New MTV special: Michael Jackson mistakenly accepts the imaginary Artist of the Millennium award


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
they just uploaded the old photo again saying now he "mistakenly accepts the imaginary artist of the millenium award":

after writing on THIS website (i posted it already back in june when he passed) that he receives the artist of the millenium award!!!

so much for RESPECT? now that his death is a few months ago, let's take away his title artist of the millenium again... can't make up their mind, huh.
they just uploaded the old photo again saying now he "mistakenly accepts the imaginary artist of the millenium award":

after writing on THIS website (i posted it already back in june when he passed) that he receives the artist of the millenium award!!!

so much for RESPECT? now that his death is a few months ago, let's take away his title artist of the millenium again... can't make up their mind, huh.

:shock: ba***rds
Bah! Do the MTV people actually imagine viewers (and especially fans) won't notice two contradictory captions accompanying photos from the same occasion? An award cannot be both real and imaginary at the same time. Lame!
what do they want to achieve,seriously?
to humiliate a deceased?
shame on them!!
??? i dont get what was the point of having a fake award prop period on the still puzzles me if it was a birthday award since was it near his birthday i think.
and with mtv changing their minds on what it really is. but from what i recall watching the show, it was supposedly fake, because of how others after him came out with the same award and making jokes. but i rather not go back to see those scenes to check. it was mtvs fault for having such a prop. and they blamed michael.
Really sad what MTV did now it is their lost too. Think of how much MJ would of boost their ratings, people don't really even watch mtv anymore. They are also responsible for frustrating MJ so much he could not sleep and had to resort to drastic measures i blame the whole lot media hollywood all of them..
is there a email for MTV? I think we should all email the hell out of those assholes and tell them where they can stick that imanginary award!
They are mocking a human being who is not alive to this date and teaching kids who watch that show that its OK to be mean and mock others... This world is a shitty place today. Michael did his best to teach good values to children and people and what these people, I cant even call them that.. What these rats are doing is setting horrible examples of what adults should act like. MTV are a bunch of rats. Im ashamed.
I really hope this MTV bastards don´t get the chance to air the This ist Trailer first.

PLEASE DOOn´t give MTV nothing MJ related.
PS. Where can I email thos fuckers?????
I have NO respect for MTV. For this and what they have done to me personally, they are all about THEM looking good, their name, and ratings. I say this from the bottom of my heart, F*** MTV
I actually hate MTV with a passion. It is not a music television no more. I mean they used to have all sorts of cool stuff, recent interviews, live concerts, news, reporters, what's going on and stuff. Now it's all repeated, played-to-death, awful reality TV shows (correct me if I am wrong) I haven't watched MTV for years. I see I am still not missing out. They should be shut down. :mellow:
I had a feeling i would be needing this again. The is the advert they themselves put out.

Its sad that they make fun of the man who put them on the map for music. They are nothing more then a joke now and its nothing like it used to be. No M in the MTV. All the shitty reality shows on there make the station worthless to watch and its a waste of air time.

I dont remember when they stopped showing Music videos but what is MTV without Music? Mtv Stands for MusicTeleVision correct? Or is that just MY misunderstanding?

For them to BASH Michael know makes them less than a nothing channel. If i were you all. I would save the above to your own photobucket account and write to them and show them what they said. Because it seems they have forgotten who made them what they are, it looks like they need to be reminded of the man who made music and video history on THEIR channel.