New video with CURLS!!!

:wild::clapping::wild::clapping::wub: OMG! Even better than the pics!!! Wow, he looks so amazing!! I can't get over how much I love him with the curly hair!

BTW, that guy is obsessed with Michael, LOL. OH well, who could blame him???
that guy with video crama was talking to Michael like he is slow :thinking: why?

Because paps try to get reactions out of people, so if the person loses their cool, they get the best picture, which pays the most money.
that's interesting though, cause I think that's one thing that MJ would NOT say yes to for any reason if he didn't want to do anything with his brothers...Just think-he would be risking this rumor getting around and when the family finds out, then it puts waaaay more pressure on him!!!

and that was cool of you tscm, to have the vid for upload!
that's interesting though, cause I think that's one thing that MJ would NOT say yes to for any reason if he didn't want to do anything with his brothers...Just think-he would be risking this rumor getting around and when the family finds out, then it puts waaaay more pressure on him!!!

and that was cool of you tscm, to have the vid for upload!

Completely agree with you! And sometimes I'm surprised with everything going on (people yelling his name and shouting questions at him, shoving things at him, flashbulbs going off, and trying to make his way thru a tunnel of people) that he actually hears the random question every now and again and will answer. Or you see him recognize someone and he acknowledges them. And I kinda sit and think, Wow, he was actually able to distinguish questions and ppl in all that rapid mayhem. So, I think he may be more alert about what's going on around him than it appears at times. And in this case, he answered twice to 2 very different and clearly heard questions when he could have just stayed quiet for the second one.

Having said all that, IMO, it still doesn't count cuz we couldn't see his lips moving when he said it. LOL! Translation: It was a figment of our imaginations. :girl_whistle: Jermaine, back away from the phone. You didn't hear that...and neither did we. :agree:

Last but not least....... that jacket is smoking...even with the shoulder pads. oh my! They don't look so awkward on this particular jacket... and with the curls. Very MJ! I like. And I spy that ponytail. BA:heart:BUMP! BA:heart:BUMP! Nice ending to a loooong and rainy Monday.

Thanks to all for the footage! :flowers:
the way he said yes the second time hella high pitched like 'um didn't i just tell u yes?' indicates to MOI that he didn't hear the second question.
LMAO! How he say Yeah the second time! Killed me!

His hair doesn't look that curly before like on the picture, but it mostly looks more like MJs Hair in 1999.
He looks awsome I like his style hey It will be great when Michael brings out his own collection . CANT WAIT UNTIL 13th OF JULY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
the way he said yes the second time hella high pitched like 'um didn't i just tell u yes?' indicates to MOI that he didn't hear the second question.
Hmm... I don't share you're assesement... I think he clearly heard that Jackson 5 question and emphasized with a more urgent "yes" that it's going ahead.... well, maybe it's wishful thinking on my part ;) but if it happens I'm so there and michaelsson has to stay away! :p
^^Okay... just as long as he doesn't watch the show, I'm fine with it! ;)