New message from Michael (Sept. 6th, 2008)

Re: New message from michael

Ah common, that u guys believe this just because someone said it's reliable...
this is just bull.... from a fan who wants attention
If you say so :smilerolleyes: it's your loss...
Re: New message from michael

The trouble with high definition is that it highlights every flaw in someone's appearance. Newsreaders and presenters have become very conscious of this recently. Considering the issues with Michael's appearance I think he'd be very weary of technology that allows you to see every detail in high def.

I would comment on Michael's statement but there's not much to say really.
Re: New message from michael

"I feel your purity and innocence from all across the world."

Could be through the Internet too?
Re: New message from michael

u sounds like an MJ message to me...for people who usually ask the questions..'is he healthy'..or..'why didn't he show up?'.....considering that he was not at the bmi thing....perhaps he was letting us know he is alright.

for those who want more......MJ is mystery...but the results always justify him.

thanks MJ, for letting us know everything is oki:)
Re: New message from michael

The trouble with high definition is that it highlights every flaw in someone's appearance. Newsreaders and presenters have become very conscious of this recently. Considering the issues with Michael's appearance I think he'd be very weary of technology that allows you to see every detail in high def.

I would comment on Michael's statement but there's not much to say really.

geez...can we get off of MJ's appearance, for a change? he's beautiful. he's not afraid of anything and has made enough appearances to prove that. it was just a matter of time before i'd come across one of these comments.
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Re: New message from michael

geez...can we get off of MJ's appearance, for a change? he's beautiful. he's not afraid of anything and has made enough appearances to do that. it was just a matter of time before i'd come across one of these comments.

I try to ignore them :lol:
It gets old after a while lol
Re: New message from michael

Thanks to your friend and to you for sharing this Messege with us.. MJ is soo sweet and kind to all his fans. :D :wub: Thank you Michael Jackson!!!
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Re: New message from michael

thank you very much for this message!!Thank you Michael!!We love U too :)
Re: New message from michael

just found this on KOP BOARD

posted by TALITHA on saturday 6 september 10.34 am (gmt, London time)

Michael asked me to give you all this message. He specifically asked me to put it on the Internet so that everyone hears it – so that’s what I’m doing. He says, “I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You’re a quintessential part of everything I do, of everything I create. I feel your purity and innocence from all across the world. I feel your love and it inspires me to create music every day. You inspire me and I remember everything that you do. I love you all so much.”
XO From Talitha
Thank you for passing this along,moonstreet.:D
Please Tell Talitha, that we all said thank you.:yes:
I love you more boo bear.:wub:
Re: New message from michael

geez...can we get off of MJ's appearance, for a change? he's beautiful. he's not afraid of anything and has made enough appearances to prove that. it was just a matter of time before i'd come across one of these comments.

Re: New message from michael

I'm inclined to disagree, I don't think Michael Jackson, or any of his employees for that matter, should be posting or getting active in any Fan forums. To me this idea often falls under the "He owes us loyal fans something" when the truth of the matter is we are here because we chose to be, so if we spend all our time on here waiting for new material or being entertained by gossip (most of it fan created) it is all our choice.
The only way I believe that MJ or his team should be involved with any forum, is by answering any serious questions that are posed by the site owners.

I think it's great of Michael to hand out little messages to random fans, it's something he's always done and must be a wonderful moment for that fan.

As for a direct line unless he opens a blog on or another official site, I think anything else would be "questioned" by a lot of fans. And MJ doesn't have to make anything easier for us ;)

Good post. The second I finished reading the messege, I wasn't worried about people not believeing it to be authentic, I was worried about people bitching and moaning about how its "the same old, same old" from Michael. And low and behold, a couple replys later, it began. Idiotic, to say the least. They complain when he says nothing, they complain when he says anything. Get over yourselves and realize that he isn't going to reveal anything to anyone until he's ready to. These messeges are to keep the community aware that HE'S aware of us and thinking of us and is working to make us happy. It's a reminder, nothing more, nothing less, and you should be happy that he's thinking of you. He could totally ignore all of us if he wanted and be completely justified in doing so.
Re: New message from michael

Quintessential - the purest essence or natural - the most perfect embodiment of something
Re: New message from michael

just found this on KOP BOARD

posted by TALITHA on saturday 6 september 10.34 am (gmt, London time)

Michael asked me to give you all this message. He specifically asked me to put it on the Internet so that everyone hears it – so that’s what I’m doing. He says, “I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You’re a quintessential part of everything I do, of everything I create. I feel your purity and innocence from all across the world. I feel your love and it inspires me to create music every day. You inspire me and I remember everything that you do. I love you all so much.”
XO From Talitha

Now before you lot rip this to shreds, This is 100% from Michael, I have known Talitha for many years and I know that that this is a genuine message from Michael. Any disrespect about Talitha will be reported to admin!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....that was SO SWEET! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub: I love YOU, Michael!!! *huuugggssss* I remember evrything YOU do!! :yes: Ah, that was sweet of him. :) I'm gonna be smiling through my shift at work today, that's for sure. :yes:

Thank you Talitha and Moonstreet. I remember hearing about Talitha before...And the reason I don't doubt her is...remember Sugar Rose, guys? She didn't have any kind of "title" either and was "just a fan"...but it was known she knew "what was going on" a lot of times and had "connections".

P.S. I have to giggle at the message a little though because I can already see how it will be dissected into pieces in the "Love in the Dark" thread!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
just found this on KOP BOARD

posted by TALITHA on saturday 6 september 10.34 am (gmt, London time)

Michael asked me to give you all this message. He specifically asked me to put it on the Internet so that everyone hears it – so that’s what I’m doing. He says, “I love you all from the bottom of my heart. You’re a quintessential part of everything I do, of everything I create. I feel your purity and innocence from all across the world. I feel your love and it inspires me to create music every day. You inspire me and I remember everything that you do. I love you all so much.”
XO From Talitha

Now before you lot rip this to shreds, This is 100% from Michael, I have known Talitha for many years and I know that that this is a genuine message from Michael. Any disrespect about Talitha will be reported to admin!

owwww........... how bout that he send A nice message to you so sweet :wub: that Micheal Jackson
Quintessential - the purest essence or natural - the most perfect embodiment of something

Well, and that could be a perfect title for a new album. (hard to pronounce though)
Michael that was so sweet :wub:

Thanks so much for posting moonstreet!!! :)
'Scuse me but I missed one of the 2 messages along the way. Help please.
Where's the other one?

Thanks Moon & Talitha. :)
I'm with you on that, I don't understand where the second message is. Does the banner at the top reference the message that was posted the other day? Thanks again to Moon and Talitha
This is soo wonderful!!!

I like the sound of Quintessential....yes, i like it very much!

Michael is so beautiful, inside and out :)