New MJ Picture?


What Will ***** Be For Halloween?!

Posted Oct 29th 2008 10:26AM by TMZ Staff

***** bought a costume yesterday.

NVM. Thanks Startrader. Just don't post what crappy stalkers say about Mike. Mike could have bought Halloween customes for the children. Kids are into those things. Look how happy that young girl is? Nice. Mike looks good. Loving the blazer.
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Don't see anything on the right side....

EDIT: cool, thanx for posting. when is this anyway?
That girl wasnt she the same girl walking after Mike in that footage from Paris´ 9th birthday?
Nice picture of MJ..he looks good!!I think this was yesterday...
Thanks for the pic. Isn't the girl in the pic, Talitha? She reminds me of the girl from the LAX photos last year. :lol:

He looks great! :yes:

Edit: What's on his shirt? :shifty:
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Isn;t that the girl that was stalkihg Mj on paris's birthday? That is very disturbing if it is her.:doh:

Okay, hold on. Let's not call the girl a stalker. IF that's the same girl, she's obviously a fan Michael trusts and isn't bothered by. IF that's Talitha, then she's the same fan that took the time out to deliver a message to us from MJ around his birthday. Not cool to call her a stalker, imho. She's obviously not in that category...or at least Michael doesn't see her as "disturbing".
That girl wasnt she the same girl walking after Mike in that footage from Paris´ 9th birthday?

No way. That girl looks around 15 or 16 years old. That chick that was indeed stalking Mike when Mike was taking Paris out for her birthday looks like she could be 24-28 years old. The way I see this pic, this girl looks happy and stunned that she is even shaking Mike's hand. :) It looks like she just met the man. Overall, Mike looks great and he seems to be out a lot lately. So, he is still in L.A.?
Thanks for the pic. Isn't the girl in the pic, Talitha? She reminds me of the girl from the LAX photos last year.
yeah thats her. shes a well known fan who i believe is currently living in L.A

Isn;t that the girl that was stalkihg Mj on paris's birthday? That is very disturbing if it is her.
hardly. mj knows her
^ Sorry, but I doubt that is her. The girl looks like a teenager and this girl looks like she was stunned to even shake Mike's hand. I doubt it is that fan. Talitha is the one who delivered the messege from Mike to us right?And she was also one of the fans who was there at MJs house on his b-day in Vegas right?? lol i think im wrong...?
No way. That girl looks around 15 or 16 years old. That chick that was indeed stalking Mike when Mike was taking Paris out for her birthday looks like she could be 24-28 years old. The way I see this pic, this girl looks happy and stunned that she is even shaking Mike's hand. :) It looks like she just met the man. Overall, Mike looks great and he seems to be out a lot lately. So, he is still in L.A.?

Bee, it's the same girl. But it DOES look like she just met him for the first time, doesn't it? :popout:
Em, no it is not. Look at her cheecks - that is not the same as that fan. Does anyone have those pics of MJ with Paris from last year that had that fan? I want to make a comparison.

Bee, it's the same girl. But it DOES look like she just met him for the first time, doesn't it?

That is why I doubt it is her and also with what she is wearing. I can't see 20-something wearing what that girl is wearing. The girl looks 15-16 years old. Also, she looks to stunned to have met MJ. I am just not convince. I read that this Tahila fan or whatever her name is lives in L.A. but that does not mean it is her. Anyway, I am starting not to care anymore, to be honest. LOL. Mike looks great.
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I need to see pics. LOL. I am not convinced. LOL. In that pic, the girl looks stunned. If this Tahila person knows MJ, then why she is still stunned when she sees him? Blah. LOL. No offense to you guys, but just because the woman lives in L.A. does not mean it is her. I think this person is a bystander. LOL. Anyway, it is whatever. Talitha is the one who delivered the messege from Mike to us right?And she was also one of the fans who was there at MJs house on his b-day in Vegas right?? lol i think im wrong...?

the message yes. dunno about vegas but probably.

But it DOES look like she just met him for the first time, doesn't it?
its only a piccy though taken over one second. it doesnt matter how many times u have met mj you are still as excited as the first time you did
I need to see pics. LOL. I am not convinced. LOL. In that pic, the girl looks stunned. If this Tahila person knows MJ, then why she is still stunned when she sees him? Blah. LOL. No offense to you guys, but just because the woman lives in L.A. does not mean it is her. I think this person is a bystander. LOL. Anyway, it is whatever.

LOL Maybe she was genuinely excited to catch up with him and say hello again. :)
Her hair has got long she always had short hair. I think she is studying in LA. I have to say even though i've met him and seen him so many times i don't scream anymore, i guess i'm just getting old, He's just Mike to me