NEWS ONLY / Michael's Mom is Missing/T.J. guardian/ Grandma's Home [ No Discussion]

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Paris favourited this:

King MichaelJ ?@KingMikeJ
@ParisJackson Did you see the video of your uncle Marlon crying? Marlon, Tito and Jackie aren't being allowed to speak to Katherine either.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Paris Jackso? ?@ParisJackson
#MJfam is my family .. love you guys!!
Famed Washington DC Law Firm Says They Do NOT Represent Jackson Siblings

Do Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson have a lawyer to help them pull off their palace coup? Maybe not. A representative for Baker Hostetler in Washington DC has just called to say they do not represent the Jackson siblings and have not been engaged by them. In the letter signed by Randy, Jermaine and Janet sent to the Michael Jackson estate, Baker Hostetler’s name was invoked as possibly giving the signees advice. Sources tell me that BH partner John Manson was approached and did look into the matter. When I asked the rep who called about Manson’s participation, or if he’d given anyone advice, she simply kept reading the same two lines over and over. Then she added, “For anything else you’ll have to ask Randy Jackson.” And didn’t mean the judge from “American Idol.”
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

MJ Executors are 'Criminals'
Randy Jackson just came out swinging against the people in charge of the Michael Jackson Estate -- claiming the executors are "criminals" who falsified documents for their own personal gain ... but it's looking like Randy's plot is quickly crashing and burning.

Jackson just spoke with Al Sharpton on MSNBC's "Politics Nation" ... and tried to explain why he and his siblings are trying to overthrow John Branca and John McClain.

"We feel there is criminal misconduct," Jackson said ... claiming the executors had a hand in faking MJ's will ... and Randy believes he can prove it because Michael was in NY on the day he supposedly signed the document in L.A.

Problem is ... Randy's argument has a GIANT flaw ... the "mistake" he's pointing to is based on a witness who merely forgot what city he was in at the time the will was signed.

There are witnesses who saw MJ sign the will ... and it has been validated by the court.

But even if Randy and his siblings were to get the will invalidated ... MJ's old will cuts them out of MJ's fortune too ... and it appoints Branca executor.

Multiple sources tell TMZ ... the situation is simply a money grab by MJ's siblings who know that once Katherine Jackson dies ... MJ's money goes in trusts for his kids. Randy and co. will never get a dime.

Randy kept saying they are a family. Paris begs to differ, because she just tweeted, "Family" they said. Can you feel the sarcasm? And apparently Randy hasn't read our website ... that Tito has already jumped the "family" ship.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

X17 EXCLUSIVE - John Branca Set Up Standoff Situation At Jackson Home, Family Source Confirms

Posted on Tue Jul 24, 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Jackson family advisor John Branca is responsible for Monday's standoff at the Jackson family compound involving Janet, Jermaine, Randy, Rebbie's son Austin ... as well as Trent Jackson and Michael's kids, Paris and Prince, according to the Jacksons.
X17 broke the story Monday that Trent, as well as estate executors [for Michael Jackson's estate] John Branca and John McClain, and Jackson family advisors Lowell Henry and Perry Sanders, Jr., are being investigated for elder abuse against Katherine Jackson.
As for yesterday's confrontation at the Jackson home, a source within the family tells X17online exclusively:
"John Branca set the whole thing up. He instructed Trent to send home the cooks and maids just before a state appointed guardian showed up so that the house seemed like it was in complete chaos. The guardian's visit was arranged by Branca. He made sure Trent and security members kept family members out of their own home."
Online reports claim that Tito Jackson's son, TJ, is getting legal documents prepared to become the temporary legal guardian of Paris, Prince and Blanket.
Our source adds:
"There's no way a judge will grant TJ temporary guardianship. TJ knows that Janet, Jermaine and Randy went to the house to tell the children they can see their grandmother anytime they want."
As X17 exclusively reported Monday, Paris admitted that her Tweets have been manipulated by her cousin Trent. As for why Paris declined to see her grandmother, our source tells us Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter is "trying to get out of going to summer school and with her grandmother not there, she's been ditching classes. Her grades are failing."
We're told, "Paris is out of control and has no respect for anyone including her aunts and uncles. She has been given way too much freedom at her age."
Our Jackson family source tells us, "Branca, McClain and Trent know the will is fake, and they're doing what they can to divert attention. Unfortunately, they're using Michael's children in the process."
Katherine Jackson remains in Arizona with her daughter Rebbie.

Katherine Jackson Passed Medical Check-Up 'With Flying Colors' Last Month
1 0
Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 06:52PM print it send it

By Jon Boon - Radar Reporter

Katherine Jackson passed a medical test with “flying colors” just last month, is exclusively reporting.

The 82-year-old mother of the Jackson clan was given a clean bill of health after a physical and psychological evaluation with her personal doctor – despite claims from her family that she needs bed rest.

PHOTOS: Katherine Jackson Holds Memorial For King Of Pop In His Hometown

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with Katherine – she’s fit as a fiddle,” a source revealed to

“Only last month, she saw her personal physician who performed a complete medical evaluation on her because of her age.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson’s Kids: Three Years After His Death

“The results were outstanding – she passed all tests with flying colors and was told she was very healthy.

“Despite her ageing years, she’s still very fit and certainly able-minded. She is definitely still capable of caring for Paris, Prince and Blanket.”

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

As previously reported, Jermaine Jackson released a statement that his mother was ordered to “de-stress” in Arizona and not answer the phone or check the computer.

It read: "Let me put to bed today’s nonsense: as I made clear some days ago, Mother is safe and well in Arizona with her daughter and our sister, Rebbie, resting up on doctor’s advice, so it is beyond me how she can be reported 'missing.'

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson & Brothers Chill Out With Coffee

"This incredulous claim was made for reasons best known to the adults who filed it but it seems no accident that it comes after we, the sons and daughters, put in place care-taking for our own mother, taking her to Arizona in line with doctor’s advice following a check-up.

"Furthermore, it dismays me that such an alarmist 'missing person' report has caused unnecessary anxiety among Michael’s children who will understandably react to what they misunderstand, hear or are told.

PHOTOS: Stage Shots of Michael Jackson Performing

"No one is being 'blocked' from speaking with Mother. She is merely an 82-year-old woman following doctor’s orders to rest-up and de-stress, away from phones and computers. Everyone has been well aware of this within the family, but I would like to reiterate my reassurance to the outside world that Mother is fine. In the meantime, thank you for all your thoughts and concerns."

Katharine has been raising Michael's three kids following the singer's June 25, 2009 death. Granddaughter Paris has tweeted: "yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now."
Michael Jackson's will is 'a fake,' brother says

In a interview with Rev. Al Sharpton, one of Michael Jackson's siblings ratcheted up the rhetoric against executors of the pop star's estate and accused them of exploiting the singer's children and faking the will -- the latest twist in the family's increasingly public drama.

Randy Jackson called MSNBC's "Politics Nation" on Tuesday afternoon to update the public on the situation with his mother, Katherine Jackson, who had been reported missing over the weekend by another family member.

"Mother is doing great. She's relaxing; she's having fun," Randy Jackson said.

Sheriff's officials closed their missing persons case after Katherine Jackson was located with relatives in Arizona. Even though her whereabouts are now known, Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris, has tweeted that she is not being allowed to speak directly with her grandmother.

In the interview, Randy shifted blame to the estate's executors, John Branca and John McClain. He alleged that Michael's will is fake, questioning the date it was signed.

Michael was in New York with Sharpton on the date the will was allegedly signed, Randy said.

"He cannot be in two places at one time," Randy said. "He did not sign that will."

Randy also accused the executors of using the children to "put pressure on my mom ... to get her to say things in their favor to clean up their image."

The siblings have questions about the will that are not being answered, Randy said.
"This is not about money for us," he said. "This is not about being left out of the will. The will is a fake. They are trying to turn family members against family members."

The will, which was accepted by a Los Angeles probate court shortly after Michael’s death, put his assets in a trust overseen by Branca and McClain for the benefit of charitable causes, his children and his mother. Upon Katherine Jackson’s death, her portion passes to the children. Michael's father and siblings got nothing.

The co-executors and the family, including Katherine Jackson, have clashed on a number of issues over the last three years, including whether the matriarch should have a formal role in the estate management.

In a statement, Branca and McClain wrote, "We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael’s family whom he chose to leave out of his will."

The men later released a second statement saying that they were "concerned" about protecting the singer’s three children "from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances."
Comment for bolded parts:
Good to hear that Katherine is still having fun and relaxing.
I wonder how Branca managed to use children to say anything for executors favour? Wonder if executors offered money for Paris to be on their side? Oh wait, something wrong with this picture:)

He is still at it, "they" are turning family members against each other! They do it themselves, they don't need anyones help for that.
Quotes from Katherine's lawyers

Katherine Jackson's attorney 'troubled' by family chaos

An attorney for Michael Jackson's mother said he has been unable to reach Katherine Jackson after her reported disappearance highlighted a simmering family dispute, but said he believes "nothing untoward" has happened to his client.

When asked where the 82-year-old family matriarch is and how she is doing, attorney Perry Sanders said: "We are working today on those two exact issues."

"I'm hoping this has all been a really big misunderstanding that just got out of control," he added.

Sanders said he believes his client is "safe in the technical sense of the word" and is with her daughter, Rebbie, but he has not spoken to her.

"I'm troubled because of the chaos that has ensued, but I have faith nothing untoward has happened to her," Sanders said.

Katherine Jackson was reported missing over the weekend, and although Los Angeles County sheriff's authorities and members of the Jackson family have said she was out of state with other family members, Paris Jackson — the late Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter — continues to publicly claim she is being kept from her grandmother.

"8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn&#8217;t like her at all .." she tweeted on Monday. "i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

On Tuesday morning, she tweeted again: "9 days and counting&#8230; so help me god i will make whoever did this pay."

Deputies responded to a family disturbance at Katherine Jackson's Calabasas home on Monday afternoon, but said the incident did not involve Michael Jackson's three children. Authorities who went to the home determined that a physical altercation had occurred between members of the Jackson family but no arrests were made.

Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore did not say which adult family members were involved, only that they determined the children were not part of the family fracas.

Meanwhile, deputies continue to investigate allegations from April that Michael Jackson's mother was being exploited by family members.

Whitmore said a business associate of the family made the accusation. Deputies interviewed Katherine Jackson, who denied the allegation.

The claim was that Katherine Jackson was being "emotionally and financially mistreated by family members," Whitmore said. "She emphatically denied the allegations, and deputies determined she was in good health."

Sanders said on Tuesday his client was "absolutely lucid as she can be."

Sanders said the children were currently under the care of T.J. Jackson, Katherine Jackson's grandson and Tito Jackson's son.

T.J. Jackson's guardianship was a "very temporary situation" that was "appropriate" while Katherine Jackson was away, Sanders said, but he stressed his client would "adamantly" fight any efforts to permanently rescind her guardianship of the children.


A lawyer for Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's mother and his children's legal guardian, said that she and the children do not know where their grandmother is and she believes the family matriarch is being kept in the dark about what has happened.

"We don't know where she is," attorney Sandra L. Ribera told "Nightline." "We know that she is in Arizona, allegedly, but we don't know where because law enforcement won't give us the address, because it is an ongoing investigation."

Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ET

Katherine Jackson, the 82-year-old legal guardian of her late son Michael Jackson's three children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- was reported missing on Saturday after her grandchildren hadn't heard from her in days. She was found "resting" with her daughter in Arizona. X17Online obtained a photo of Jackson smiling and playing Uno with family in Arizona.

Michael Jackson's siblings released a statement on Monday saying the missing person's report was "created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from."

Lester Cohen/WireImage/Getty Images
Left to right, Prince Michael Jackson,... View Full Size

Katherine Jackson's Lawyer Cites Family 'Ambush' Watch Video

Michael Jackson's Family Fallout: Siblings Eyeing Custody Battle? Watch Video

Katherine Jackson Reported Missing Watch Video
Ribera said that while the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department considered the case closed, they were "exhausting other options" to find Katherine Jackson, including seeking help from the FBI and local law enforcement in Arizona. She said Katherine Jackson is being preventing from contacting her grandchildren "by the people that she is staying with," but she declined to name anyone specifically.

Paris Jackson, 14, tweeted today, "9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay."

Sources told ABC News that a court-appointed child advocate met with Michael Jackson's children Monday night and is working with them so that they can rejoin their grandmother.

Court papers likely will be filed this week to demand that Katherine Jackson be allowed contact with the children. Sources told ABC News that the filing would likely include a request for a temporary guardian for the children, expected to be someone already around the children.

Ribera would not comment on any arrangements concerning temporary custody of the children, but said that Trent Jackson, Katherine Jackson's nephew and confidant who reported her missing, and Tito Jackson's children, including TJ Jackson, were at Katherine Jackson's Calabasas, Calif., home looking after them in her absence.

"All I can say is that efforts are being made as a result of what happened on Monday to make sure that the children are safe and well protected," Ribera said.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a "family disturbance" at the Jackson family home Monday after Ribera said Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson showed up, broke through a security gate and apparently tried to take Michael Jackson's kids away. Ribera said the scene was "chaos."

"It was surprise kind of greeting, it was friendly -- the kids love their aunts and uncles and cousins, of course -- but then it turned into yelling and flailing of arms," Ribera said. "It was very aggressive, a kind of ambush-type scenario, and I saw with my own eyes the kids exit down the back of the house into the canyon to escape."

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday there was a "scuffle" between two family members at Katherine Jackson's home, but no arrests were made. Ribera also declined to name who had been involved in the altercation and would only say that Janet Jackson grabbed Paris' cell phone.

"[The children] were very shaken up," Ribera said. "They don't understand why they're being prevented from talking to [Katherine Jackson] and why she's being prevented from calling them. It's been nine days. She's never done this."
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

and a quote from Estate lawyer

"They [executors of the will] will not stand down because the siblings who were left out of Michael's will want them to," said Zia Modabber, who is the attorney for the Jackson estate.

Modabber said, "I can't speak for them. I don't know what's motivating Jermaine and Randy and some of these others, but money is not a bad guess."
7 things thar are wrong with Randy Jackson's story:

During his interview with Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC&#8217;s PoliticsNation Tuesday, Randy Jackson made some claims that has already proven are bogus. Here are a few select highlights:

1. &#8220;Let me just say this. This is not about money for us,&#8221; Randy insisted when he was asked about the ugly situation by Sharpton. However, as exclusively reported, Randy and Jermaine Jackson have already pleaded with the estate to release some funds to help pay for child support for Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza &#8211; whom they both have two kids each with.

2. About 82-year-old mom Katherine, Randy said: &#8220;Her health was ailing and doctors ordered that she get immediate rest.&#8221; exclusively reported though that Katherine Jackson passed a medical test with &#8220;flying colors&#8221; with her personal doctor ONLY a month ago. She was given a full clean bill of health both physically and psychologically.

3. &#8220;Paris and Prince know that they can visit with or talk to their grandma at any time,&#8221; the Jackson 5 singer proudly boasted. But it was Paris who tweeted: &#8220;I haven&#8217;t spoken to her (Katherine) in a week i want her home now. If anybody sees my grandmother, please call the authorities or this number&#8212; (818)-876-0186 it's the security number .. thank you so much.&#8221; And only yesterday, Paris continued her Twitter plea: "8 days and counting. Something is really off, this isn't like her at all ... I wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!"

4. Randy said that he, Jermaine and Janet were denied access to "our home" by Trent Jackson and a security team when they attempted to take the kids with them to Arizona on Monday. However, he failed to mention that Paris, Prince and Blanket refused to go and that the house belongs to Katherine Jackson and has nothing to do with any of her children.

5. According to Randy, &#8220;The executors of the estate are using the children to try and put pressure on my mom.&#8221; The phrase &#8216;if it ain&#8217;t broke, don&#8217;t fix it&#8217; springs to mind. Paris, Prince and Blanket were happy under the supervision of Katherine and her nephew Trent, who acted like a guardian for the children AND had Michael&#8217;s blessing to care for the kids.

6. Randy claimed that the estate executors were &#8220;trying to turn family members against family members.&#8221; But, as we&#8217;ve pointed out before, not everyone in the Jackson family signed the siblings&#8217; letter to ask John Branca and John McClain to resign. La Toya, Marlon and Steven Randal Jackson all didn&#8217;t sign. It was this letter that divided the family NOT the actions of the executors.

7. Lastly, Randy said: &#8220;This family is united to right the wrong.&#8221; If that's the case then why are they all fighting!


Randy Jackson, Michael&#8217;s Delusional Brother: &#8220;We Were Denied Access to Our Own Home&#8221;

Just a little while ago, on MSNBC, Rev. Al Sharpton interviewed Randy Jackson, Michael&#8217;s brother, about yesterday&#8217;s fracas. Randy says quite clearly. &#8220;We were denied access to our own home.&#8221; Is Randy delusional?The home, in a gated community in Calabasas, is rented by the Michael Jackson estate for Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren. Also living there is Joe Jackson&#8217;s nephew, Trent, whom Randy and Jermaine despise. But Trent was hired by Michael Jackson years ago to take care of his mother. It&#8217;s the estate on the lease, with occupants listed as Katherine, the kids, and Trent. Randy Jackson, accusing the executors of Michael&#8217;s estate of criminal misconduct, now believes that house in Calabasas is his, too.

Meanwhile, Randy, Jermaine, Rebbie and Janet have caused a huge problem in their family. Tonight, Marlon, Tito, and Jackie appeared on &#8220;The Insider.&#8221; Marlon broke down in tears claiming they don&#8217;t know where their mother is, and that they&#8217;ve been prevented from speaking with her. What a nasty situation the others have wrought. It&#8217;s going to end very badly. And it&#8217;s all because of money.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Meanwhile, deputies continue to investigate allegations from April that Michael Jackson's mother was being exploited by family members.
Whitmore said a business associate of the family made the accusation. Deputies interviewed Katherine Jackson, who denied the allegation.
The claim was that Katherine Jackson was being "emotionally and financially mistreated by family members," Whitmore said. "She emphatically denied the allegations, and deputies determined she was in good health."

Unfortunately that tells me that Katherine is aware of situation and she will not come home until Randy & Co has told/taught her what to say and explain the whole situation, so that it sounds reasonable to be believable.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Nothing new here, we already knew that this is all Randy's own mess.
Randy Jackson Responsible For Plotting To Overthrow Michael Jackson's Executors

Randy Jackson is responsible for hatching a family plot to overthrow Michael Jackson's executors in an attempt to get his hands on part of the late King of Pop's estimated $1 billion fortune, has exclusively learned.

During an emotional interview on The Insider Tuesday night, Marlon, Tito, and Jackie Jackson would not identify the person they hold responsible for not allowing them to talk to their mother Katherine for more than nine days now, but Radar has learned that the trio holds their brother, Randy, responsible, as well as his business associate, Howard Mann.

Michael Jackson's children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine's guardianship of Paris, Prince, and Blanket since she has been out of town for more than a week, and because she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine, and Randy on Monday. The hearing could happen as early as Wednesday morning as there are regularly scheduled proceedings in Michael Jackson's probate case.

When asked who orchestrated this current Jackson family drama, Marlon said during The Insider interview: "I'm not going to go into that. There is somebody that made the decision that my mother cannot talk to me, and whoever that person is is going to have to answer to me. I'm going to see my mother, and I'm going to bring her home."

Family sources unequivocally tell us: "Marlon, Tito, and Jackie all hold Randy responsible for all of this. Randy is also getting advice from Howard Mann, who has been on the fringe for the last two years, trying to insert himself into the Jackson family. Randy introduced Howard to Katherine, and some of the siblings have been very concerned for a very long time about Mann. Howard is business partners with Katherine on several deals that Randy has supported and wanted her to do," the source tells us.

Howard Mann is the founder of the Naked Women's Wrestling League, and as previously reported Katherine and Mann released a book together, Never Can Say Goodbye, The Katherine Jackson Archives. Mann also operates the website, The executors of Michael's estate sent Mann a cease-and- desist letter in 2010 because the promoter was using the King of Pop's image on a lithograph collection without their permission and subsequently filed a lawsuit against him for violating copyright and trademark laws.

Mann told several media outlets on Monday about the latest Jackson family drama, "I believe that Katherine and the children who are benefactors of the estate fall on one side, and then Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie and Tito fall on the other side," Mann said. "They're a group of people who have a great deal of questions about the administration of the estate." Tito has since defected from trying to have the executors tossed.

Mann has a checkered background and was sued by bombshell Carmen Electra for over $400k for failure to pay her for several appearances she made for the Naked Women's Wrestling League.

A grief stricken Marlon revealed on The Insider, "We've been told that our mother is safe. She's doing well. But we have not spoken to her. We have not talked to her and I don't know where my mother is..." but vowed to go to Arizona and bring her home.

"This is a family divided, sadly right now. Marlon, Jackie, Tito, hold Randy and Howard Mann responsible, period. They just want their mother to come home safely and to stop being used as a pawn," the insider told us.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Radar online has a typo, put a paragraph in between Siegel's letter. This is Siegel's letter


They are trying to say as Siegel declined to serve as an executor in 2003, there should be a will that put him in executor position before 2003. They argue that this shows that 2002 will is real.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

TJ JACKSON The Perfect Guardian For Michael Jackson's Kids

There's a reason TJ Jackson had a lawyer prepare legal papers to make him the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's kids -- he has already partially assumed that role.

TMZ broke the story ... TJ became alarmed when Katherine Jackson -- the current legal guardian -- disappeared for more than a week.

Jackson sources tell us ... TJ -- the 34-year-old married son of Tito -- has had a strong connection to Paris, Prince and Blanket for years, but was especially comforting after MJ died.

One example ... at the Michael Jackson tribute show in Wales, Katherine was by herself in a private area, far from the kids. TJ was in full dad mode, helping Blanket tie his shoes, helping Prince tie his tie. He made sure the kids were fed during the concert, which lasted for hours.

Kim Kardashian, who dated TJ for 4 years, tells friends of all the Jacksons, TJ was the closest to Michael and his kids. She says TJ had a "father-like" relationship with Michael's kids, adding, "He's a very honest and trustworthy person and everyone knows he'll do the right thing."

Paris, Prince and Blanket adore TJ and are behind the temp guardianship move, and that's something that will weigh heavily with the probate judge.

We're told TJ is in wait mode -- to see what happens with Katherine. But the papers are drafted and he's ready to make his move in court.
Guardian Gambit Worked: Katherine Jackson on Way Back to Los Angeles

07/25/12 9:33amRoger Friedman0

Katherine Jackson coming back to Los Angeles? That&#8217;s what Randy Jackson, the mastermind of her vanishing, told &#8220;Good Morning America&#8221; this morning. If so, the gambit by Katherine&#8217;s lawyers and the Jackson children&#8217;s guardian ad litem to seek temporary guardianship in court, has worked. They&#8217;ve forced Randy, Jermaine and Janet to bring their mother home.
That should be some reunion. Wait until Katherine Jackson&#8217;s lawyers explain to her what happened, and what four of her kids (Rebbie included) did.
Randy Jackson will have lost all his power in the family. Last night three of his brothers went on &#8220;The Insider&#8221; to denounce him, if not by name. A fourth Tito, recanted signing the infamous letter to the executors. Jermaine has gone silent, suddenly. La Toya and Joseph Jackson have stayed out of the story entirely.
Possibly ruined from this: Janet Jackson, who&#8217;s wound up on the front page of every tabloid this morning allegedly calling niece Paris a bitch. Janet, who was always regarded as above it all, has let Randy pull her into his mud fight for money. Her declining career has now taken a beating. She barged into her mother&#8217;s rented estate and is seen on a security camera pulling a phone out of Paris&#8217;s hand. And yelling at her. What she called her doesn&#8217;t matter. It looks like a home invasion.
And the children: they&#8217;ll never forget the chaos into which they threw their lives. Paris, particularly.
But this is Randy Jackson&#8217;s history:
He was not a member of the Jackson 5, doesn&#8217;t sing, and doesn&#8217;t have gainful employment. He&#8217;s the Randy Jackson who&#8217;s been through at least one divorce and one bankruptcy. He&#8217;s relied heavily on Brian Oxman, an ex attorney recently disbarred for life in California.
Randy Jackson almost cost Michael $45 million in sour deal and lawsuit from a company called Prescient Capital. The case was finally settled for a few million&#8211; of Michael&#8217;s, not Randy&#8217;s, money. This is the same Randy Jackson who fired Raymone Bain, Michael&#8217;s publicist, on the eve of the jury announcement in his child molestation trial June 2005. Michael had no press rep when the verdict came back &#8220;not guilty.&#8221;
He&#8217;s the same Randy Jackson who sold pictures and video of his family fighting among themselves to media outlets. One of Michael&#8217;s ex bodyguards claimed in the British press that Michael wanted to have Randy killed. And now Randy Jackson has caused permanent rifts in his family between Michael&#8217;s children and everyone else, with Michael&#8217;s mother, and among his siblings.
Not very well played.
Returns to L.A.
Michael Jackson's conspiratorial siblings couldn't withstand the onslaught of bad publicity ... because Randy Jackson just revealed that his mother Katherine is finally returning to L.A. -- proof the Jackson scheme has completely fallen apart.

Katherine has been holed up in Arizona for the past 10 days ... after she was effectively kidnapped by Randy and several other Jackson siblings in what appears to be a scheme to pressure Katherine to try and overthrow the executors of the Michael Jackson estate.

But moments ago, Randy -- the family ringleader -- appeared on "Good Morning America" ... and announced his mother was finally coming home ... just one day after Tito BAILED on the plot.

It's unclear if this will affect TJ Jackson's plan to seek temporary guardianship of MJ's kids.


Exclusive: Katherine Jackson Speaks To Grandchildren at Last!
07/25/12 11:04amRoger Friedman0

Exclusive: Katherine Jackson finally spoke to her grandchildren by phone from Phoenix this morning. A source says the conversation &#8220;lasted a while.&#8221; The kids are said to be very relieved. But despite Randy Jackson&#8217;s statement this morning, Mrs. Jackson is still in Phoenix. It does like the guardianship hearing may take place anyway, with TJ Jackson, 34, being put forward as a temporary replacement. But the phone call, and the idea that Mrs. Jackson may return soon from Phoenix to Los Angeles, is an indication that Randy Jackson&#8217;s &#8220;palace coup&#8221;&#8211;which has very hurt Janet Jackson&#8217;s image&#8211;is coming to an end.
Updated version

Exclusive: Katherine Jackson Speaks To Grandchildren at Last!

07/25/12 11:04amRoger Friedman0

Exclusive: Katherine Jackson finally spoke to her grandchildren by phone from Phoenix this morning. A source says the conversation &#8220;lasted a while.&#8221; The kids are said to be very relieved. But despite Randy Jackson&#8217;s statement this morning, Mrs. Jackson is still in Phoenix. It does like the guardianship hearing may take place anyway, with TJ Jackson, 34, being put forward as a temporary replacement. But the phone call, and the idea that Mrs. Jackson may return soon from Phoenix to Los Angeles, is an indication that Randy Jackson&#8217;s &#8220;palace coup&#8221;&#8211;which has very hurt Janet Jackson&#8217;s image&#8211;is coming to an end.

For the kids, it was 11 days of silence from their legal guardian and beloved grandmother. Her cell phone and laptop were taken from her. Her friends who play &#8220;Words with Friends&#8221; with Mrs. Jackson on the internet were very worried, too. &#8220;She loves playing with them.&#8221; Her kids, Janet, Randy, Jermaine, and Rebbie, isolated her from all regular activity.

Paris Jackson just Tweeted: &#8220;everyones taking control of me , it seems that the worlds got a role for me .. im so confused will u show to me you&#8217;ll be there for me&#8221; from the song &#8220;Will U Be There&#8221; by her father. What a day. What a weird situation!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Katherine Jackson Finally Talks To Grandkids, She's Finally On Her Way Home
By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Katherine Jackson was finally able to talk to her grandchildren, Paris, Prince Michael, and Blanket after more than a week Tuesday night after her attorney, Perry Sanders, flew to Tucscon, Arizona where the Jackson family matriarch has been holed up all week with no access to a telephone, computer, or television, is exclusively reporting.

Sanders flew to Tuscon on Tuesday, a source connected to the case tells us. "Perry went to the spa where Katherine was staying and was still unable to meet with Katherine in person. However, he did talk to Jermaine and Janet Jackson who were also there. The attorney explained the lack of communication has been very confusing and cause for concern. Katherine had no phone in her room, and there is no cell service at the resort. Perry insisted that Katherine be able to speak to the grandkids, and it finally happened last night. Perry urged Janet and Jermaine to have her mother come home immediately because of the pending custody hearing which WILL happen this morning in a Los Angeles courtroom."

The conversation "was extremely emotional, and Paris was just so relieved to hear from her grandmother. She was very emotional on the phone, and Katherine assured her that everything was going to be OK. Katherine wanted to come home immediately last night, but there were no flights available. She is extremely upset at her children for doing this, and was kept in the dark the entire time," the insider adds.

There is a routine probate hearing Wednesday morning for Michael Jackson's estate, and Katherine's disappearance will be dealt with also.

Story developing....
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Katherine Jackson calls home from Arizona, lawyer says
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Katherine Jackson phoned Michael Jackson's three children Tuesday night from a spa in Tucson, Arizona, her lawyer told CNN, the latest twist in a dispute over the whereabouts of the music dynasty's matriarch.
The attorney, Perry Sanders, said the call was made after he met with Jermaine and Janet Jackson to resolve the controversy over Katherine Jackson's whereabouts. The lawyer will be in court Wednesday morning to explain the situation to a probate judge in Los Angeles.
Katherine Jackson, 82, left the home she shares with Michael Jackson's children on July 15. She had not contacted them before Tuesday, though a Los Angeles County sheriff's investigation concluded she was safe in Arizona.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-in-reply-to="228152951112335360"><p>@<a href="">KingMikeJ</a> it will all be dealt w/in court this am.</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-07-25T15:44:35+00:00">July 25, 2012</a></blockquote>
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Bubs;3677394 said:

he Family Battle Over Michael Jackson&#8217;s Millions and His Three Children
Jul 25, 2012 11:25 AM EDT
Three of Michael&#8217;s siblings allegedly tried to confiscate the phones of the late superstar&#8217;s kids. Some of his siblings reportedly want to contest his will, which left them in the cold. And some may want to wrest guardianship of his three kids. The Jacksons family saga gets uglier.
As the never-ending soap opera known as The Jacksons plays out on television, radio and Twitter, details being released bit by bit by police, friends, and family members seem to indicate a very ugly situation turning even uglier, with even the possibility of battery being involved&#8212;and the prospect of a court battle over guardianship of Michael Jackson&#8217;s three children.

Michael Jackson's children Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson and Blanket Jackson, mother Katherine Jackson on November 30, 2011. (Ray Mickshaw / FOX via Getty Images)

A series of events suggest angst among Michael&#8217;s siblings over his will, which mostly leaves them in the cold, a possible desire to muzzle his kids, notably 14-year-old Paris Jackson, who has been tweeting heavily about the reported disappearance of family matriarch Katherine Jackson&#8212;and raises the question of whether some siblings sent Katherine to Arizona for a &#8220;rest&#8221; so they can better control the situation.

Yesterday, just 24 hours after the news broke that Katherine Jackson was allegedly missing from her San Fernando Valley home, Los Angeles police were called yet again to The Jackson family compound after complaints of a fight among family members was phoned in. The scuffle appeared to involve Janet, Jermaine, and Randy Jackson, and their attempt take away the cell phones of the children of their late brother, Michael Jackson, according to television and news reports.

According to family members, the three siblings reportedly were upset by 14-year-old Paris Jackson&#8217;s continual tweets on the absence of her grandmother, Katherine Jackson, from the family home. Those close to the siblings say the three wanted to confiscate Michael&#8217;s children&#8217;s phones, and discuss with them how all the tweeting was putting the entire family in a bad situation. The sources insist no one was trying to remove the children from their home as a publicity stunt.

&#8220;Janet really loves those kids as much as anyone, but feels they don&#8217;t understand the seriousness of what&#8217;s happening,&#8217;&#8217; says a family member involved in the alleged altercation yesterday. &#8220;She has a real motherly concern for them, but thinks they [have] too much control.&#8217;&#8217;

&#8220;This is really all about the money; Michael never saw this coming."
A statement released by Katherine Jackson&#8217;s lawyers to the media described what they say was Janet, Randy, and Jermaine Jackson&#8217;s attempt to remove the children of the late superstar from the family compound in Calabasas, California. &#8220;Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson&#8217;s home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of an SUV containing Michael Jackson&#8217;s children. After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael&#8217;s kids as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands.&#8217;&#8217; However Randy Jackson told the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon that he and his siblings were simply attempting to reunite the children with their grandmother.

&#8220;They were attempting to have a conversation with Paris and Paris didn&#8217;t want to hear it,&#8221; says a family member. &#8220;Janet is old school and feels children should listen to the adults in the family. Unfortunately, Paris didn&#8217;t see it that way.&#8217;&#8217;

Just today, Paris tweeted that she hasn&#8217;t seen her grandmother for nine days and said someone would pay for keeping her away from her Katherine.

Los Angeles Sheriff spokesman Steve Whitmore said in a statement to the media yesterday that no arrests were made after authorities visited the Jackson home at about 1 p.m, on Monday. He said an investigation into the matter would try to determine if be if possible battery was involved.

Whitmore added that police also are investigating allegations that Katherine Jackson was being &#8220;emotionally and financially abused.&#8217;&#8217; According to Whitmore, the abuse probe began in April, after an associate of the Jackson family reported the allegations to the police. Katherine Jackson has denied any abuse according the police. The police did not indicate who may have been doing any abusing.

The non-stop drama and confusion at the Jackson home may be reaching a fever pitch this week, but it&#8217;s been long in the making, say close friends. They say the anger, friction and desperation expressed by some family members regarding control and money spans back to well before Michael Jackson died in 2009.

&#8220;Michael didn&#8217;t spend a lot of time with his family for the last 20 years for a reason,&#8221; said a former business manager of the late superstar. &#8220;He only dealt with his mother, and that&#8217;s because she didn&#8217;t want anything from him. She was just his mother and only cared about him as her son. He also had a relationship with Tito and his three sons. Most of the rest of his family always wanted money or a handout of some sort and that ate away at Michael for years. He finally just removed himself from the family for the most part.&#8217;&#8217;

The former business manager told The Daily Beast that the negative experiences and feelings of being used over the years by many of his siblings that he says Michael felt are exactly why Jackson arranged for his will to provide for only his mother, three children, and charity. Tito&#8217;s three sons also were included in his will. Katherine Jackson has a 20 percent stake in what someone described as a nearly $1 billion estate left by Jackson, which many expect to continue to grow, much in the same way Elvis Presley&#8217;s fortune ballooned after he died. Michael Did not include his father or his eight siblings.

&#8220;They (the family) can say it&#8217;s a fake will all they want, but Michael knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote that will the way he did,&#8217;&#8217; said the former business manager. &#8220;He provided for who he intended to and his siblings know that and have to accept that.&#8217;&#8217;

But some family members wonder if the late King of Pop fully appreciated the difficult situation he&#8217;d be creating by cutting out the majority of his family from his will. They question whether he actually thought he&#8217;d die before his beloved mother or understood the tremendous stress his decisions would cause the 82-year-old. Friends say Katherine Jackson has been overwhelmed by the responsibilities and pressures of staying involved with his estate and caring for three minor children.

According to former employees of Michael Jackson and Family Members, during his lifetime, the King of Pop gave much in terms of financial support to his siblings (eight brothers and sisters), four with whom he began his singing career in Gary, Indiana during the 1960s. Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, and Marlon all performed with Michael in The Jackson Five, and continued to perform with him as The Jacksons after Jackie left the group and younger brother Randy joined. But Michael was always the undisputed star, and eventually struck out on his own for even greater fame and fortune with albums such as Off The Wall, and Thriller&#8212;the best-selling album of all time

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey the year after Michael&#8217;s death, Janet Jackson admitted that the family began to lose touch with Michael after the release and mega-success of Thriller.

With the exception of Janet, who acquired her own superstar status and large fortune in the 1980s, the rest of the Jackson clan weren&#8217;t able to continue their success in the music world or in business ventures after their success during the 70s.

&#8220;Many times even if Michael didn&#8217;t want to give money he would anyway to make his mother happy,&#8217;&#8217; said his former business manager. &#8220;She worried about her other children having to struggle so much given they were never prepared to do anything but perform. Michael didn&#8217;t like his mother worried, so he would give and give more.&#8217;&#8217;

Friends say a few of the Jackson siblings took advantage of Katherine Jackson&#8217;s kind-hearted nature as well as her close relationship with her superstar son. They&#8217;d ask their mother to ask Michael for more and more money when their homes were facing foreclosure, or when thousands of dollars of back child support payments were due&#8212;per court orders. In the years before his death, Katherine Jackson was the only person in the family to have Michael&#8217;s home number, says a family member. His siblings were forced to leave messages at the guard gate of his home and then hope Michael would return their calls.

It was Katherine, say family members, who called and demanded that the entire family stand together as one in support of their brother during both of Michael&#8217;s criminal trials on child molestation charges. Marlon all but refused to attend, due to Michael&#8217;s refusal to stop foreclosure proceedings on his home shortly before his last trial was set to begin in 2005, family members say.

&#8220;His sisters and brothers didn&#8217;t even seem to understand that Michael was basically strapped for cash during the last 10 or years of his life,&#8221; says his former business manager. &#8220;The lawsuits and his own excessive spending habits had done that. They didn&#8217;t seem to understand his situation.&#8217;&#8217;

How could they, say some family members, when a few of the siblings had problems so dire that Katherine Jackson reportedly moved from her long-time home in Encino to escape the drama. Friends point to one of the most embarrassing scenarios for the family, which involves two brothers involved with the same woman. Both Randy and Jermaine Jackson had a long term relationship with Alejandra Jackson&#8212;Randy married her and&#8212; and both fathered children with her. Even after splitting with both men, Alejandra continued to stay with both sets of children at the family compound in Encino.

&#8220;Katherine was basically taking care of both sets of kids with the money Michael gave her while he was living,&#8217;&#8217; says a close family friend. &#8220;&#8230;. Katherine took care of those kids.&#8217;&#8217;

Alejandra Jackson could not be reached for comment.

In court papers filed in Los Angeles County Court by Alejandra against Jermaine Jackson, she claimed Jermaine provided her with only a Ralph&#8217;s grocery-store check-cashing card as support for the children one year. Last year she also claimed he owed her more $100,000 in back child support. The brothers each have two children with Alejandra. Reports and family members say both Randy and Jermaine have petitioned the estate of their late brother to help payback child support.

But changes came abruptly after the King of Pop&#8217;s death. Katherine retained guardianship of his children, and they began living at with her at her Encino home. It wasn&#8217;t long before chaos ensued at the home, given the multiple children on the grounds. According to various news outlets including CNN, and family members, one of the older grandchildren allegedly ordered a stun gun online as a joke to play on Blanket, Michael Jackson&#8217;s youngest child. Someone inside the home called child services as a result, according to family members.

&#8220;After Child Services came to her home, Katherine asked Alejandra to move out with her kids because she needed to focus on Paris, Prince Michael, and Blanket,&#8217;&#8217; says a family member. &#8220;She couldn&#8217;t have her other grandchildren playing pranks on them while they were still grieving. She felt they needed her full attention, with their father&#8217;s death.&#8217;&#8217;

According to family members, Katherine offered the ex-wife of two of her sons a condo owned by Michael Jackson and a monthly income, with the stipulation that she sign a confidentiality contract that guaranteed she&#8217;d not write a book or go on the talk show circuit.

Jermaine Jackson confirmed the arrangement to Radar Online last year.

&#8220;The money is with Katherine and Michael&#8217;s kids, pure and simple,&#8221; said a close family friend. &#8220;Everyone in that family knows that. [Neither] Randy nor Jermaine could afford to keep Alejandra in the lifestyle she wanted. They don&#8217;t work enough for that.&#8217;&#8217;

Friends tell The Daily Beast that Katherine tried her best to be patient with the situation, even telling Alejandra that she could move back after construction work was done on the home to offer more space for all the children. Alejandra refused, they say.

Apparently already overwhelmed with estate issues, and with other family fires burning, the elder Jackson picked up and moved from her beloved Encino home to a heavily-secured and gated rental home in Calabasas, California.

Her move apparently left Jermaine and Randy on the hook for providing support to their children and ex-wife. Their children and ex-wife did eventually move into the condo owned by Michael&#8217;s estate, just shortly before facing eviction from the Jackson Encino compound last year, court papers in Los Angeles County show.

&#8220;Katherine made it clear the new home was just for she and Michael&#8217;s kids,&#8217;&#8217; said the family member. &#8220;Tito&#8217;s kids come over and help with the kids because they had a relationship with Michael and they are adults. Old enough to know right from wrong.&#8221;

Tito&#8217;s three sons are now in charge of taking care of the three Michael Jackson children while Katherine Jackson remains at a spa in Arizona with daughter Rebbie and her children. Tito&#8217;s son, T.J Jackson, filed the missing-person report on his grandmother last weekend.

While sources close to the family say Katherine Jackson is well and very much needed the rest, they say they don&#8217;t believe she knew she would be away from her grandchildren for such a long period of time.

&#8220;She would have never left those kids like that with no contact,&#8217;&#8217; said a one-time Jackson employee who worked with the children at the family&#8217;s Encino home last year. &#8220;Those kids love her and want to be with her. She wants to be with them.&#8217;&#8217;

But that could all change in the coming days.

Family members confirm to The Daily Beast that Prince Michael, Paris, and Blanket met with their court-appointed advocate Monday night to discuss the recent incidents. They also confirmed that the executors of Michael Jackson&#8217;s estate probably will seek emergency guardianship of his children in the wake of Katherine Jackson&#8217;s absence.

&#8220;This is really all about the money,&#8217;&#8217; the former Jackson employee told The Daily Beast. &#8220;Michael never saw this coming.&#8217;&#8217;
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

TJ Jackson Goes to Court
For Guardianship
Lawyers for TJ Jackson are in court right now in an attempt to get a temporary guardianship for Michael Jackson's three kids... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story TJ -- Tito's 34-year-old married son -- has been acting like a quasi-parent to Paris, Prince, and Blanket.

TJ is basing his bid on the fact that Katherine Jackson has been MIA and not providing proper supervision of the kids.

As we reported, Michjael's three kids all love TJ and want him to become the temporary guardian.

In addition, lawyers for the Michael Jackson estate are in court and will support TJ's bid to become temporary guardian.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

TMZ Update:

[size=+2]9:35 AM PT -- TJ has just arrived at the courthouse along with an army of lawyers -- his lawyer, the kids' lawyer, lawyers for the MJ estate, and lawyers for Katherine. Talk about one expensive hearing.[/size]
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

TJ Jackson -- Tito's son -- is about to enter the probate court in downtown L.A., along with an army of lawyers, trying to get temporary guardianship of Michael Jackson's 3 kids.

We will be live blogging the proceedings, which should begin any minute.

Katherine's lawyer, Perry Sanders, tells TMZ, "This is a very tense time when of course we don't feel Mrs. Jackson should be removed as guardian and we would vigorously oppose that on anything other than an extremely short-term basis, until she returns home."

We're also told Katherine had high blood pressure before she skipped L.A., and the spa visit did her good. But TJ doesn't think it did the kids any good
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho



TJ Jackson -- Tito's son -- is about to enter the probate court in downtown L.A., along with an army of lawyers, trying to get temporary guardianship of Michael Jackson's 3 kids.

We will be live blogging the proceedings, which should begin any minute.

Katherine's lawyer, Perry Sanders, tells TMZ, "This is a very tense time when of course we don't feel Mrs. Jackson should be removed as guardian and we would vigorously oppose that on anything other than an extremely short-term basis, until she returns home."

We're also told Katherine had high blood pressure before she skipped L.A., and the spa visit did her good. But TJ doesn't think it did the kids any good.
Exclusive: TJ Jackson is Named in Katherine Jackson&#8217;s Will as Successor Guardian

07/25/12 12:29pm
Roger Friedman

Exclusive: TJ Jackson, 34 year old son of Tito Jackson, is actually named in Katherine Jackson&#8217;s will as her successor guardian. TJ is in court this morning seeking temporary guardianship of Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson. Katherine Jackson is still back in Los Angeles. The kids are in summer school this morning and don&#8217;t need to be in court, sources say. TJ will likely get the guardianship until Katherine returns to Los Angeles. She may even be compelled to explain where she&#8217;s been and if she understood what was going on. If not, TJ may become the permanent guardian. But Randy Jackson and his gang are out in the cold.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

10:13 AM The hearing is underway. Before getting to TJ's petition, Judge Mitch Beckloff is handling several other MJ Estate matters.