Nazis rampaged in the cinema against TII - Guestrow, Germany.

Unfortunately he was :(
Things like this and worse were happening when he was accused of ...

Oh yes.... sure I know he saw many of this during those days.

I just meant the didn't see this particular one.

Anyway... how sad this is... how sad :-(
I think I'd be more concerned if Nazis were pro-Michael, to be honest.

Me too. That's why there was such concern when some of the videos posted on the closed Illuminati thread were neo-Nazi in origin.
From the Police Report


Güstrow: Vermummte randalierten im Kino

Masked figures rampaged in the cinema (why do they call them masked figures, those were Nazis - e. d.)

09. November 2009 | 00:34 Uhr

Protest gegen Michael Jackson-Film / Absender: Nationale Sozialisten Güstrow

Protest against Michael Jackson Film/Addressor: National Socialist Guestrow.

Aus Protest gegen den Michael-Jackson-Dokumentarfilm „This Is It“ randalierten acht Personen im Movie Star“-Kino in Güstrow und verteilten Flugblätter an die Kinogäste. Nach Polizeiangaben ließ sie ein 21-jähriger Angestellter am Freitag um 22:20 Uhr ins Kino. Auf dem Weg in den Kinosaal 2 grölten sie lautstark und warfen Werbeaufsteller um.

To prostest against the Michael Jackson Documentary „This Is It“ eight persons rampaged at Movie Star Cinema in Guestrow and distributed flyers to moviegoers. According to details released by the police an employee has given the access to the cinema on Friday, 22.20 h. On their way into the cinema hall they bawled around noisy and pushed over the shop displayers.

Mitarbeiter forderten die acht Personen mehrfach erfolglos zum Verlassen des Kinos auf. „Im Kinosaal 2 vermummten sich die mutmaßlichen Täter“, sagt Torsten Sprotte, Polizeihauptkommissar der Polizeidirektion Rostock. Vier Tatverdächtige kletterten auf die Bühne und entrollten ein Transparent mit dem Wortlaut „Kinderschänder“. Die anderen vier Personen verteilten Flugblätter, auf denen es um den Sänger Michael Jackson und die gegen ihn gerichteten Vorwürfe der sexuellen Belästigung von Kindern und homosexuellen Neigungen ging. Sprotte: „Unterzeichnet ist das Flugblatt mit: „Es informierten die ,Nationalen Sozialisten Güstrows’.“ Anschließend flüchteten die acht Personen. Sie entfernten sich mit zwei Fahrzeugen. Als die Polizeibeamten eintrafen, waren sie bereits über alle Berge. Die Kriminalpolizei Rostock ermittelt.

Employees of the cinema asked them several times in vain to leave the cinema. "In the cinema hall the offenders mummed themselves", says the Police Officer of the Police Authority Rostock. Four suspects entered the stage and unrolled a transparent with the wording "Child abuser". The other ones distributed flyer which are about the singer Michael Jackons and against him directed claims of child molesting and homosexual preferences. Police speaker: "The flyer is undersigned with : You have been informed by the 'National Socialists Guestrow'." After that the eight persons fled. .... When the police arrived they were already over the hills and far away. The criminal investigation department investigates.

„Movie Star“-Inhaber Silvio Verführt distanziert sich von dem Vorfall. Er sagt, dass seine Mitarbeiter sofort die Polizei verständigten und korrekt handelten. Sie versuchten, die Störenfriede aus dem Kino zu bekommen, was nicht gelang.hjko

The owner of the cinema distances himself from the occurence. He says, that his employees have informed the police promptly and acted correctly. Sie have tried zu get them out of the cinema, but it didn't succeed.

It's a SHAME.

Sorry if the translation isn't that good!

You did a great job with the translation...Thank You for all your kindness...

Cinema crashers however;

:no: "Ignorance truly has the wit of a FOOL..!"

Psalm 37

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Terrific news. Everyone hates these people and everything that they represent. Therefore...