**New Date**'This Is It' Movie - released 28th Oct (topics merged)

Re: **New Date**'This Is It' Movie - released 28th Oct

It'll be like watching a movie and already knowing the ending :cry:

:cry: And from the way one report described it, it's going to be one of those gutt wrenching endings with Michael smiling as he exits the stage. They freeze the frame with him smiling and leave us with the knowledge of what happened to him the next day. :cry: Just reading that description for the first time made me bawl. Don't know how Imma take it. Some of us are gonna be down for the count...which is why I was hoping they'd release it on DVD instead. At home we can take our time with it. In the theater, you sort of get on the ride and can't get off til it's over. There's no stopping it and then getting back on when you feel ready. :(
C'mon you guys, cry if you must but don't forget to SMILE :) that's what imma be doing.

It'll be great; if the film is anything like the short film on choosing the dancers its gunna rock all our socks. Michael will be doing what he always did, what he loved doing, and he'll be doing it better than anyone else out there.

I can't wait to see it. He's gone, but he ain't really left. ya feel me?
I think it would be AMAZING, everything that has Michael on it is just awesome , even if they just show Michael observing how to create something:punk:
They are going to make this really emotional.

How am I going to hold up in a cinema full of people? Thats the thing im worried about haha
The good thing coming out of this, I think, is that we're gonna meet fans that we NEVER knew existed. other than that...i'm gonna bring "SHAMWOW" lolz...Its gonna be Emotional!!!


I LOVE THIS!!!:lmao: Did YOU Photoshop it? :clapping::clapping:



LMAO!! :hysterical: Hahaha no, I found it on TinyPic, and I just had to save it. :lmao: & this was just the right time to post it, hehe.
They just announced the movie on the news about thirty minutes ago.

This Is It will be amazing. Everyone will want to see it. It's Michael 'effing Jackson.
Re: **New Date**'This Is It' Movie - released 28th Oct

A'int that the truth right there!

I'm not even sure I'll be able to manage sitting there and watching it, its gonna be so gut wrenching!

Oh yes it sure is.. and if anyone in that movie theater tries to make fun of others then they will have a problem on there hands. watching this movie is going to be very emotional for us all.
when he was rehearsing at the FORUM he would rehears specific songs.. while picking the set list, they would basically rehears everything.. Human Nature was rehearsed.. IDK if at the staple center that night he did though.. WE'LL SEE..

I really have not been coming here much latly.. I just am trying to have myself established on my feet. I really don't know how to approach MJ related things at this time.. I'm just taking each day as it comes..

WHen I get time I'll and able to focus, I'll post my audio.. from the rehearsal on June 18th..

Dun ber ber lee lol

Bear bear bear...

(This post only makes sense if you know the 'joke' behind this pic) XD Seriously though I don't know if I want to see this. I don't know any MJ fans near me. If I go I will probably end up crying at parts.
This is the moment we all waited for, THIS IS IT,

This is really it guys,

We wanted it ? so this is it.
This is the moment we all waited for, THIS IS IT,

This is really it guys,

We wanted it ? so this is it.

Yes, but when he and his fans chanted it together just a couple of months ago, we meant, This Is It with us AND him.
Re: This Is It - In cinemas October 30th

We can get rehearsals 4 months after they were shot but we still don't have any Bad or History shows on DVD. Hell, we don't even have a decently edited Dangerous concert on DVD.

Whatever, I'll probably go see it.

Watch the media disregard the quality of his performance and talk about everything else (ie nose, weight etc.).

sony is not getting a lot of money from a dvd with a concert.Michael would be the main winner...so that's why they don't do it!
I am going to be sobbing like a little punk in the movie theater. I already know it...lol. However, I can't wait to see it.
Re: This Is It - In cinemas October 30th

I dont think I want to watch this at the cinema. Im gonna sit there and cry hysterically and walk out with swollen eyes and glands and be a complete mess. I'd rather do that at home so people dont have to witness it. Its not gonna be a happy moment for me, Im not gonna be all 'wow lets go see MJ do his last thing'... No.. Im gonna be a wreck..
I feel exactly the same way...There'll be smiling moments here and there cuz I get to see him, but overall, I'll be crying...And I'd like to do that in my place, by myself.

I read an article about this release this morning. On subway, it was raining, felt so down...:( looking at the picture of him rehearsing.
Here's the way I look at it....How often is Michael Jackson starring in a movie at the cinemas! It's never happened in my lifetime thats for sure. So you can be sure that I will be at that theater, probably more then once. I am looking forward to seeing MJ on the big screen. Just to look around and see other peoples reactions, it will be surreal for me. I will seriously go see this with like 5 different people just so I can experience it multiple times!
Just cant belive how quick its all come around after his gone :(
i will be going to see it tho so looks like ill get to be front row after all ! but would be better if he was here still x
For me, going to see 'This is it' in the cinimea will be as close as I'll ever get to seeing Michael in concert and I'm sure this is the case with many fans. I can't wait to go. Sure, I'll be crying and might be unfortunate enough to bump into haters and that, but it'll be worth it.
there will be a dvd release after the cinema release , right ? Will this be like the dangerous tour rehearsals ? I want it that way... so u can see it like a concert.