New This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
News from my source:

The NEW Michael Jackson’s This Is It clip “Why Why” will debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show (which airs at 3PM PST), Wednesday, September 16th.
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Interesting, thanks! Now, what is "Why Why" :unsure:?
huh? human nature???
well, I guess I'll be watching...
yeah whats why why?? and WHY OPRAH WINFREY!! this is just to lure all the fans to watch it but it isn't happening!!
I guess it's, 'why, why' does it have to be debuting on Oprah of all places?!?!

well I still wont watch
thank god for youtube
why did they pick the Oprah show of all shows ?
and wtf is "why why"?!
Sadly, even from the commercial promoting tomorrow's show and Oprah's recent interviews you can tell she's going to go on about plastic surgery, allegations (which she still tends to believe despite all the exonerating evidence), etc... I wish she would just rebroadcast the original interview in its entirety without her unnecessary commentary and let it be.
Well, this also works for MJ if she is promoting a clip of his movie. Oprah has a big fanbase. I think it's a good deed of Oprah.
I'm not watching this woman tore down Mike's legacy to pieces so just I can catch a glimpse of a new clip.

I rather wait for someone to upload it on youtube, thank you very much!
I'm not watching this woman tore down Mike's legacy to pieces so just I can catch a glimpse of a new clip.

I rather wait for someone to upload it on youtube, thank you very much!

she can't tear his legacy down..........not the media.. not her...

she can spew negative comments... but his legacy stands...regardless of the hate...
she can't tear his legacy down..........not the media.. not her...

she can spew negative comments... but his legacy stands...regardless of the hate...

totally agree! :)

Oprah can SUCK MY SOCKS!
oh man...

I won't be able to watch cause I'll be at I'll be hoping on youtube or wherever to watch it...

but I SWEAR....if she goes on about surgery, or the allegations....I'm done.

I'm done. I'm done....never again
you all KNOW that is exactly what she is going to go for. She is a ratings whore she will do anything to get it. As for the clip it will be on youtube so don't worry bout that.

As for Oprah and her beliefs that's her thing. We as fans know the truth and that's all that matters.
I won't be watching her or Insider or ET. I won't be worrying about their hate and nastiness. I don't care what they say. They can't change that there are millions of people who see right through their lies and hate and nastiness. I don't believe them or the crap they spew.
I don't like Oprah anymore and I am so depressed over how he is treated by the media and so called friends. I actually cringe when I read about tribute specials because I don't know what to expect. I always worry they will be negative. Michael is gone and it is tough enough dealing with that and now we have to worry about what these people will say and do. Everything is crap at the moment.

Either Human Nature, or a new song.

Also, first the trailer during VMAs, and MJ fans hate MTV. Now a new one during Oprah, and they hate her. Someone is getting a good laugh.
Well ratings for her show have been heavily declining. She's grasping at straws and using MJ as a hook but I'm still going to watch lol :D I have no patience.

I think they'll show a clip of him singing Human Nature.