NEWS ONLY / Michael's Mom is Missing/T.J. guardian/ Grandma's Home [ No Discussion]

Re: Michael jackson's mom reported missing /Children refuse to leave Calabasas Home

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a "family disturbance" at the Jackson family home after, sources said, Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson showed up and apparently tried to take Michael Jackson's kids away.

Im gonna re-post this with paragraphs so it's easier to read :p

"The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to a "family disturbance" at the Jackson family home after, sources said, Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson showed up and apparently tried to take Michael Jackson's kids away. Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday there was a "scuffle" between two family members at the Calabasas home of family matriarch Katherine Jackson, but no arrests were made.TMZ posted a photo of siblings Janet and Jermaine Jackson standing outside the home around the time police were called, according to the website.

Katherine Jackson's laywer, Sandra L. Ribera, issued a statement today, saying "Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson's home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson's children. "Ribera said Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson were taken to safe location. "An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene," according to the statement.

ABC News consultant Howard Bragman of said, "This is truly an escalation of what's been going on. There's a lot of private security, so to actually have law enforcement called is a big step up." It was the latest drama that has plagued the Jackson family in the past few weeks. Katherine Jackson was reported missing Saturday only to be found "resting" with her daughter in Arizona. X17Online obtained a photo of Jackson smiling and playing Uno with her family in Arizona. Her children released a statement Monday saying the missing person's report was "created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from."Trent Jackson, Katherine Jackson's nephew and confidante who reported her missing, tweeted Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter, Paris: "I know it's completely unfair for them to do this you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you."Paris Jackson tweeted Monday , "8 days and counting. Something is really off, this isn't like her at all. I wanna talk directly to my grandmother."

Katherine Jackson is the legal guardian of her late son's three children and there is no word on who is watching them in Jackson's absence.Jermaine Jackson released a statement earlier this week about his mother's whereabouts, saying this is all "a conspiracy to deflect attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors" of Michael Jackson's will.

Five of Michael Jackson's siblings last week said his will was fake and the executors of his lucrative estate, John McClain and John Blanca, should step down. Jackson's entire fortune was left to his mother and three kids. "They [executors of the will] will not stand down because the siblings who were left out of Michael's will want them to," said Zia Modabber, who is the attorney of the Jackson estate.

Howard Mann, Katherine Jackson's business partner, believed money is pulling the family apart. "I believe that Katherine and the children who are benefactors of the estate fall on one side, and then Randy, Jermaine and Rebbie and Tito fall on the other side," Mann said. "They're a group of people who have a great deal of questions about the administration of the estate." Modabber said, "I can't speak for them. I don't know what's motivating Jermaine and Randy and some of these others, but money is not a bad guess." Modabber and Mann faced off in court Monday in a dispute over Mann and Katherine Jackson's selling Michael Jackson merchandise. "It doesn't matter that it's Howard Mann and he may give some of the money to his family, to Katherine Jackson or anybody else," Modabber said. "You can't take property that belongs to the estate, make money from it, without getting permission from the estate." Mann's attorney argues the material is and always was owned by Katherine Jackson and her husband, Joe, and not the late King of Pop.Michael Jackson's estate is now worth about $1 billion and counting.
Janet Jackson Tries to Take Michael’s Kids: Has She Lost Her Mind?

Janet Jackson was always considered the “normal” one of Michael’s performing siblings. But today, according to, she showed up at her mother’s $30,000 a month rented home in Calabasas, California and tried to take Michael’s three kids away from their house while Janet’s own mother was involuntarily–perhaps– out of town. Janet was accompanied by brothers Jermaine and Randy.

On top of that, Janet signed a letter to Michael’s executors last week demanding that they resign. And she agreed with a statement that Michael “despised” John Branca and John McClain. This, despite the fact that McClain actually gave Janet her career in 1984 at A&M Records with her “Control” album. A few years later it was McClain, always a friend of the Jacksons, who tried to put together Michael and Janet with their brothers for an album and a tour.

Has Janet Jackson lost her mind? Or is she now just like her brothers– in need of Michael’s money. Janet has not had a hit in many, many years. She currently has no recording contract. Her last album, “Discipline,” in 2008, sold only 450,000 copies–it didn’t even go “gold.” The album before that, “20 Y.O.” sold 650,000 copies. Her last real hit album was “Damita Jo” in 2004– eight years ago. And hit singles? She hasn’t had one since 2001, and “Someone to Call My Lover.” That’s eleven years ago, friends.

Does Janet need money? With declining album sales, and less frequent touring, the answer would be yes. Also, most of her hits were written by Jimmy Jam Harris and Terry Lewis. Many of her later hits were also based on samples from artists who had to be paid–like Carly Simon. While Janet is a name, she’s aged out of her heyday. Rihanna, Beyonce, and others have long since replaced her.

The one place where Janet can still make money: touring. Her “Number Ones” World Tour in 2011 grossed $60 million, and finished 45th out of the year’s top 50 tours according to

When all of that is calculated, it may not be so surprising that Janet Jackson’s behavior has changed–and her attitude toward Michael’s estate. For Janet to try and take Michael’s kids once her mother is out of town–it suggests that something has shifted in Janet Jackson’s mind. She’s trying to get Control, while asking What have you done for me lately?
Re: Michael jackson's mom reported missing /Children refuse to leave Calabasas Home



omg omg Look at Janet and RANDY filimg this all with their own cellphones......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TMZ picked up the story:



Katherine Jackson's legal team claims Michael Jackson's siblings have concocted a diabolical plot to remove Katherine from her home and her "beloved grandchildren" ... and part of the plan involved ambushing MJ's children.

Katherine's attorney released a statement saying, "Yesterday afternoon certain Jackson family members ambushed Katherine Jackson’s home after their vehicle tore through security gates on the tails of the SUV containing Michael Jackson’s children."

"After exiting their vehicles, Jackson family members ran up to Michael’s children as they yelled and began to aggressively grab at the cell phones in their hands. Out of concern for the well being of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson, the children were forced to temporarily leave their home and taken to a safe location. An altercation ensued shortly thereafter and law enforcement arrived at the scene."

The statement continues, "Following the incident, it was learned that one of the family members who was part of the ambush admitted that a plan has been in place for the last three years to remove Katherine Jackson from her home and her beloved grandchildren."

"Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson have not heard from their grandmother since she left their home nine days ago to attend a series of her sons’ concerts on their Unity Tour. She never made the shows. Despite efforts to interview Katherine Jackson at her current location in Arizona yesterday, Los Angeles County Sheriffs confirmed that they were denied access to Mrs. Jackson by security for one of her children. “
I like the way this article is written:
Paris Jackson Gets Into Fight With Janet Jackson; Michael Jackson’s Kids Talk To Lawyers

Michael Jackson’s kids: Blanket, Prince and Paris Jackson are consulting with their attorney after Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson went to their home yesterday and tried to physically remove them.

Let’s recap before we go further because this is confusing. Katherine Jackson was reported missing on Sunday and her grandchildren said they hadn’t seen her in over a week. Jermaine came out with a statement saying Katherine was in Arizona with her daughter Rebbie Jackson relaxing. Apparently it was Janet’s idea to get Katherine out of Calabasas because the stress over the fight over Michael Jackson’s estate was taking a toll. Katherine Jackson is 82 years old and her children are still teenagers. Not sure how that happened.

OK, so according to Radar Online, Randy, Jermaine and Janet had the bright idea to fly the kids to see their grandmother in Arizona (and make sure all the media cameras were there to film it) so the family could be (portrayed as) happy and reunited again. Crazy ass Jacksons….

“Randy was telling Prince Michael he had to leave with them and that he had a private jet chartered to take them all to Arizona to see Katherine. Prince firmly held his ground and told Randy he wasn’t going anywhere with them. The security detail prevented the three of them from taking the kids out of state. The cops had to be called and Janet kept saying they had a legal right to be at the house when in fact they don’t. The rental house is in the name of Michael Jackson’s estate, so they were told to leave immediately. For the time being, they won’t be allowed to come back to the rental house and guards at the security gate have been told under no circumstances are they to allow them in. Paris was absolutely hysterical and kept telling her uncles to just bring her grandmother home,” a source close to the situation tells

“The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson.”

Since then, Michael’s children have consulted with the attorney that has represented them – and only them – since their father’s death three years ago. They are working towards keeping themselves safe because they have some of the most unstable relatives OF ALL TIME. Oh, and apparently Paris got down with Janet. But I always thought Janet was the normal one? Maybe there really is no such thing as a “the normal one” in the Jackson family. Regardless, Paris is a little bad ass.

“It’s certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven’t spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It’s very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so.

“Paris got into a scuffle with her aunt Janet upon entering the house because she told Paris she had to stop posting family information on Twitter. Janet physically tried to take Paris’ cell phone from her, but she wouldn’t give it up. It was just a very, very unfortunate situation that didn’t need to occur. If Katherine isn’t physically capable of taking care of the kids anymore, then the Courts are going to get involved, and very quickly. The kids can’t be caught in the middle of the ongoing drama of the Jackson family, period.”

Janet better step off! She and Paris have been bickering back and forth lately regarding Paris’s burgeoning acting career. Janet wants her to wait and go to school and Paris wants to go full speed ahead now. So… they have issues. Trying to take a teenager’s cell phone away doesn’t help the situation.

Like I’ve said before, this isn’t close to being over. We’ll keep you posted. One thing’s for sure, Katherine better get back and slap some sense into those kids. They are causing all sorts of trouble and a whole lot of sh-t is about to go down.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>TMZis full of shit!</p>&mdash; Genevieve Jackson (@RealGenevieveJ) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-07-24T14:47:59+00:00">July 24, 2012</a></blockquote>
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Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho has learned that Margaret Lodise, the court-appointed attorney for Michael Jakcson's three children -- Paris, Prince, and Blanket -- will recommend that the executors of the late singer's estate be given temporary guardianship of the children for the short-term until a further determination can be made regarding Katherine and her role, if any, in the raising of the kids.A source close to the situation tells us that papers could be filed Tuesday or Wednesday to make that happen; a hearing on the matter would then be held.Meanwhile, The executors of Jackson's vast estate -- John Branca and John McClain -- issued a statement Tuesday morning expressing their concern over the matter in which Michael's children are being treated.The statement reads: "We thank the fans for their keen interest in the matters that have been reported on recently regarding the Estate and Mrs. Jackson. We will not comment any further on the letter we received from certain of the Jackson siblings. We think our letter in response speaks for itself.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

The executors of Michael Jackson's estate will go to court to support a move for a temporary guardian for Michael's 3 kids.TMZ has learned ... papers are being drafted by the lawyer for someone who will ask the probate judge in the Estate case for the temporary guardianship. We do not know the identify of that person, however, we are told the Estate is drafting legal docs supporting the temporary guardianship.We're told the person seeking the temporary guardianship is also filing legal docs claiming Katherine Jackson -- who is currently the legal guardian of MJ's 3 kids -- has been effectively kidnapped by Michael's siblings, and as a result they are without supervision.
Michael Jackson's Estate Executors Seek Control Over The Kids: We Need To Protect Them From Bullying & Greed

UPDATE: On Tuesday, Paris posted on "Twitter: "9 days and counting... so help me
god i will make whoever did this pay".

The Jackson family drama is about to get even messier. has learned that Margaret Lodise, the court-appointed attorney for Michael Jakcson's three children -- Paris, Prince, and Blanket -- will recommend that the executors of the late singer's estate be given temporary guardianship of the children for the short-term until a further determination can be made regarding Katherine and her role, if any, in the raising of the kids.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Memorial At Forest Lawn

A source close to the situation tells us that papers could be filed Tuesday or Wednesday to make that happen; a hearing on the matter would then be held.

Meanwhile, The executors of Jackson's vast estate -- John Branca and John McClain -- issued a statement Tuesday morning expressing their concern over the matter in which Michael's children are being treated.

The statement reads: "We thank the fans for their keen interest in the matters that have been reported on recently regarding the Estate and Mrs. Jackson. We will not comment any further on the letter we received from certain of the Jackson siblings. We think our letter in response speaks for itself.

PHOTOS: Katherine Jackson Holds Memorial For King Of Pop In His Hometown

"We are acutely concerned about the welfare of Mrs. Jackson, and most particularly with Michael's minor children. We are concerned that we do what we can to protect them from undue influences, bullying, greed, and other unfortunate circumstances. While we do not have standing to directly intervene, we have monitored the situation and will continue to do so. We believe measures are being put in place that will help protect them from what they are having to deal with.

"We take these matters very seriously and will continue to report on them as appropriate."

The statement from the executors of Michael's estate comes a day after the Jackson siblings -- several of whom are calling on the executors of Michael's estate to resign -- released their own statement claiming the executors have caused Katherine stress and that Michael's signature on his will was forged.

According to ABC News, The Jackson siblings' statement reads, "This fallacious missing persons report was created by the very person and persons we are trying to protect our mother from. We feel that there is a conspiracy to deflect the attention away from a letter we wrote asking for the resignation of executors, John Branca and John McClain, as well as some of her 'advisors' and 'caregivers.'"

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

The Jackson siblings further state: "We feel there is strong evidence that supports the falsification of documents in order to takeover and profit from the estate of our beloved brother, Michael Jackson....This is being handled by the proper authorities and due process will take place." was first to report that Jackson's children met with their court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson attempted to take the kids to Arizona.

The King of Pop's children were given their own attorney to represent their best interests after their father tragically died three years ago, and Lodise was appointed to be their guardian ad litem.

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week, and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson’s Kids: Three Years After His Death

"It's certainly extremely concerning to Margaret Lodise that Katherine has been out of town for over a week and that the children haven't spoken to her in that time. Katherine needs to get home quickly because there could be far reaching consequences as far as custody of the kids goes as it pertains to Katherine. It's very likely that Lodise will be going to court as early as Tuesday to express her concerns to the judge, as she has a legal obligation to do so.

"Paris got into a scuffle with her aunt Janet upon entering the house because she told Paris she had to stop posting family information on Twitter. Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her, but she wouldn't give it up. It was just a very, very unfortunate situation that didn't need to occur. If Katherine isn't physically capable of taking care of the kids anymore, then the Courts are going to get involved, and very quickly. The kids can't be caught in the middle of the ongoing drama of the Jackson family, period."

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson & Brothers Chill Out With Coffee

Meanwhile, Jermaine, Randy and Jane have been barred from their mother Katherine's home in Calabasas, California after attempting to remove the kids from the house on Monday. The situation adds to the ongoing drama with the Jackson family, as Katherine has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't spoken to her grandchildren, of whom she is the legal guardian. "It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house," the source revealed.

"The plan to take the kids out of the house was going to be a publicity stunt. The kids were going to be paraded into the house in Arizona where Katherine is staying and those photos would be published on a website favored by Randy Jackson."

Attorneys for Katherine have characterized what happened as an "ambush."

Paris posted on her Twitter: "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

PHOTOS: Katherine Jackson Holds Memorial For King Of Pop In His Hometown

Reports circulated on Monday night that Trent Jackson was manipulating Paris to post negative things about the family.

"That is absolutely laughable," the source says. "Prince, Paris and Blanket could all be hauled into court to tell the judge what is going on and Paris would reveal that no one forced her to do anything as far as her Twitter is concerned. In fact, the last thing the Jackson family would want is for those kids to testify under oath about what is really going on in the family. The kids are ready to go to court, as they feel the only thing that can bring their grandmother home," the source says.

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.
This is so sad but I think she has every right to want some sort of revenge.. Paris tweeted this 2hrs ago, not sure if it was posted here already
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>9 days and counting&#8230; so help me god i will make whoever did this pay</p>&mdash; Paris Jackso&#951; (@ParisJackson) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-07-24T14:36:47+00:00">July 24, 2012</a></blockquote>
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Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

7/24/2012 9:27 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Tito's Son TJ
To Seek Temp Guardianship
of MJ's Kids


Tito Joe Jackson
, aka TJ, the 34-year-old son of Michael Jackson's brother Tito, is having his lawyer draft legal docs in a bid to become temporary guardian of MJ's 3 kids ... TMZ has learned.

People familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Paris and Prince and Blanket all want TJ to be their guardian because they believe Katherine -- their current guardian -- has effectively been kidnapped by MJ's siblings. The kids haven't seen Katherine in 9 days.

Under California law, a judge would not grant a temporary guardian for teenagers unless the kids were on board with the selection, and we're told all 3 kids are down with it.

As we first reported ... the Michael Jackson Estate is standing by and will support TJ's bid to become the temporary guardian if asked by the Probate judge.

Just 15 hours ago, TJ tweeted to Paris, "I know it's completely unfair for them to do this to you and your brothers. We will keep trying. I love you."

By the way, TJ is married with kids and is in a band with his 2 brothers. And get this ... he was Kim Kardashian's first love. Check out what looks like their prom pic.


One final point ... sources connected to MJ's siblings tell TMZ Michael's brothers and sisters are turning on each other. One brother has secretly been telling people he does not support what the others are doing to Katherine.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Updates from HLN and such being reported on twitter by fans

Alan Duke: "I expect we're going to see some court action, whether that's criminal charges or not."

"Joe is not to be heard from. Latoya is staying way out of this." - Alan Duke.

Alan Duke was at the house last night. KJ's lawyer is staying there, nanny, 3T, KJ staff and seven ARMED guards. Much like MJ had to have..

Janet allegedly demanded the kids' passports :0
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Actually, Tito did NOT sign that letter. His name was typed on there, but no signature from him. It's possible he was approached to sign it and then refused when he saw it. Right now, we don't know Tito's position on this.


I copied the pic twice and highlighted Tito's signature on the left one. Tito signed the letter.

you can compare it to his signature

Tito Jackson's Son, TJ, Seeking Temporary Custody Of Michael Jackson's Kids
47 0
Posted on Jul 24, 2012 @ 01:13PM print it send it

By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Tito Jackson's son, 34 year old, TJ, is seeking to become the temporary guardian of Michael Jackson's three children, and Tito now regrets signing a letter with his siblings asking for the executors of the estate to step down, is exclusively reporting.

As Radar was first to report -- and as was captured on surveillance video broadcast on Good Morning America Tuesday -- Paris Jackson's aunt, Janet tried to take her cell phone from her Monday, and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson&#8217;s Kids: Three Years After His Death

"Michael's kids all want TJ to become their temporary guardian," a source close to the situation tells Radar. "They trust and love him. Of course, they want Katherine to come home, but they don't have any control of that at this point and just want the drama to stop. TJ's father, Tito, is now having serious regrets about signing a letter with his siblings asking the executors of Michael's estate to resign. Tito now sees that his siblings are only after money and he wants no part of it."

Paris, Prince Michael and Blanket met with their court appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise on Monday evening after Jermaine, Randy and Janet attempted to remove the kids from their home and take them to Arizona.

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson & Brothers Chill Out With Coffee

"Margaret went to the house on Monday evening as a meeting with the children was requested," a source close to the situation previously told Radar. "This came after Jermaine, Randy and Janet tried to take them out of state. Katherine has now been out of the picture for over a week and legal options are now being pursued in order to ensure that the children are safe."

Katherine Jackson has been in Arizona for more than a week and hasn't talked to her grandchildren during that entire time. Last night, Paris Tweeted, "8 days and counting . something is really off , this isn't like her at all .. i wanna talk directly to my grandmother!!<|3"

PHOTOS: Katherine Jackson Holds Memorial For King Of Pop In His Hometown

Tuesday morning, Paris fired off another Tweet: "9 days and counting... so help me god i will make whoever did this pay".

"Michael's children will remain together, that is absolutely certain. The estate just wants to ensure that the children are safe, and away from all of this Jackson family insanity," the source says.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

The bid for the temporary guardianship will most likely be heard in family court in Los Angeles on Wednesday.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>will be doing online q &amp; a w/ @<a href="">justice_4mj</a>@ 12 pm PST on their Facebook page. Tweet me q's &amp; will answer!Plus, have message from KJ's camp</p>&mdash; jen hutton heger (@jenheger) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-07-24T18:08:55+00:00">July 24, 2012</a></blockquote>
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Justice4MJ page -
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

I understand that Joe visited the Unity tour performance at the weekend. I don't know if Dieter was with him (probably not), but it is interesting the Dieter seems to think that ' the siblings are trying to make Katherine look neglectful / incompetent / infirm in order to get guardianship of the kids'.

The reference is apparently in here...but I can only see it by 'hovering' over the link, and not by reading the link itself.
Randy And Jermaine Jackson Asked Michael Jackson Estate To Pay Their Child Support!

In a new twist, has exclusively learned that Randy and Jermaine asked Michael Jackson&#8217;s estate to pay for their child support!

The Jackson 5 singers approached the estate to help them with the fees for their former wife Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza &#8211; who Randy, 56, and Jermaine, 57, each have two kids with.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

The pair made the desperate move in the last 12 months after they had grave concerns they could face jail.

&#8220;Both Randy and Jermaine were behind on their child support payments - the only way they felt they could pay it was through Michael&#8217;s estate,&#8221; an insider revealed.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson&#8217;s Kids: Three Years After His Death

&#8220;Jermaine&#8217;s kids Jaafar and Jermajesty and Randy&#8217;s sons Donte and Randy Jr. were moved into a condo in San Fernando Valley owned by the estate to help with the legal fees a few years back.

&#8220;But, despite that, Randy and Jermaine felt they needed extra help and they pleaded with the estate&#8217;s lawyer for help.

PHOTOS: Stage Shots of Michael Jackson Performing

&#8220;They were concerned that they could face jail time or even more charges in fines for falling behind on child support.

&#8220;However, their request was shot down immediately as the estate has no legal obligations to Michael&#8217;s siblings,&#8221; the source said.


Tito Jackson's Son, TJ, Seeking Temporary Custody Of Michael Jackson's Kids

Attorney For Michael Jackson's Children: The Kids Aren't Safe Around Jackson Family

Katherine Jackson's Lawyers: 'Michael's Kids Were Ambushed!'
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Radar online editor Jen Heger Q&A is happening now, bold are here answers . I'm updating it as it happens.

Jen Hutton Heger KJ's legal team wants to THANK MJ FAN COMMUNITY for your continued support of Mrs. Jackson & the children.

Jen Hutton Heger KJ's lawyers are working fastidiously to protect Mrs. Jackson from the ongoing family drama...but the fan support provides the children and Mrs. Jackson with tremendous comfort.

Jen Hutton Heger Do you think Tito is only speaking out against the letter because his son TJ is likely to get temporary custody of MJ's kids? NO, I HEARD LAST WEEK THAT TITO WAS HAVING REGRETS ABOUT SIGNING THE LETTER BEFORE CUSTODY OF KIDS WAS EVEN AN ISSUE.

Jen Hutton Heger Even if Katherine is being kept in the dark, don't you think it's strange she would go this long with no contact with kids? YES, ITS VERY STRANGE. I KNOW THAT MRS. JACKSON HAS BEEN ASKING ABOUT THE KIDS & THIS WAS WHY JERMAINE, JANET & RANDY WENT TO HOUSE YESTERDAY TO GET THE KIDS, BUT PRINCE WAS HAVING NONE OF IT.

Jen Hutton Heger Do you think Katherine is aware of the situation right now or is she being kept in the dark? SOURCES TELL ME THAT MRS. JACKSON IS UNAWARE OF WHAT IS GOING ON. WHICH RAISES EVEN MORE CAUSE FOR CONCERN.


Jen Hutton Heger what is the MJ Estate doing about this? MJ's kids could end up in state custody.. Social Service could swoop in and then no one gets anything. NOT LIKELY AS THE KIDS ARE BEING WELL CARED FOR BY NANNY & TRENT & SOCIAL SERVICES HASN'T BEEN CALLED TO GET INVOLVED, YET. I HAVE RECENTLY CONFIRMED THAT

Jen Hutton Heger Remember, this morning ROL broke that Janet Jackson tried to get Paris' cell phone out of her hand, before video appeared on GMA. I got that from a source very, very close to the situation.

Jen Hutton Heger jen who is handling Paris Money that she made form the movie is that part of MJ estate? EXECUTORS.

Jen Hutton Heger I just never understood why Katherine can't make a phone call to Paris.. If this would of happened sooner, this mess wouldnt of gotten this mess--THAT IS THE QUESTION WE ALL HAVE....

Jen Hutton Heger Do you think Katherine would be removed from guardian position for good? YES, SADLY. THE ACTIONS HER CHILDREN HAVE TAKEN HAVE PLACED HER ROLE AS MJ'S KIDS LEGAL GUARDIAN IS NOW IN JEOPARDY.


Jen Hutton Heger Will Janet, Jermaine and Randy suffer more than just public backlash? THERE IS A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE ALTERCATION INVOLVING RANDY, JERMAINE AND TRENT YESTERDAY.


Jen Hutton Heger en can you get this question so the fans can have some piece of mindIs your information coming from speculation, reliable sources, actual facts, or all of these? No disrespect..just want to know how much is speculation. Thanks.ROL NEVER SPECULATES ON ANY OF OUR STORIES. ALL OF OUR INFORMATION IS GATHERED FROM SOURCES EXTREMELY CLOSE TO THE SITUATION.

Jen Hutton Heger ey Jen, do you know if Debbie Rowe is aware of this? is she going to get step in concerning this issue? GREAT QUESTION. I DID STORY EARLIER THIS WEEK, DR IS AWARE OF WHAT IS GOING ON & IS VERY CONCERNED FOR KJ...SHE HAS VERY STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT MJ'S SIBLINGS HAVING ANY ROLE IN RAISING THE KIDS.


Jen Hutton Heger s TJ Jackson gone to court to file papers for guardianship, yet? The children's court-appointed lawyer and the Estate Lawyers are also involved and I hear that Branca is pro-TJ.THE DOCS ARE EXPECTED TO BE FILED THIS AFTERNOON OR FIRST THING IN AM.

Jen Hutton Heger Can the court demand that KJ communicate with her grandkids as per her guardianship obligations? THE COURT WILL WANT TO HEAR FROM KJ DIRECTLY ABOUT WHY SHE HASN'T SPOKEN TO KIDS IN 9 DAYS

Jen Hutton Heger Other than continue to pray for MJ3 what can fans do that would be constructive to help them? CONTINUE TO SEND MESSAGES OF SUPPORT ON TWITTER & PRAY. I KNOW FOR A FACT THE KIDS LOVE IT & CONSIDER MJ FANS PART OF THE FAMILY.

Jen Hutton Heger Does L.A. law enforcement know the whereabouts of Randy & Jermaine---they will prob. try to flee..ARE YOU REFERRING TO THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION?



Jen Hutton Heger y was Dr. Metger allowed to direct Katherine? Was he 1 of numerous ppl who secretly got immunity in the Murray trial?? Has anyone questioned him for misrepresenting his assocuiation with Mrs. Katherine's Dr.? KJ WAS TOLD THAT HER PRIMARY CARE DOC AUTHORIZED DR. METZGER TO EXAMINE HER, WHICH ACCORDING TO KJ'S LAWYER -- HER PRIMARY DOC DIDN'T SIGN OFF ON NOR SUGGEST

Jen Hutton Heger Dr. Metzger didn't get immunity, but he was one of MJ's docs, and he was reprimanded by the California Medical Board for fraudulently prescribing meds to Janet Jackson.

Jen Hutton Heger I really feel bad for Mrs. Katherine... ME 2 :( GENUINELY WORRIED AND CONCERNED FOR HER WELL BEING.

Jen Hutton Heger Don't care what Jermaine or anyone else has said thus far... all IS NOT WELL and to say that Katherine is away to destress.... what in the heck do they think this is doing to her? IT'S VERY CONCERNING GIVEN TWO DETECTIVES FROM LA SHERIFF DEPARTMENT WENT TO ARIZONA TO DO WELFARE CHECK ON KJ YESTERDAY & THEY WERE TURNED AWAY.

Jen Hutton Heger how long have they been plotting this? SOURCES SAY EVER SINCE KJ WAS GIVEN GUARDIANSHIP THREE YEARS AGO.
Security Beefed Up For Michael Jackson's Kids
By Jon Boon - Radar Reporter

Security measures have been stepped up for Michael Jackson&#8217;s kids, Paris, Prince and Blanket, is exclusively reporting.

Katherine Jackson&#8217;s nephew Trent has told security guards at the front gate of her Calabasas house not to allow Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson entry into the gated community, following Monday's failed attempt to remove the three kids from their home.

Trent has also made the move to make sure the kids will be flanked by more bodyguards whenever they leave the property.

&#8220;After yesterday&#8217;s debacle, Trent decided that Paris, Prince and Blanket needed extra protection from Jermaine, Randy and Janet,&#8221; an insider told Radar. &#8220;He doesn&#8217;t want Michael&#8217;s kids snatched from the home &#8211; so he&#8217;s told security at the front gate to refuse entry to all that aren&#8217;t invited.

&#8220;Trent also felt it was in the kids&#8217; best interests to make sure they have extra bodyguards with them at all times whenever they are out of the house.

&#8220;He&#8217;s very concerned that an elaborate kidnap could be planned,&#8221; the close source revealed.

As previously reported, Jermaine, Randy and Janet Jackson were barred from their mother Katherine&#8217;s home after attempting to remove their brother Michael&#8217;s three children on Monday evening.

&#8220;It was just total chaos when Jermaine, Randy and Janet descended on the house,&#8221; a source close to the situation revealed.

&#8220;Randy was telling Prince Michael he had to leave with them and that he had a private jet chartered to take them all to Arizona to see Katherine. Prince firmly held his ground and told Randy he wasn't going anywhere with them. The security detail prevented the three of them from taking the kids out of state. The cops had to be called and Janet kept saying they had a legal right to be at the house when in fact they don't. The rental house is in the name of Michael Jackson's estate, so they were told to leave immediately. &#8220;For the time being, they won't be allowed to come back to the rental house and guards at the security gate have been told under no circumstances are they to allow them in. Paris was absolutely hysterical and kept telling her uncles to just bring her grandmother home.&#8221;
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

KingMikeJ is reporting on twitter about TMZ Live

"One relative has been really paternal to Prince, Paris and Blanket. And that's TJ Jackson." - Harvey Levin. #KMJ

"Randy and Janet are trying to get evidence to bring to court. Evidence against these people around the kids and Katherine." - Mike, TMZ.

"Randy Jackson has no qualifications and has mismanaged money in the past." - Harvey Levin. #KMJ

"They want millions going to Katherine so they can get some of that before she dies. They will fail." - Harvey Levin. #KMJ

TMZ are reporting Jackie Jackson is strongly against the actions of Randy, Janet and Jermaine. #KMJ
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho





And these are some tweets she has favourited

Michael ?@Michael97726984
Everyone thought the late Michael Jackson was paranoid, well would you be if you cant even trust your family!

Michael ?@Michael97726984
If Katherine Jackson has not spoke to @ParisJackson in 9 days NO everything is not ok!

@MyParisJackson ?@MyParisJackson
@ParisJackson Do not let anyone shut your mouth ... You are entitled to it

WouldntU LikeToKnow ?@Etmoietvous
@ParisJackson @princemjjjaxon Everyone online, all of #MJFam, everyone in the media... we're all on your side.

WouldntU LikeToKnow ?@Etmoietvous
@ParisJackson @princemjjjaxon Stay close to one another, protect one another, and stay safe. Hopefully your grandma will return soon...
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

Both Randy & Janet will be on Al Sharpton show "Politics Nation" at 6 PM ET tonight on MSNBC.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

I'm Backing Out
of My Siblings' Plot


Tito Jackson is backing out of the plot to turn Katherine Jackson against the Michael Jackson Estate ... he tells TMZ he wants nothing to do with it.

Tito says, "I completely retract my signature from the July 17th letter sent to the Executors of my brother Michael's estate and repudiate all the claims made against them."

He adds, "I don't want any part of that letter whatsoever."

The letter Tito is referencing was signed by Jermaine, Janet, Rebbie and Randy ... and accused the executors of failing at their job and stressing out their mother, Katherine Jackson, so badly that she suffered a "mini-stroke."

We broke the story ... Tito's son, TJ, is preparing legal docs so he can ask a judge to become the temporary guardian of Michael's 3 kids.

We're also told Jackie is having second thoughts about the plot to overthrow the Estate.
Jackson Siblings Lawyer Up & Prepare To Fight Executors Of Michael's Estate

Michael Jackson's siblings, Janet, Jermaine and Randy Jackson, have hired a lawyer to explore their legal options regarding fighting to overthrow the executors of their late brother's estate, is exclusively reporting.

Since Jackson's 2009 death -- when he was nearly $500 million dollars in debt -- the executors have earned a whopping $475 million, nearly getting the number out of the red. John Branca and John McClain negotiated a lucrative deal with Pepsi to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the late singer's Bad album, as well as striking a pact with Cirque du Soleil for a Jackson-themed tour.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

"The Jackson siblings are discussing taking legal action against the executors of the estate and to become Katherine Jackson's conservator. Janet, Jermaine and Randy feel that they have been left out of all decision making when it comes to Michael, and they want to financially benefit from his estate as well. Janet is also discussing the possibility of petitioning to become Michael's kid's temporary guardian," a source close the situation tells Radar.

However, the Jackson siblings' attempt to have the executors tossed will go nowhere because the statute of limitations to contest the will has expired.

PHOTOS: Stage Shots of Michael Jackson Performing

"Katherine actually dropped her contesting of the will at the behest of these same children who got her to fire Burt Levitch, a lawyer who was challenging the will and hire Adam Streisand, a lawyer who immediately withdrew the objections and let all time delays run. These are the very same kids, along with Janet, who signed a letter recently criticizing advisors and her current counsel, Perry Sanders, for NOT challenging the will. They themselves were responsible for dropping the prior challenge and letting crucial deadlines run long before Sanders was hired. Not only do they refuse to take responsibility for having the initial challenge dropped, they now want to rewrite history and act as if someone new is causing the problem. However, the children are in Katherine's ear 24/7, so it's possible that they could be successful in influencing her to do something," a source previously told Radar.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson&#8217;s Kids: Three Years After His Death

"Katherine's health is being described as frail by her children, even though she recently passed a physical examination by her doctor. She is being kept in the dark about all of this and has no idea that she is in imminent danger of losing custody of the kids," the insider says.

As was first to report -- and as was captured on surveillance video broadcast on Good Morning America Tuesday -- Janet physically tried to take Paris' cell phone from her and the children watched in horror as Jermaine and Randy got into a physical altercation with Trent Jackson, who is Joe Jackson's nephew.

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson & Brothers Chill Out With Coffee

Michael Jackson's children's court-appointed attorney, Margaret Lodise, will be asking a judge to strip Katherine's guardianship of Paris, Prince and Blanket because she has been out of town for more than a week, because she believes the children aren't safe following a physical altercation with Janet, Jermaine and Randy. TJ, Tito Jackson's son, will be seeking temporary guardianship of the kids, something they all want and support.

Stay tuned to for developments on this story.
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho


The Insider's Kevin Frazier sat down with three of Michael Jackson's siblings to discuss the latest family drama involving Jackson matriarch Katherine Jackson and the pop star's three children.

When asked about the current whereabouts of his mother, Marlon Jackson said the recent explanation given by authorities is not adequate. "That's not good enough for me," he said. Last weekend, a relative reported that Katherine Jackson was missing and was cut off from contact with Michael's children. Authorities eventually made contact with Katherine, who was staying with family members in Arizona, and they verified that she was safe.
"All I know is there's somebody who made the decision that my mother cannot talk to me, and whoever that person is, they've got to answer to me," Marlon told Kevin, without specifying individuals involved. "Because I'm going to see my mother and I'm going to bring her home."
RELATED: Paris Jackson Tweets Father's Day Pic
At that point, Marlon appears to get emotional before getting up and walking out of the interview and stating, "I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I am."
The incident comes just days after a relative reported that Katherine Jackson was missing and was cut off from contact with Michael's children. Authorities eventually made contact with Katherine, who was staying with family members in Arizona, and they verified that she was safe.
Keep checking back to and watch The Insider for more of Kevin's interview with Marlon, Tito and Jackie.
Watch: 'Glee' Cover Michael Jackson!
Re: Michael's mom reported missing /PPB Atty steps in after Siblings try to take them from their ho

More clips of the interview with Marlon, Tito and Jackie.Marlon says they do not agree with the things that were said about the Executors of MJ's estate. Doesn't know where his mother is, hasn't spoken to her. Marlon looks seriously pissed off and emotional: