New video with CURLS!!!

He's already denied the one-off J5 gig hasn't he? I reckon he didn't hear the question properly & just shouted 'yes'! On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the rest of J5 joined him on stage at the O2.
lol @ this threads title being focused on MJs appearance rather than what he said which was more important. Talk about being shallow!
Ooh lord. Pony tail! I love you michael jackson.
He looks so great:) I'm gon watch a few more times. I too think he was saying it just to shut them up. His way of tellin them to go away and move out of the way.
^^^What did MJ say other than yes yes yes?

Its what he said yes to. Mike wouldnt feed a false rumour (unless it was PR related! lol).

Its like when a fan asked him to tour LA and he said "We will be" (or something to that effect.) He wouldnt say that unless it was true. He knows us fans hang on everyword.

I personally dont see MJ saying this just to shut up the reporter cuz that doesnt make sense. If he said no, then we know that he isnt (which is what LaToya said the other day!) and nothing would have been any different than before but Mike said yes and that actually got more of a reaction out of the pap (and us!) rather than saying no.
Its what he said yes to. Mike wouldnt feed a false rumour (unless it was PR related! lol).

Its like when a fan asked him to tour LA and he said "We will be" (or something to that effect.) He wouldnt say that unless it was true. He knows us fans hang on everyword.

I personally dont see MJ saying this just to shut up the reporter cuz that doesnt make sense. If he said no, then we know that he isnt (which is what LaToya said the other day!) and nothing would have been any different than before but Mike said yes and that actually got more of a reaction out of the pap (and us!) rather than saying no.

Its what he said yes to. Mike wouldnt feed a false rumour (unless it was PR related! lol).

Its like when a fan asked him to tour LA and he said "We will be" (or something to that effect.) He wouldnt say that unless it was true. He knows us fans hang on everyword.

I personally dont see MJ saying this just to shut up the reporter cuz that doesnt make sense. If he said no, then we know that he isnt (which is what LaToya said the other day!) and nothing would have been any different than before but Mike said yes and that actually got more of a reaction out of the pap (and us!) rather than saying no.

True but he didn't look like he was listening to the pap's questions.
"Are you going on tour?"
MJ - Yeez (thats the way he was pronouncing it to me lol, didnt see too happy with being pap'd)
"To london ahh?"
Mj - Yeez
"what about the Jackson5? Going on tour with the Jackson 5?"
"Oh you are"?
MJ - No Response
"cool Michael, hey the kiddies!"
*Car door shuts*
"Can I touch you mike? Again?"
*Car revvs up*

He's already denied the one-off J5 gig hasn't he? I reckon he didn't hear the question properly & just shouted 'yes'! On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the rest of J5 joined him on stage at the O2.

It better not be on any bloody night i have tickets for LOL
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Yep! :lol: I can't imagine any other man over 50 wearing something like that

and you know stylishly...
it actually looks amazing on him..

and I know that MJ loves the Hungarian Huszar design (yes yes yes:punk::punk:)so the jacket is amazing too!

Thumbs up for this outfit, well done! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
I love the jackets that have chosen to use, with padded shoulder straps, 80 style!

King in all things!!!!

I love that video hehe! Michael looked SO cute!!

But that pap guy was annoying, though funny. But he was certainly annoying Michael. :p

I LOLes so hard when he went: "YES!". Haha he seemed pisssed :p

And hen then the pap guy goes "can I touch u mike?...again?"

Haha! :rofl: that belongs in the simpsons or family guy or something. :lmao:
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so busy watching the ponytail and being silly last night I didn't see the smurf shrit!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWW I collect lil smurfs :rofl: (for my daughter of course - yeah thats it :lol: ) Sarah watches those cartoons over and over again lol and walks around being Grouchy :yes:

You know if Michael does the thing with his family it wouldn't be a part of the O2 stuff. It would be totally separate. How ya'll got them being at the O2 concerts?
The jacket is a "Balmain"

Thanks for posting. :flowers: Gotta say the jacket looks waayyyy better on him...altho the pads in the above pic are kinda iffy. Maybe it IS the hair that makes the difference. hmmm..... And I thought that was a Smurf shirt, but wasn't sure if it was a regular Smurf or Papa Smurf with the white beard. lol It's cute! Very cool that he mixes the more elegant pieces with funkier things.

Thanks for the pic! :) And dawwww at Blanket in the footage. :give_heart: Mini-Mike. lol
Why do we always find out he was wearing a designer women's clothing? Not that it looks feminine...:lol:...but the shoulder pads make more sense to me now.