New MTV special: Michael Jackson mistakenly accepts the imaginary Artist of the Millennium award

ok ppl look they don't have an email coz they don't wanna hear from us so the only way is to comment on there sit so no matter how childish this my sound but go to the sit and leave the most horrible comment you can think of but of course it has to be about what they did to mj
ok ppl look they don't have an email coz they don't wanna hear from us so the only way is to comment on there sit so no matter how childish this my sound but go to the sit and leave the most horrible comment you can think of but of course it has to be about what they did to mj

A link to their site????
I will write to them that I boycott MTV until they change it!
I gotta blow some steam here.

F**k MTV and their sh***y reality shows. They should change their names to the crappy reality tv shows network. I hate the network that doesn't appreciate Michael Jackson for putting the on the map, and for having one of the shows that I hate with the passion of a thousand suns, "My super Sweet Sixteen".
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MTV (Music Television) pfft some of the shows they air don't even come close to Music its gone to hell and quite rightly too bunch of Snobs!
I gotta blow some steam here.

F**k MTV and their sh***y reality shows. They should change their names to the crappy the reality tv shows network. I hate the network that doesn't appreciate Michael Jackson for putting the on the map, and for having one of the shows that I hate with the passion of a thousand suns, "My super Sweet Sixteen".

Oh GOD that show is horrible beyond words!
WTF? MTV has become such a joke. I haven't watched for years, and I'm proud of that fact. They don't even deserve to be called "Music Television" anymore.
I feel bad for them. It can't be easy being that brainless. Seriously. I'm surprised they can spell. Screw MTV. I couldn't care less about that piece of shit anyway.
Honestly, this time, I'm not even upset. Just f'ck them all, and f'ck them good.
I'm looking forward to the day they go down once and for all. I'll be waiting with popcorn prepared. What a day it will be.
??? i dont get what was the point of having a fake award prop period on the still puzzles me if it was a birthday award since was it near his birthday i think.
and with mtv changing their minds on what it really is. but from what i recall watching the show, it was supposedly fake, because of how others after him came out with the same award and making jokes. but i rather not go back to see those scenes to check. it was mtvs fault for having such a prop. and they blamed michael.
From what I remember, there was NO prop. It was because Britney added in her speech something like, "And he is, to me, the Artist of the Millenium."
It was an honest misunderstanding from Michael but should have been left at that. It was tasteless for MTV to joke about it on the same show...and to this day.
So...according to MTV, 2 1/2 months is the standard time for mourning and it's ok to turn Michael into a joke again.-_-
This is why I wish that every musician would boycott MTV and the VMAs (the completely ludicrous awards show that literally has Perez Hilton picking the winners). MTV used and abused Michael in so many ways over the years and clearly nothing has changed...

A week or two before the VMAs aired with this "Artist of the Millennium" fiasco MTV sent out press statements to the media indicating that Michael Jackson would be receiving this award. They informed Michael well in advance that he would be receiving that award which is why he attended the show in the first place and also why he had prepared a full acceptance speech. On MTV's site at the time they even posted that Michael received this award but quickly changed it to reflect that he made a mistake.

However, their real intentions have long been to demean and humiliate the very person who allowed their network to survive in the first place. When they realized viewers were tuning out, they began relying strictly on controversy to boost ratings. Not only with Michael Jackson, but with other artists including Britney Spears in 2007. No longer did artists matter to them at all, it was all about how controversial they can make the awards show. Sick bastards.

Michael knows he should have that award anyways.
He did in fact receive the Male Artist of the Millennium award and the Artist of the Century award at other award shows. :yes:
MTV sucks!

Where the hell would they be now if it wasn't for Michael Jackson?

Oh but then again, their crappy reality shows belongs to the garbage.
Their brains are imaginary.
:rofl: best quote today.

And anyway, who the hell cares if MTV gives him an award and what they call it? Like it's such a big honor. He made those bastards and they've turned on him. Screw them.
I can't stand what MTV is about right now. They are filling minds of teens with garbage.
That was their fault, and they did it to humiliate him. They are shameful, and they are assholes for trying to make him look stupid.
Oh, it was so obviously set up, as people have already said here. I mean, they even had Britney Spears read off the teleprompter something along the lines of "he is my artist of the millenium" - which is what they would typically have someone say to introduce an artist of the millenium award.
This is why I wish that every musician would boycott MTV and the VMAs (the completely ludicrous awards show that literally has Perez Hilton picking the winners). MTV used and abused Michael in so many ways over the years and clearly nothing has changed...

A week or two before the VMAs aired with this "Artist of the Millennium" fiasco MTV sent out press statements to the media indicating that Michael Jackson would be receiving this award. They informed Michael well in advance that he would be receiving that award which is why he attended the show in the first place and also why he had prepared a full acceptance speech. On MTV's site at the time they even posted that Michael received this award but quickly changed it to reflect that he made a mistake.

However, their real intentions have long been to demean and humiliate the very person who allowed their network to survive in the first place. When they realized viewers were tuning out, they began relying strictly on controversy to boost ratings. Not only with Michael Jackson, but with other artists including Britney Spears in 2007. No longer did artists matter to them at all, it was all about how controversial they can make the awards show. Sick bastards.

He did in fact receive the Male Artist of the Millennium award and the Artist of the Century award at other award shows. :yes:

Does anyone have proof of the statement mtv made before the award show? a link, a saved shot of it or somehting?? I think it was jsut a mistake. I mean its easy to make that kind of mistake when you are actually receiving those types of awards from other shows.
Does anyone have proof of the statement mtv made before the award show? a link, a saved shot of it or somehting?? I think it was jsut a mistake. I mean its easy to make that kind of mistake when you are actually receiving those types of awards from other shows.

yes i do...


"And Finally, Michael Jackson's unprecedented ARTIST OF THE MILLENNIUM AWARD"

Its kinda hard to argue that this was a fake award when MTV Advertised it themselves.
Those b@#@% $@ % #$@ !

Sorry but that was just so mean... What did Mike ever do to them?

He made MTV a household name all over the world and this is how they repay him.
From what I remember, there was NO prop. It was because Britney added in her speech something like, "And he is, to me, the Artist of the Millenium."
It was an honest misunderstanding from Michael but should have been left at that. It was tasteless for MTV to joke about it on the same show...and to this day.
So...according to MTV, 2 1/2 months is the standard time for mourning and it's ok to turn Michael into a joke again.-_-

it was not a misunderstanding by MJ.. MTV advertisied it before the event. I remember waiting for the show to see him receive it. Why would he go onto mtv to receive a b-day present.. he didnt he went to receive this award MTV was giving him.. and they didn't. MTV is f*cuked up and made it into a joke..
again.... ? when will they stop.

When we BOYCOTT their channel as I do- if enough of us just put our foot down -spread the word and REFUSE to watch their channel, they will sink. And no artists will want to be on that channel as well for what they are doing to Michael especially when his fans refuse to watch that channel.

What really ticked me off too is that several networks had shows on Michael Jackson for his Birthday, but NOT MTV nor did VH1. Not a peep was shown that I know of. I searched and searched, NOTHING.

I refuse to watch their channels now - IF they play something good about Michael, I will POSSIBLY consider watching their channels, until then, they can rot in h3ll.
Fuck that MTV award anyway, boring stuff.
I bet Michael was more interesting in Britney that evening anyway -_-
