New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks [the unreleased track is 'Got The Hots']

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

^^ Read my above post in red. We have Sony confirmation that there is a project coming around Halloween, but its not a Tribute CD.

Confirmation? nope, no official release stating anything? one contact doesn't necessarily know the entire ins and out and projects of a whole corporation like Sony. but this could all just be crap about the tribute cd, either way i read the thread, dont really care much, this discussion could go on forever and it probably will go way past august anyhow hee hee

Some believe it some dont, why not wait until august and then turn round to the others andsay "right, told you so" *blows big raspberry* everyone forgets about it....the end :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Can I just add about the statement by that source, "I dont believe there is any truth in this one" why not say there is NO truth in this one? because to that persons knowledge thats all they know, also they could just say that to stop rumours of an upcoming tribute album HA HA god the internet is so crap sometimes
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

sometimes i wish sony would stop trying to undermine michael...

good thing his music is so durable...

anybody else's career would have been destroyed by now by these strategies
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

There's no press release. Over the years (since 1985) Michaelmania's owner has always worked side by side with SonyBMG to promote Michael's releases. :cheeky:

Thanks SD!

According to my own contacts with Sony BMG, I asked about this rumored tribute CD and was told:

"There is something in the works for Halloween, but this isn't it. I don't believe there is any truth to this one."

I noticed that another member mentioned a a few weeks ago that something was happening around Halloween which is interesting. I do wonder what it is.
Thanks TSCM and AGB, that's interesting. :)

"19.5 - Sony to release a MJ 50th tribute album
According to Sony, a new tribute album is set to release at the end of August to celebrate King Of Pop's 50th birthday. Sony executives will be able to check its own country market and choose the content of the record that could change for every State. There's also a possibility the record will not be out in all countries dependings on previous selling. More details soon..."

Source: MichaelMania

Confirmation? nope, no official release stating anything? one contact doesn't necessarily know the entire ins and out and projects of a whole corporation like Sony. but this could all just be crap about the tribute cd, either way i read the thread, dont really care much, this discussion could go on forever and it probably will go way past august anyhow hee hee

Some believe it some dont, why not wait until august and then turn round to the others andsay "right, told you so" *blows big raspberry* everyone forgets about it....the end :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Can I just add about the statement by that source, "I dont believe there is any truth in this one" why not say there is NO truth in this one? because to that persons knowledge thats all they know, also they could just say that to stop rumours of an upcoming tribute album HA HA god the internet is so crap sometimes


BTW, I have 4 or 5 different "confirmed" release dates just for the UK WBSS single. Who knows what's going on?

There is no reason to doubt Michaelmania- Sunset Driver is a staff member there and they have always been reliable. It's possible that Sony have tribute CD's in only a few European countries. :unsure:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Confirmation? nope, no official release stating anything? one contact doesn't necessarily know the entire ins and out and projects of a whole corporation like Sony. but this could all just be crap about the tribute cd, either way i read the thread, dont really care much, this discussion could go on forever and it probably will go way past august anyhow hee hee

Some believe it some dont, why not wait until august and then turn round to the others andsay "right, told you so" *blows big raspberry* everyone forgets about it....the end :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Can I just add about the statement by that source, "I dont believe there is any truth in this one" why not say there is NO truth in this one? because to that persons knowledge thats all they know, also they could just say that to stop rumours of an upcoming tribute album HA HA god the internet is so crap sometimes

At least we have a quote from Sony as opposed to a fans blog and no quote from Sony.

Time will tell but at the moment all we have to go on is that someone from Sony has said that theres isnt a tribute CD.

And whats with the sax tribute CD? Thats been out for a while and isnt official either.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

To be fair, Sony BMG has a wide array of divisions across the globe and, whilst the person I spoke to (U.S.) stated bluntly, "I don't believe there is any truth to this one," it is entirely plausible that international divisions are saying otherwise. I don't see what would compel anyone to make up such a story intentionally without there being some truth to it, but obviously at this point there is such little information to go by that it's hard to speculate much more.

Leslie has posted plenty of valid information over the years, so I'm not sure its fair to call him a liar when he may very well be reporting what he was told by somebody at Sony. That's not to say that I agree at all with some of the things Leslie has done or posted in the past--acting as a source to Roger Friedman (i.e., forwarding the info I posted about Neverland auction to Friedman so he could quickly revise his column, interviewing him, etc.), asking an attorney working against Michael Jackson seemingly off-beat questions which garnered an extremely oddball and unnecessary response, and stated that people who were waiting to pick up their kids from a Vegas school were "doing nothing but stalking something or someone!" and speculating that the school in the picture was actually where Michael was staying... Still, in this case I am going to give Leslie the benefit of doubt, we'll see in three months what transpires.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

There is no reason to doubt Michaelmania- Sunset Driver is a staff member there and they have always been reliable. It's possible that Sony have tribute CD's in only a few European countries. :unsure:
I was wondering the same thing. That's what happened with singles from T25, they haven't been released worldwide.:scratch:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Well will have to wait and see. All I have to go by is what TSCM posted. Like I said before, if wrong, I'll eat crow. Call me a skeptic but always before MJ releases an album, people claim they know things. And virtually stalking MJ and saying he's at a school does give me confidence that she is right. No other Italian fans have claimed to know anything about it. If they do please step forward and if Leslie feels comfy quoting the emails that would be nice. I do apologize for being a bit arrogant, Ive had a bad week.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

what day is released this?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

that sounds really interesting..thanks for posting all those news! :)
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

At least we have a quote from Sony as opposed to a fans blog and no quote from Sony.

Time will tell but at the moment all we have to go on is that someone from Sony has said that theres isnt a tribute CD.

And whats with the sax tribute CD? Thats been out for a while and isnt official either.

It was being Sarcastic saying we have every type of tribute cd on the planet for Michael :dancin:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

i dont have any of the jacksons albums , so i think im going to buy this one !
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

It was being Sarcastic saying we have every type of tribute cd on the planet for Michael :dancin:
Ahh! Guess I was slow on the uptake! :lol:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

A German fan just contacted their local Sony management, and it's been confirmed that there is something in the works for MJ's birthday.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Sony's really killing us with all these stupid compilations. JUST BRING OUT A NEW DAMN ALBUM FOR HIS B/DAY!!! That would be a nice present.

Dont you think Sony is hurting MJs rep as an artist by all these compilations? It makes it look like he's just living off his past hits and that he doesnt have it in him to make another. STOP IT SONY!!!!
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

If any of you have contacts with Sony, why hasn't anyone asked about a Bad Tour DVD?! LOL
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

^^Sony sell what they want not what we want. What we want would require effort on Sony's part.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

I hope they put that new song uh whats its called again........ o yea Billie Jean i have seen that before on a Michael Jackson cd
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Hahahah wait til my dad hears about this, he always says this to me:

"I don't get it, you have 10,000 copies of the same songs, the only difference is the packaging!"
and I'm like
"That's why I bought it, because of the packaging!"

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Hahahah wait til my dad hears about this, he always says this to me:

"I don't get it, you have 10,000 copies of the same songs, the only difference is the packaging!"
and I'm like
"That's why I bought it, because of the packaging!"


same here ;D ;D people just cant uderstand it ;)
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

same here ;D ;D people just cant uderstand it ;)

I reckon ey, Hahaha,

They just don't know true MJ fans, until they are one.
High-five, high-five!!!! LOL
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

You know.. I feel guilty when I don't buy a "new" thing from Mike.. but i've never bought the Bucharest DVD, because I have the Ultimate Collection Already so I don't get the deal?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

Michel Jackson is one of the few artists thq gets new fans all the time. There needs to be rereleases for those new fans. The dumb F's are the ones who go out and buy the album when they already have them.
That's not true. The "new fans" are younger and don't really go out and buy CDs, they have mp3s and iPods. The ones who are buying the compilations are usually FANS. Not only that, but going to record stores, The "Michael Jackson" section has more compilations that actual original albums. I'm cool with re-releases and compilations, but only if they're in demand and if they're have their own unique quality.

Honestly, for a long time, I had alot of respect for Sony because they didn't rehash and do re-releases every couple of months like Motown has for the past 30 years

Greatest Hits Vol 1
Number Ones
The Essential Michael Jackson
Off The Wall Special Edition
Thriller Special Edition
Bad Special Edition
Dangerous Special Edition
The Essential Michael Jackson
Thriller 25
The Ultimate Collection

if they decided to release special editions of maybe Moonwalker, The Making of Thriller, a complete video compilation, a set of unreleased songs, that would be more logical
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

You know.. I feel guilty when I don't buy a "new" thing from Mike.. but i've never bought the Bucharest DVD, because I have the Ultimate Collection Already so I don't get the deal?
I know how you feel. I felt the same way you do when I was young, but in the past couple of years, I've decided that if I was going to buy a new MJ special release, it's going to be worthwhile. Thriller 25 was a breaking point, I bought 2 copies (the Japanese edition and the USA deluxe edition), but other than that and Number Ones and The Ultimate Collection, I haven't bought any of the recent rehashes
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

According to Sony BMG Finland there's going to be something from The Jacksons as well..

June-18-2008, The Jacksons, Original Album Classics, CD - CD Longplay

No mentionings about Michael's tribute CD yet, though.
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

According to Sony BMG Finland there's going to be something from The Jacksons as well..

hope it'll contain some unreleased stuff!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

I have 2 words to say in regards to a tribute album to Michael...NO THANKS! I don't want to hear other artists singing his masterpieces. If Sony wants to work with the fans on something the fans would like, how about releasing some unreleased tracks from previous albums, or some concerts on DVD we don't have yet.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

I have 2 words to say in regards to a tribute album to Michael...NO THANKS! I don't want to hear other artists singing his masterpieces. If Sony wants to work with the fans on something the fans would like, how about releasing some unreleased tracks from previous albums, or some concerts on DVD we don't have yet.
Totally agree with you!!! I cannot take this situation anymore!!!!! IT S TIME FOR MICHAEL TO MOVE, Now we have the impression that we celebrate a dead artist with all those Best of and Tributes!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

four words on this matter

I WANT NEW MUSIC.............
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD From Sony!, Released This August

So whats the latest on this??? Another re-release of MJs music? Other artists singing his songs? Or dont know?