New MTV special: Michael Jackson mistakenly accepts the imaginary Artist of the Millennium award

is there a contact email for them to complain, so we can show them what they've done before and how they contradict themselves and are trying to humiliate a dead man which is sick. If anyone finds an email, post it on here and we can all mail them... I'll go look now - they need to be told.

I also hope that the movie trailer for 'This Is It' isn't shown on their channel first during the VMAs they don't deserve to show it!!
You know even though they made fun of him as well as other people, Michael still actually comes through this with honest flying colors.

After people I knew laughed at me for this as well, I knew it was all good because to me it just showed Michael's true TRUE integrity. I mean, did you guys see the whole list of people he thanked?? Yes - F**k Mtv, but at least Michael was thankful!
DUDE, MTV needs to START taking Michael out of their vocabulary cuz they are just too LOW. Thats the only way they get attention. They are Nasty @$$holes...

I read your post on their site; NICE!
I haven't watched MTV in 10 years or more, not since it became "RTV"(Reality TV) w/ bullsh*t shows. So I don't care about them. Truth is, MTV is not the same as when Michael graciously decided to help the fledgling channel become a worldwide sensation back in the 1980s. ;) No way around it, but MJ was a huge reason why the channel became so successful so it's a travesty how they are treating him as a person and an artist. No respect!

Anyways, i bet there are millions upon of millions people in the world that will say that Michael Jackson is the only person to DESERVE an 'Artist of the Millenium' award, existing or non-existing.
they just uploaded the old photo again saying now he "mistakenly accepts the imaginary artist of the millenium award":

after writing on THIS website (i posted it already back in june when he passed) that he receives the artist of the millenium award!!!

so much for RESPECT? now that his death is a few months ago, let's take away his title artist of the millenium again... can't make up their mind, huh.

Yup, I remember when you posted that update in June and had even changed the Wikipedia MJ Awards page (or someone had).

I read a TV-critic's nostalgic look back at Michael's TV moments after the passing, and the article's hook was, "How profound effect did Michael have on MTV? He actually got the station to play music again," lol (since they had been doing Michael-marathons). They're a joke; I can't stand them and take anything they do w/ a grain of salt. . . . I read ratings have been down for the awards show in recent years, so hopefully they will continue to fall.
FYI the VMA's are coming up and Wade has choreographed a tribute for MJ
FYI the VMA's are coming up and Wade has choreographed a tribute for MJ

That MIGHT be the only thing worth watching on the VMA's... Which the award show itself is pointless. How can they have a VMA if there are no MUSIC VIDEOS TO AWARD! just sayin.
That MIGHT be the only thing worth watching on the VMA's... Which the award show itself is pointless. How can they have a VMA if there are no MUSIC VIDEOS TO AWARD! just sayin.

The ONLY time they play videos is really late at night and really early in the morning. Other than that they do still play videos on MTVU and MTV2, but they can't get anything right. My husband is in a group and they had their video play on MTV, but they got the name totally wrong, and the album name was wrong. They had to call MTV to get it corrected and ever since they haven't played the video. The only place you can find music any more on TV here is VH1 (when a reality show isn't playing) or Fuse.
Michael Jackson made MTV, they owe him everything. And they can't even show him respect. Screw them. Ignorant fouls!
f*ck them who the hell watches MTV any more? every time I turn it on there always
little rich girls ether screaming or taking there clothes off I don't know why they still call them selfs "music television"
Disgusting. Even now they try to insult and humilate him. That channel is like poison.

"They don't care. They use me for the money." -MJ
unbelievable.... mtv was nothing without Michael... unbelievable... sad.
Why is there only 5 comments on the MTV site and 3 pages of outrage here. Come on guys lets get to letting them know MJ fans ain't standing for this crap.

They don't have direct email anymore cause they don't want to hear from the ppl. You would have to go through Viacom.

sign in and let them know how disgusting they are.
Who need MTV, Michael doesn't need them or their awards !

He was able to prove that he is the best by far, not only in Music Industry but also by being the great and beautiful person he is. Screw MTV, one of my friends was joking about this & commented that MTV should change their logo with MJ animation doing the smooth criminal anti-gravity dance lool.
:shock: ba***rds

See that is why I can't mess with MTV, anyone who allows Bruno to put his private parts in another man's face deserves no respect from me. I am not seeing BET is perfect but I can assure you they wouldn't pull that nonsense as they don't joke with Michael on that level.
They totally fucked Michael as the artist off right now..., after his death and a day before the funeral......, I wonder whose idea it was to re-re-post that crap.
Who need MTV, Michael doesn't need them or their awards !

He was able to prove that he is the best by far, not only in Music Industry but also by being the great and beautiful person he is. Screw MTV, one of my friends was joking about this & commented that MTV should change their logo with MJ animation doing the smooth criminal anti-gravity dance lool.

MTV is still relevant, and media and "journalists" take such information "seriously"... and if MTV reports something like that, it has huge impact on MTV viewers and music reporters... and they will exploit this as something relevant...

Is that decision approved by the CEOs of MTVs?
Let´s go all to their site and destroy them fuckers.