbreaking with his product, not to be the most recognizable face on the planet.

"Think about how much Michael Jackson has done for us, and every time you bring up Michael Jackson, usually people are joking about him," he continued. "I'm one step away from that kid that just won a couple of awards, and a step away from Michael Jackson. 'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!' People don't even f---ing know me and have so much to say. Paparazzi, anybody who comes close enough to me, if I ask you not to take a picture of me, don't ask me something; just realize I am a real person. I am not a celebrity, I'm just famous and stuff, and I make good music. It's just a hard situation for me. I lost my mom, I lost my relationship, my hopes of some type of normality, hopes of a family, just so I could be on the stage."

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Local woman leaving for second tour in Iraq

Angela Kalb is a busy woman — the 33-year-old works a full-time job in night security at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center from 10 p.m.-6 a.m. and she also finds time to carry a full course load at Northwest College.

However, she said there are some good aspects to her service.

“I would say (I enjoy) the camaraderie you develop with the people you’re with, and it was an interesting experience, being part of history, I suppose. And seeing a different culture. I had a lot of Middle-Eastern associations growing up, so the culture contrast wasn’t so surprising. I was surprised by how westernized the
Iraqis are. All the children know Michael Jackson, George Bush and Pepsi — and they like all three,” she added.


Today in
Michael Jackson History

1992 - Michael Jackson's single "Heal The World" was released. The single also contained "She Drives Me Wild."

"Think about how much Michael Jackson has done for us, and every time you bring up Michael Jackson, usually people are joking about him," he continued. "I'm one step away from that kid that just won a couple of awards, and a step away from Michael Jackson

Hell no you ain't Kanye! Is this man not the most dillusional fool ever or what?! lol. One step away from Michael? Now I know he's drawing this comparison as in "I'm ragged on like Michael", but no he isn't. He's crazy as hell if he thinks that. He doesn't even know what that means. Nobody cares enough about Kanye for them to hate on him like they do Michael.

Iraqis are. All the children know Michael Jackson, George Bush and Pepsi — and they like all three,” she added.

That's cool. Just goes to show how famous Michael is. He isn't just some "pop star", he's a cultural phenom.
Thanx for posting marie.

In the The Way I Am, he is pictured posing as Michael Jackson, which is not a stretch: both are unparalleled innovators; both have retreated to the shadows because of their inability to match their work with their presence.

Is the picture a new one for the book? Damn Eminem:smilerolleyes: He was makin fun of MJ when MJ was fighting for his life and now this? I can feel how upset Mike was through the Geraldo interview.
I can't stand Kanye West he's a prick and his music is shit, i wish someone would wake him up from this lovely dream he keeps haveing
Iraqis are. All the children know Michael Jackson, George Bush and Pepsi — and they like all three,” she added
yeah i bet the iraqis love george bush LOL

theres been many a story releated to mj since iraq was invaded. soliders doing moonwalks for the kids and kids calling the black soliders mj
First all may hate Eminem for doing what he did to MJ...but I think deep down inside, Eminem would give his right hand to have the amount of fame that MJ has had. That Eminem KNOWS MJ is the MAN. Same with Kanye....Kanye ALSO knows this...And just look at all of these artists - and remember that phrase "Imitation is the HIGHEST version of FLATTERY"...
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All Access with women's basketball player Lindsey Kluempers
Who is your favorite musician?
Let's go with Michael Jackson just because his songs are so fun. He was my absolute favorite growing up.
My parents made fun of me, but I love him. I like John Mayer. I like Jason Mraz.

I like all those crazy rap songs on the radio right now
that I don't even know who sings them, but they're fun to dance to.
I really like all music except for really heavy metal and rap.
Isnt that some kind of contradictiion she got going on right there?
I was with her til I got to that part. Lol!

Eminems' ENCORE sucked in my opinion. I was really looking for an excellent album
that would hold right up there with the rest of his work, but that didnt happen.
Maybe RELAPSE, whenever it hits, will be a lot better.
Marie, thanks for posting.

I really do not understand the Kanye bashing. Too many insecure fans complaining about someone trying to express himself. At least Kanye ain't this fool, Emimen. LOL. Em just needs to go somewhere. Kanye is truly going through a lot of things and he just needed to lash it out. I saw nothing wrong in what he said. However, some fans expect everyone to describe MJ the way Liz Taylor does without thinking of how it may look. Just stating.

Isnt that some kind of contradictiion she got going on right there?

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I was like, what? Blah. How can you like the hip hop songs but not rap? LOL. And I doubt the children from Iraq likes Dubya. LOL. I find it interesting that they call every black solider MJ. At least they know MJ's race. Good for them. :)

Today, USA fans is Veterans Day and if you know a Veteran, tell him/her "thanks for serving our country". Or anything respectful. How it relates to MJ is that I saw this thread regarding a youtube video of MJ visiting the troops. I decided to post the link and let you all know about it. Thanks to analouge for posting the thread.
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In the The Way I Am, he is pictured posing as Michael Jackson, which is not a stretch: both are unparalleled innovators; both have retreated to the shadows because of their inability to match their work with their presence.

DANG, homeboy appears to be a wee bit obsessed with Mike. LOL!

I mean, in that last video of his, he dressed up like MJ. Now there is a picture of him in his new book, where he is dressed up like MJ.

Oh and they MAY "both be unparalleled innovators," but only one of them owns Eminem's back catalog. LOL! That's my favorite part. MJ is an innovator in the studio and OUTSIDE the studio.
twat said:
both are unparalleled innovators; both have retreated to the shadows because of their inability to match their work with their presence. (Hundreds of years ago, before the dominance of pop media, would even the audacious Charles Baudelaire have been put on blast for not drunkenly picking fleurs du mal in public?) Is reclusiveness now pathological, or merely an astute way of negotiating one's life in the public and private spheres?
who pays for these writers?! apart from having ate a thesaurus, this muppet needs to go back working those Asda tills for the rest of his life.
but only one of them owns Eminem's back catalog.

Oh snap! That is a good one. I forgot all about Mickey owning Em's "music".

who pays for these writers?! apart from having ate a thesaurus, this muppet needs to go back working those Asda tills for the rest of his life.

Probably Em's people. To even compare him to Mike is an insult to Mike. I am wondering what did Em do that was innovative? Trashing folks? Mocking a black dude when he was fighting lies about himself? Taking a black music form (hip hop) and making a mockery out of it and having the nerve to sell more (supposedly) records than any rapper before him and on top of that, winning an Oscar for a song that sucked? LOL. I mean, please.
OMG! Exactly this date 11/11-1992 was I born (wich means its my birthday today, and I know it doesn't say that in my MJJCommunity membership, but Iguess I did something wrong while signing my account :p) anyway, exactly this date Michael's single "Heal The World" was released. That's amazing!!
"Think about how much Michael Jackson has done for us, and every time you bring up Michael Jackson, usually people are joking about him," he continued. "I'm one step away from that kid that just won a couple of awards, and a step away from Michael Jackson. 'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!' People don't even f---ing know me and have so much to say. Paparazzi, anybody who comes close enough to me, if I ask you not to take a picture of me, don't ask me something; just realize I am a real person. I am not a celebrity, I'm just famous and stuff, and I make good music. It's just a hard situation for me. I lost my mom, I lost my relationship, my hopes of some type of normality, hopes of a family, just so I could be on the stage."

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Kanye needs to sit his ass down some where or just keep quiet because everything that comes out of his mouth sounds retarded
Kanye needs to sit his ass down some where or just keep quiet because everything that comes out of his mouth sounds retarded

I think some fans need to stop taking things to seriously. He did not even say anything that was insulting. I do not know why some fans feel the need to find some negative in everything Kanye says. The man is self absorbed. So what? What are you gonna do about it? He didn't say anything remotely mean about MJ. I mean, please, I read that quote three times, four times and he is going off as usual. That is how he is. LOL. Damn..... I am actually laughing at it because I am excpecting him to be this way. What he said was "retarded" but it was more of, "damn, this dude loves himself". But I have to admit, when he added in his mother's passing and him losing his woman, I felt bad for the guy. I also didn't see how it had to do with the award show. It is Kanye just being Kanye as usual. So many fans want people to accept MJ as he is but they cannot accept others as they are. It is such a contridiction. At times, I wonder if some MJ fans are ever truly satisfied with anything. You fans should be happy that MJ is even being mentioned.
Marie, thanks for posting.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I was like, what? Blah. How can you like the hip hop songs but not rap? LOL. And I doubt the children from Iraq likes Dubya. LOL.

That's not impossible lol. He is not universally unpopular. He did get rid of Saddam after all and some people appreciate the American/foreign presence in Iraq since they think things might very well get worse in that country without it. Bush is also actually popular in certain parts of Africa because he helped in the fight against malaria and because Republicans generally give more money to African causes.
Bush is also actually popular in certain parts of Africa because he helped in the fight against malaria and because his Republicans generally give more money to African causes.

Really? Well, I did not know that. Thank you for telling me that. Maybe I should not believe allof the media hype regarding Bush's popularity or unpopluarity from the media. Actually, I have heard that there are some people in Iraq who were happy that Bush did get rid of Saddam Huissen. I forgot about that.
That's not impossible lol. He is not universally unpopular. He did get rid of Saddam after all //
he got rid of Saddam, and brought in a worse influence - fundamentalist Iranian fanaticism coupled with al-Qaeda. so yeah, it's pretty impossible, lol.

and us Iraqis love MJ. he was always in national news, and Moonwalker was a staple diet in kids' entertainment.
"Think about how much Michael Jackson has done for us, and every time you bring up Michael Jackson, usually people are joking about him," he continued. "I'm one step away from that kid that just won a couple of awards, and a step away from Michael Jackson. 'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!'

You know...I like to see Kanye or any person saying good things about Michael Jackson.I like to see the ppl have respect for him.But I also like to see the humility in ppl...Then Kanye is poor in humility.He said that he's a one step away from Michael?Oh,please...:(

BTW...Thanks for the news Marie!:)
Really? Well, I did not know that. Thank you for telling me that. Maybe I should not believe allof the media hype regarding Bush's popularity or unpopluarity from the media. Actually, I have heard that there are some people in Iraq who were happy that Bush did get rid of Saddam Huissen. I forgot about that.

Yeah there's probably a few youtube videos you can find about his visit to Africa and you can see he got a good reception in some parts.
he got rid of Saddam, and brought in a worse influence - fundamentalist Iranian fanaticism coupled with al-Qaeda. so yeah, it's pretty impossible, lol.

Well, you can't have it all lol. Seriously, I know the issue is contested, but that's just the point - two sides to every story and all that. I'm not at all a Dubya fan, but I know he isn't hated by absolutely everyone lol.
You know...I like to see Kanye or any person saying good things about Michael Jackson.I like to see the ppl have respect for him.But I also like to see the humility in ppl...Then Kanye is poor in humility.He said that he's a one step away from Michael?Oh,please...:(

BTW...Thanks for the news Marie!:)
But he also said he is one step away from the kid who's won a couple awards, so if you look at that, and where Michael is, he has placed himself right in the middle. Those are just some HUGE steps.

I love Kanye's Jesus Walks song and videos.
But he also said he is one step away from the kid who's won a couple awards, so if you look at that, and where Michael is, he has placed himself right in the middle. Those are just some HUGE steps.

I love Kanye's Jesus Walks song and videos.

Ok!But souds weird Kanye say that...therefore he said:"'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!'

I also like Kanye!Like "Stronger".
OMG! Exactly this date 11/11-1992 was I born (wich means its my birthday today, and I know it doesn't say that in my MJJCommunity membership, but Iguess I did something wrong while signing my account :p) anyway, exactly this date Michael's single "Heal The World" was released. That's amazing!!

I didn't know---before today that Heal The World was released on 11/11/1992. This is a very signifigant date in World History because it is called Armistice--or--Remembrance Day----the day when papers were signed to end World War 1---and Peace was restored to the World.
How "fitting" that Heal The World was released on this day/date.
It is my all time favourite Michael song.
:cheers: Happy Birthday Jayjackson.
Ok!But souds weird Kanye say that...therefore he said:"'Oh, he's so arrogant, he's so this, he's so that!'

I also like Kanye!Like "Stronger".
True, I thought that's where the quote ended and someone else was calling him arrogant because of that statement. Then I understood what was said. I like his quote though.
Aretha Franklin greatest singer in rock era: poll

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - She's already the Queen of Soul, but now Aretha Franklin has been named the greatest singer of the rock era in a poll conducted by Rolling Stone magazine.

Franklin, 66, came in ahead of Ray Charles at No. 2, Elvis Presley at No. 3, Sam Cooke at No. 4 and John Lennon at No. 5, according to the magazine's survey of 179 musicians, producers, Rolling Stone editors, and other music-industry insiders.

The 100-strong list will be published on Friday, when Rolling Stone hits the newsstands with four different covers.

The issue includes testimonials from musicians. R&B singer Mary J. Blige, for example, writes that Franklin is "the reason why women want to sing." Former Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant, who was No. 15 on the list, describes Presley's voice as "confident, insinuating and taking no prisoners."

Besides Franklin, the only other living people in the top 10 were Bob Dylan at No. 7 and Stevie Wonder at No. 9. Marvin Gaye was No. 6, Otis Redding No. 8, and James Brown No. 10.

Other notables included Paul McCartney at No. 11, one place ahead of his idol, Little Richard; and Mick Jagger at No. 16, also one ahead of a key influence, Tina Turner. Among the top 25, 50-year-old Michael Jackson was the youngest, coming in at No. 25.

Voters included Metallica frontman James Hetfield, folk singers David Crosby and Yusuf Islam, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, punk rock veteran Iggy Pop and English pop star James Blunt. They each submitted their top 20 choices, and an accounting firm tabulated the results.

(Reporting by Dean Goodman; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)
yeah but you dont think of it like that lol makes u think of the 50's and 60's then it moves into other eras soul,disco etc. which is mjs era.they might aswell have just done a poll of favourite singers of the last 50 years