New Vibe Magazine

Just saw the cover in the link posted on the first page.
she's so gross. I wouldn't buy that mag either
:lol: It appears that the cover of the mag is deterring people from getting it!
I'll probably be picking it up tonight. I don't have a scanner however.

I will post a transcript tho, that should be enough for most
How do you post pictures of the article? They sell it near me. I can pick it up.
I will try and do this. I will go pick it up now. But I am at work so I will do my best.
Ok, I just bought it. It is a four page spread. Threee full pages of written word. Too, too much to paraphrase. I will tell you all the major quote son the center of the pages:

"I heard MJ doing autotune on some of the tracks. I said, "Oh no!" I don't want to say any names. I would never use autotune with Mike. Teddy Riley

"Part of the reason why it took so long to put stuff out was because Michael was a perfectionist...sometimesd we would spend a whole day just on drums! I'm telling Mike, 'N****, you know how long I've been working on this snare." Will.I.Am

Give me a few minutes to figure this out. The text is so small, I think if I just took a picture of it, you would not be able to read it.

Yeah, we REALLY need this full article, readable, would be GREAT, ginvid!
Ok I scanned it into a PDF any questions how to get it here so you guys can read?
Michael has many, many "last songs" as we speak.

The pdf file doesn't work on my laptop for some reason. :/
Great article, IMO. Thanks again. Took some time to read though, lol.

Ending part was kinda of strange but.
So the article mentions:

Akon: "Hold My Hand" "The Future", "The King, and "Miss You"

No recent, new tracks by Teddy Riley have been recorded,
And no indication as to whether any Ne-Yo tracks were actually recorded.
thanks for the dowload
but the article is rather rubbish lol just rehashed stuff from various other articles from the past
This article is absolute rubbish, just the usual rehash of the same info. It even quotes MJ as saying that he WROTE Man in the Mirror. Great research there, guys.
Reading this article, you're under the impression that the tracks will be on the album when in fact, we have heard the opposite, so far.
I can't download the file can somebody describe and post the best parts of the article
So the article mentions:

Akon: "Hold My Hand" "The Future", "The King, and "Miss You"

No recent, new tracks by Teddy Riley have been recorded,
And no indication as to whether any Ne-Yo tracks were actually recorded.

Ne Yo has said himself that he and Mike never made it into the studio and that the tracks were at the ideas stage. He sent MJ music and MJ suggested changes. Ne yo made the changes and then sent them back to MJ. Ne yo never said any MJ vocals were recorded, so I don't think they were unless Mike recorded them privateky without Ne Yo knowing about it, which is incredibly unlikely IMO. Shame.