**New Date**'This Is It' Movie - released 28th Oct (topics merged)

I get anxiety about this movie. I want to see it, but then I'm scared to. I don't know if I can handel it emotionally. I will have to have a friend with me.
I don't know. Everyone seem so excited about this movie. It doesn't excite me at all, It makes me so sad. It's the day before he died his last day hear on earth. I just can seem to be happy about this. When I think about this movie it makes me soooo sad.

I never saw him in concert so I do want to see it, but I don't know mabey I will feel better closer to the movie date.
as Karen said (and i realise i cant quote her here, or discuss).. michael WAS NOT WELL ENOUGH FOR THESE SHOWS. but was being pushed on stage, drugged up, body shaking, not eating.. like a performing monkey.. and have to go and see footage of poor michaels tiny sick body performing? just so they select the best bits to avoid a wrongful death suit by the family!!.. whole thing STINKS

we are watching footage of someone who was DYING before the eyes of the producers of the show.. .. and noone put a stop to it..

he was not physicall well enough to do this show.. the fans that saw MJ in may and June knew it, karen knew it, heck... michael knew it - thats why he said so to those fans

AEG that are saying he was fine and had the "body of an astronaght".. absolute rubbish
Trustworthy fans were fearing for his life mid-June.. Karen Faye has their emails and forwarded them on to the people ruinning the show.... ... MICHAEL HIMSELF was practically crying telling fans mid-June.. that he just couldnt do these shows...HE CLEARLY WASNT EVEN SLEEPING AT NIGHT, hence propofol... i just think its all a disgrace

i will go and see this film... but its all a big con. theyll edit out bits that truely show how michael was feeling.. and show bits where he seems ok... theyll have clips with dileo talking about how AMAZINGLY HAPPY mj was.. but somehow forgetting to mention that the very night the rehersals were filmed frank had to call a doctor for him...

they watched this man die before their eyes... and now we will have to do the same when we go to the cinema
Sorry if its been mentioned already..
But i think us MJJC members should get together that day and watch it together at least that way we will be in company of people who do care...
i honestly thing we should ALL watch it too on the day it comes out just to show the world even MORE how much of a greater impact Michael had on ALL (the world) of us.
Would love to watch this with other members but i will be :cry: my eyes out so i dont know weather to be in a group or on my own or even if i can bear the pain of watching it,not to sure,confussed about it all really as it all seems not true to me :no: xxx
I want the killers apprehended before the release date of the movie.

That's all
as Karen said (and i realise i cant quote her here, or discuss).. michael WAS NOT WELL ENOUGH FOR THESE SHOWS. but was being pushed on stage, drugged up, body shaking, not eating.. like a performing monkey.. and have to go and see footage of poor michaels tiny sick body performing? just so they select the best bits to avoid a wrongful death suit by the family!!.. whole thing STINKS

we are watching footage of someone who was DYING before the eyes of the producers of the show.. .. and noone put a stop to it..

he was not physicall well enough to do this show.. the fans that saw MJ in may and June knew it, karen knew it, heck... michael knew it - thats why he said so to those fans

AEG that are saying he was fine and had the "body of an astronaght".. absolute rubbish
Trustworthy fans were fearing for his life mid-June.. Karen Faye has their emails and forwarded them on to the people ruinning the show.... ... MICHAEL HIMSELF was practically crying telling fans mid-June.. that he just couldnt do these shows...HE CLEARLY WASNT EVEN SLEEPING AT NIGHT, hence propofol... i just think its all a disgrace

i will go and see this film... but its all a big con. theyll edit out bits that truely show how michael was feeling.. and show bits where he seems ok... theyll have clips with dileo talking about how AMAZINGLY HAPPY mj was.. but somehow forgetting to mention that the very night the rehersals were filmed frank had to call a doctor for him...

they watched this man die before their eyes... and now we will have to do the same when we go to the cinema

Everyone on here was defending his health and ability, now everyone is saying they knew he was in bad shape?

I'm sorry, but stop treating the man like a puppet. His life, his choice to do the shows. He went 8 years without doing a show, he could have went longer if he wanted to.
Everyone on here was defending his health and ability, now everyone is saying they knew he was in bad shape?

I'm sorry, but stop treating the man like a puppet. His life, his choice to do the shows. He went 8 years without doing a show, he could have went longer if he wanted to.

I agree with you. Before everyone claimed he was healthy enough now the fans are jumping on the bandwagon and saying he was dying, so which is it? And I also agree he was an adult, if he didn't want to do the shows he didn't have to. Also I love Michael and always will but he chose to have this drug administered. And the only thing that upsets me is he left his children without a father. :-( I know I am loooking forward to the movie though and seeing him in his last days, as the entertainer we all loved.
Anybody here from Canada... specifically within an hour of Toronto? If so, we should all meet up and go see the movie!! Let me know. PM me.
Everyone on here was defending his health and ability, now everyone is saying they knew he was in bad shape?

I'm sorry, but stop treating the man like a puppet. His life, his choice to do the shows. He went 8 years without doing a show, he could have went longer if he wanted to.

yes i see your point

but before 25th June, i was neither defending his health nor concerned about it. i had no idea either way.. he looked ok to me in photos,.. bit thin.. but.. you know

However,... things have changed...and people have come forward....I really dont think we should be ignoring what FANS SAW... they are not just coming forward now for some attention.. they have proof they were sending frantic emails BEFORE the 25th about MJs state of health.. yes i realise propofol was (probably ) the final straw.. but, go on Karens facebook.. you dont have to trust here (heck knows there are so many liars out there) .. but trust those fans.. they have been by michaels side for years and years and from all ive heard are extremely trustworthy and would NOT lie .. especially in a situation lik this. They were there... they saw this skeleton.. they heard him saying he never wanted to do this number of shows

dont you realise the MESS mj had got himself into with giving power of attorney to other people (ie allowing others to sign on his behalf)

I hope this doesnt sound like i'm angry with you.. i'm fuming with AEG..

I look back at my posts from end of June and i was LAUGHING at people accusing AEG.. thinking they were BONKERS that they had ANYTHING to do with this.. now, i realise the truth. Dileo, Kenny.. they all saw MJ deteriorating with their own eyes... they did nothign and watched him die.. i'm not saying they wanted him dead, nor am i callingthem murderers.. but propofol was the final straw for MJ.. and he deserves the truth to come out about his death

I agree with you. Before everyone claimed he was healthy enough now the fans are jumping on the bandwagon and saying he was dying, so which is it? And I also agree he was an adult, if he didn't want to do the shows he didn't have to. Also I love Michael and always will but he chose to have this drug administered. And the only thing that upsets me is he left his children without a father. :-( I know I am loooking forward to the movie though and seeing him in his last days, as the entertainer we all loved.

well he did have to if he signed a contract he didnt fully understand.. or if Thome signed a contract (by having power of attorney).. there no way back from that., you cant just cancel 50 shows!!!
no you cant just back out of a contract but are you saying Michael didn't know the difference between the numbers 10 and 50? I mean I don't know how that could have been hard to understand. If Tohme signed the contract then I stand corrected. However I think I heard somewhere that MJ signed the contract.

So you know the link for Karens faceboook? I don't know it.
yes i see your point

but before 25th June, i was neither defending his health nor concerned about it. i had no idea either way.. he looked ok to me in photos,.. bit thin.. but.. you know

However,... things have changed...and people have come forward....I really dont think we should be ignoring what FANS SAW... they are not just coming forward now for some attention.. they have proof they were sending frantic emails BEFORE the 25th about MJs state of health.. yes i realise propofol was (probably ) the final straw.. but, go on Karens facebook.. you dont have to trust here (heck knows there are so many liars out there) .. but trust those fans.. they have been by michaels side for years and years and from all ive heard are extremely trustworthy and would NOT lie .. especially in a situation lik this. They were there... they saw this skeleton.. they heard him saying he never wanted to do this number of shows

dont you realise the MESS mj had got himself into with giving power of attorney to other people (ie allowing others to sign on his behalf)

I hope this doesnt sound like i'm angry with you.. i'm fuming with AEG..

I look back at my posts from end of June and i was LAUGHING at people accusing AEG.. thinking they were BONKERS that they had ANYTHING to do with this.. now, i realise the truth. Dileo, Kenny.. they all saw MJ deteriorating with their own eyes... they did nothign and watched him die.. i'm not saying they wanted him dead, nor am i callingthem murderers.. but propofol was the final straw for MJ.. and he deserves the truth to come out about his death

But yet people are treating the chef as a credible witness and she said he looked fine. Not much has changed in death as it has in his life: some are saying he was ill, others are saying he was fine.

Also, regardless of who signed the contract for his shows, at some point the number came up. Managers don't go around just arbitrarily signing anything, especially with that much money on the table. This was not some shady company like AGE or a deal like that... this is a worldwide company with massive influence and a company MJ has likely worked with or came in contact with before, and I'm sure details were ironed out well ahead of time. Hell, why not sign him up for 300 shows over the span of three years in countries worldwide if nobody is going to relay what it is he's contracting to do? The man knew he was going to do 50 shows, its going to take some really hard and shocking evidence to convince me otherwise on that.
But yet people are treating the chef as a credible witness and she said he looked fine. Not much has changed in death as it has in his life: some are saying he was ill, others are saying he was fine.

Also, regardless of who signed the contract for his shows, at some point the number came up. Managers don't go around just arbitrarily signing anything, especially with that much money on the table. This was not some shady company like AGE or a deal like that... this is a worldwide company with massive influence and a company MJ has likely worked with or came in contact with before, and I'm sure details were ironed out well ahead of time. Hell, why not sign him up for 300 shows over the span of three years in countries worldwide if nobody is going to relay what it is he's contracting to do? The man knew he was going to do 50 shows, its going to take some really hard and shocking evidence to convince me otherwise on that.

But Supe, he told fans that he didn't know. Do you think Michael was not being honest?
Edited...don't want to upset people more. We are all hurting. Some want the truth, others want closure or a beautiful dream. I myself go from one extreme to the other.
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I would love more than anything to believe that Micheal was deteriorating, that he was out of control using drugs,that he was unhappy and a tortured soul, an addict that couldnt think straight or make any decisions...because then I could accept his death, because then it would make sense...But from what I have seen and heard none of that is true.

Michael was an amazing artist who was happy to be alive, healthy and looking forward to thrilling fans. The toxicology report from what has been leaked only found two drugs in his system. Two, thats less than most people take daily. Nobody close to him said his behavior was consistent with a drug user. Yes he used that diprovan or whatever you call it, because he had used it in the past to combat insomnia and it worked and he performed at his best. He probably figured he would use it again , to give him an edge, so he would do a great job. Not a wise decision but he only did it so he could be at his best.

The tragedy and the one I cannot live with is that he went to sleep carefully instructing an experienced doctor to monitor him throughout the night,to make sure he was safe, to make sure nothing went wrong, so he could awake and do the best work of his life, and that doctor left him to die.
all im saying is the damn poster said 10shows be4 michael even made it to the o2 arena,and ill leave it at that
I would love more than anything to believe that Micheal was deteriorating, that he was out of control using drugs,that he was unhappy and a tortured soul, an addict that couldnt think straight or make any decisions...because then I could accept his death, because then it would make sense...But from what I have seen and heard none of that is true.

Michael was an amazing artist who was happy to be alive, healthy and looking forward to thrilling fans. The toxicology report from what has been leaked only found two drugs in his system. Two, thats less than most people take daily. Nobody close to him said his behavior was consistent with a drug user. Yes he used that diprovan or whatever you call it, because he had used it in the past to combat insomnia and it worked and he performed at his best. He probably figured he would use it again , to give him an edge, so he would do a great job. Not a wise decision but he only did it so he could be at his best.

The tragedy and the one I cannot live with is that he went to sleep carefully instructing an experienced doctor to monitor him throughout the night,to make sure he was safe, to make sure nothing went wrong, so he could awake and do the best work of his life, and that doctor left him to die.

I would love more than anything to believe that Micheal was deteriorating, that he was out of control using drugs,that he was unhappy and a tortured soul, an addict that couldnt think straight or make any decisions...because then I could accept his death, because then it would make sense...But from what I have seen and heard none of that is true.
I understand that's the way you feel, but I personally can't disagree more with that. It'd kill me to think that Michael was "deteriorating, unhappy and tortured" in his last years. It wouldn't make it easier for me to accept his death - on the contrary, it'd make me more heartbroken.
I want to remember Michael as the happy, strong, savvy and hardworking lover of life he was - not as some guy who couldn't wait to drop dead.
all im saying is the damn poster said 10shows be4 michael even made it to the o2 arena,and ill leave it at that

o yeah forgot that

not sure what point youre making here,... but it makes me think it was just meant to be 10.. i remember thinking it was odd they spent all that on advertsing 10 shows.. the posters were up everywhere.. but then all had to be taken down

very strange :no:

i feel more and more strongly that MJ didnt want to do these shows.. if he wanted to break Princes record, well prince only did 21.

If you dont belive Karen, then what about lucy lester (she stated in Now! mag the fact MJ had said that he went to bed thinking it was 10 - NOT AS A JOKE) .. i realise you may not want to believe lucy either.. well then what about the FANS he spoke to.. practically crying saying he never wanted this? what about the fans that were sending emails BEFORE the 25th June fearing for his life.. some people on here receieved those emails. These are from loyal fans that have been by MJs side for years and have never lied in the past

MJ was deteriorating... having too many drugs perhaps.. really stressed maybe.. but for whatever reason he was going downhill fast.. and NONE STOPPED THIS>. everyone watched
o yeah forgot that

not sure what point youre making here,... but it makes me think it was just meant to be 10.. i remember thinking it was odd they spent all that on advertsing 10 shows.. the posters were up everywhere.. but then all had to be taken down

very strange

i feel more and more strongly that MJ didnt want to do these shows.. if he wanted to break Princes record, well prince only did 21.

If you dont belive Karen, then what about lucy lester (she stated in Now! mag the fact MJ had said that he went to bed thinking it was 10 - NOT AS A JOKE) .. i realise you may not want to believe lucy either.. well then what about the FANS he spoke to.. practically crying saying he never wanted this? what about the fans that were sending emails BEFORE the 25th June fearing for his life.. some people on here receieved those emails. These are from loyal fans that have been by MJs side for years and have never lied in the past

MJ was deteriorating... having too many drugs perhaps.. really stressed maybe.. but for whatever reason he was going downhill fast.. and NONE STOPPED THIS>. everyone watched

thats exactly my point,and i dnt think mj cared about beating princes record since prince didnt even sell out all 21shows,i think randy is saying that to cover his ass
thats exactly my point,and i dnt think mj cared about beating princes record since prince didnt even sell out all 21shows,i think randy is saying that to cover his ass

totally agree. im sure AFTER 50 were sold they softened the blow to MJ saying "o its a new record" and we know how MJ loves records so he prob said "great", before the reality sunk in..

plus.. that interview with Randy Phillips where he said he spoke to MJ and MJ was like "Randy how many shows have i got to do...?" .. that doesnt sound like MJ had previosuly made it clear "i'll do a max of 50 but thats it".. that sounds like someone who had NO IDEA.... and this is Randy himself shooting himself in the foot before the events of 25th June have made him much more careful with his words
stating there are only 10 shows bulds major hype, people will be like "omg only 10 shows, we have to get tickets fast" it was clever PR to state 10 shows and that they will be "his final shows".
According to his contract Michael agreed to 30 odd shows and then up't it to 50 after demand was so high.

The whole wanting to be in the Guiness World record things feels right to me, MJ loved to break records, be the best. check out that phone call with Uri Gellar "we have to do this, i want to be the first" (in reference to going to the moon).

So in MY opinion the 10 shows ad campaign was strictly great PR by AEG to build hype and make people get into a frenzy to get tickets to these few final shows....and it worked.
A bit off topic but can somebody with access please change the figures on Wikipedia. They state MJ has only sold 350 million albums...but have Elvis and The Beatles north of 500,000,000. This makes MJ look horrible, he should be right up there with the best. It's common knowledge MJ has sold 750,000,000 records. Let's change this!
