New OFFICIAL MJ single - Hold My Hand (update pg.1)

Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand


^^ hahaha..I may just have me an alcoholic beverage tonight when I listen to the song :wild:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

^^ hahaha..I may just have me an alcoholic beverage tonight when I listen to the song :wild:

Me too!

Let's celebrate the new single. :clapping:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

can someone please PM me the new snippet , is it from the second vers ?
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

going to bed, wake up to Hold My Hand tomorrow, I'll join in the celebrations (hopefully) tomorrow
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Here I am still waiting.. though I should go to sleep. I soon have only 5 hours to sleep :doh: :yawn:

Can't wait!!!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

there are two snippets leaked now, the first half and most of the second half, but no piano ending it fades off. So about 80% of the song has leaked.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I don't want to sleep tonight. Sigh, Monday starts off a stressful week, but I don't care, I wanna listen to the full song first. :lol:
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Will SONY promote HMH do you think and if HOW ?

In Denmark there have been absolutely NO promotion for Vision og Michael so far.

NOTHING. They should make TV ads, billboards, etc. etc.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I haven't seen any promo for HMH as well, except for blog sites talking about the new album and etc. I wonder how they are gonna do it? They can't just let it out in the dust. Meh, but anyway, in the meantime us fans should continue to request the song to many radio stations once it releases so the stations know there is a "demand" for it. The more people hear about the new song, then the more people know about it and will buy it.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

SONY has to promote the hell out of this single.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I have to work tonight. My 1st night at my new job. 11PM to hopefully when I get out of work, I'll get lucky and hear the song on the radio. If's hoping to hearing it online tomorrow. :)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I hope AKON will do plenty of positive interviews about the song and MJ - to get focus on MJ.

Michael has to be promoted intensively.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

i listened the snippets but whats the different? only jussssss part? i hope tomorrow we will listen more MJ

listen to the strings!! they're heavenly!!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

The strings are beautiful.

Some new arrangements have been added.

I can't wait!

4 hours and 54 mins !!!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

are that snippets from album version? is it clear information? maybe they are one of some other demos
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Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

start requesting on your local radio... get it on and out.... :)
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand


Originally posted by KOPV in another thread.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Posted on @tajjackson3 's twitter just now:

On Monday 15th November 2010, @tajjackson3 said:

"HOLD MY HAND" was the last song my uncle Michael every played to me in person. He was SO PROUD OF IT. I'll never forget that smile he had on his face as the song played through the speakers (in his room) at the Palms Hotel in Vegas. After the song was over, he asked me what I honestly thought of it. I told him it was a worldwide number one song and that it was going to be a huge. He was so happy to hear that.
I did give the song one slight criticism though. I told my uncle that he needed to be singing more in the chorus and at the end of the song... lol. I said that we (the fans) would want to hear his voice more. :)
"Hold my Hand" will be officially released tomorrow, November 15th. I'm definitely excited to buy it as soon as it becomes available knowing that the moment I play it, I will instantly remember the day my uncle first played it to me. It's these memories of him that I hold on to and cherish with all my heart. Words can't express how much I love and miss my uncle Michael.

Come on guys! Let's make this single #1 for MJ. :yes: How 'bout it?
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Posted on @tajjackson3 's twitter just now:

On Monday 15th November 2010, @tajjackson3 said:

"HOLD MY HAND" was the last song my uncle Michael every played to me in person. He was SO PROUD OF IT. I'll never forget that smile he had on his face as the song played through the speakers (in his room) at the Palms Hotel in Vegas. After the song was over, he asked me what I honestly thought of it. I told him it was a worldwide number one song and that it was going to be a huge. He was so happy to hear that.
I did give the song one slight criticism though. I told my uncle that he needed to be singing more in the chorus and at the end of the song... lol. I said that we (the fans) would want to hear his voice more. :)
"Hold my Hand" will be officially released tomorrow, November 15th. I'm definitely excited to buy it as soon as it becomes available knowing that the moment I play it, I will instantly remember the day my uncle first played it to me. It's these memories of him that I hold on to and cherish with all my heart. Words can't express how much I love and miss my uncle Michael.

Come on guys! Let's make this single #1 for MJ. :yes: How 'bout it?

That was soo touching to read. I will do everything I can to promote HMH and make it #1.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

Yeah, I plan on getting the radio stations to play it through requests.
I am excited about it already.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

I am soo exited.

Time is 1:55 am here in Denmark.

And I am soo exited about HMH - and Michael.

HMH will be lovely.
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand


:hysterical: these gifs are too fun!

P.S. We should all try to see who can find the most 'excited' gif! lol
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

P.S. We should all try to see who can find the most 'excited' gif! lol

You got it!

This is probably how the song is gonna make me feel when the strings come in at the beginning...


ooooor......maybe this one!


Like a kid w/ birthday cake!
Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

this'll be me when I'm listening in the car :lmao:

Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

COUNT DOWN 3 more hours _Im getting so excited

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Re: New MJ single this MONDAY - Hold My Hand

When I first realise how amazing this song is I'll be in shock


