New MTV special: Michael Jackson mistakenly accepts the imaginary Artist of the Millennium award

Does anyone have proof of the statement mtv made before the award show? a link, a saved shot of it or somehting?? I think it was jsut a mistake. I mean its easy to make that kind of mistake when you are actually receiving those types of awards from other shows.
It was not a mistake, but rather a carefully orchestrated plan specifically designed to humiliate Michael Jackson--because apparently they felt that making fun of Michael was the popular thing to do in 2002 and they knew that such controversy would help boost their plummeting ratings. Every year since they have used that clip to mock Michael Jackson. Michael would not have had a full 'statement of thanks' prepared had he not been informed beforehand that he'd be receiving the millennium award, and the media wouldn't have reported days beforehand that Michael would be receiving said award.

Here's a screenshot from after the event:

Trying to emberass someone like that seems beyond ethical. I think who ever wrote that assumed thats what he won since thats what mj said. Id like to see what they sent out before the show. I remember watching that and not knowing he dad won anything until he said so himslef. I think all this confusion is probably coming from that screen shot we just saw. I think thats where the mistake is. I seriously doubt anyone here or anywhere thought he was recieving that ward until he mentioned it.
MTV did this to Michael OMG they suck those bastards. I am so disgusted with a lot of people at the moment. It makes me want to scream sometimes.

It was not a mistake, but rather a carefully orchestrated plan specifically designed to humiliate Michael Jackson--because apparently they felt that making fun of Michael was the popular thing to do in 2002 and they knew that such controversy would help boost their plummeting ratings. Every year since they have used that clip to mock Michael Jackson. Michael would not have had a full 'statement of thanks' prepared had he not been informed beforehand that he'd be receiving the millennium award, and the media wouldn't have reported days beforehand that Michael would be receiving said award.

Here's a screenshot from after the event:


I have been posting this throughout this thread... Your welcome ;)
I have been posting this throughout this thread... Your welcome ;)

:flowers: Sorry, I had saved it to my computer when the same discussion came up months ago--not sure if you're the one who posted it back then or not but thanks... (I didn't see that you had already posted it while I responded, apologies).
:flowers: Sorry, I had saved it to my computer when the same discussion came up months ago--not sure if you're the one who posted it back then or not but thanks... (I didn't see that you had already posted it while I responded, apologies).

lol i did the same thing YEARS ago lol. thats why i never deleted it from my computer. Had a feeling i would need it again. I do remember posting it in other places and On MTV's site so who knows lol.

I was only teasing you anyway. The more people who have this little snip the better and the more who know the truth.:yes:
From what I remember, there was NO prop. It was because Britney added in her speech something like, "And he is, to me, the Artist of the Millenium."
It was an honest misunderstanding from Michael but should have been left at that. It was tasteless for MTV to joke about it on the same show...and to this day.
So...according to MTV, 2 1/2 months is the standard time for mourning and it's ok to turn Michael into a joke again.-_-

yea the britney bit , but i thought i saw people coming up to the podium with the same statue making jokes. but i dont really remember.

Does it matter anymore? All MTV knows now a days is reality shows, bad rap music, and Jonas brothers

the music world has ended when the Joe Bros' are called the new Beatles and Paris Hilton is your new best friend is worth showing on mtv over music videos.

like anyone wants to get up at 5 am and watch music videos before they put on garbage with a side of trash. these people are looney tunes, the music videos get in the way of their schedule.
MTV is no longer important to the world. They have no influence anymore. The MTV generation is over, so what they do or say is of no consequence.

Michael made them what they used to be, and they threw it all away because of corporate greed.
How can they think this is OK? It's cruel. What a crap role model for kids...I'm actually in disbelief. This actually makes me really sad. :(
I keep waiting for the day MTV productions will shut down and be taken off the air. Where do they generate their money from? How come they are still in business? It blows my mind..
they keep on insisting on various "weird moment" i swear.... sensationalism.... .it is so sad... michael was the best... f... them...
wasn't there a post a while ago that MTV had admitted that it actually was an artist of the millinium award? And now they are saying it wasn't again? They must be really hurting for ratings to resort to dishonoring a beloved dead person.
They are lying devils, I hate MTV. I wouldn't watch that channel evev if they did say something positive about MJ because it wouldn't come from appreciation but for ratings.
this is seriously not worth stressing over! as other people have said mtv have no influence anymore.
wasn't there a post a while ago that MTV had admitted that it actually was an artist of the millinium award? And now they are saying it wasn't again? They must be really hurting for ratings to resort to dishonoring a beloved dead person.
They are lying devils, I hate MTV. I wouldn't watch that channel evev if they did say something positive about MJ because it wouldn't come from appreciation but for ratings.

Only this

MTV is no longer important to the world. They have no influence anymore. The MTV generation is over, so what they do or say is of no consequence.

Michael made them what they used to be, and they threw it all away because of corporate greed.

That sums up my feelings in a nutshell :flowers: