Nazis rampaged in the cinema against TII - Guestrow, Germany.

Like Racists exist in The US.

God, How horrible is this? This is the world we're living in. I AM SO GLAD that MICHAEL Is not here to experience this hurt, I'm feeling and most of us are feeling.:cry:

How much HATE can a person have to do a thing like this? :no:GOD HELP US!!!


I really hate any groups that are like those Nazis. It kind of reminds me of what was going to happen at my school back when I was in junior high. This was back during the Dangerous Era. It was in the paper that the K.K.K. was going to be preaching their hate at my school. Because there were black kids going to a mostly white school. You know I really wish that it had happen. Because I would have love to have told them what I think of them. I don't care if they had killed me or whatever. I wasn't afraid of them. The one thing I have always hated is people who are prejudice. There is really just no reason for it at all.
They are sick! sick people! who walks around tearing things apart, even loving things apart??? and who kills innocent people??? OMG I hope some angel will save them! and make them better!
Yes that is the complete reason why. If Michael was white they wouldn't pulled this. :mello: These are neo-nazis, they hate everyone who they think is not pure white. (Sorry to pull the race card, but it's true.) And they don't give a shit if he's innocent of the claims, MJ's black and to them he's guilty. And you don't have to say anything about these folk, if you are a black or another person of color of Influence they will hate you.

:angry:Those B@$^@%#$!!!!:mat:That's why I hated those guys! DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL FOR THIS!!!:mat:
Bad publicity is good publicity. Without this they would ignore the movie at least the movie gets headlines. Ciccone is living from such controversies
i can,t believe this,what horrible wicked people,so glad michael wasn,t here to experience it,
and don,t get me wrong for saying this,but i was worried for michael doing these concerts,bucause i thought of wicked people like this getting tickets and doing this type of thing at the 02.
Yes that is the complete reason why. If Michael was white they wouldn't pulled this. :mello: These are neo-nazis, they hate everyone who they think is not pure white. (Sorry to pull the race card, but it's true.) And they don't give a shit if he's innocent of the claims, MJ's black and to them he's guilty. And you don't have to say anything about these folk, if you are a black or another person of color of Influence they will hate you.

That's ignorance, stupidity and being close-minded, skin color doesn't makes you a better or worst person, your actions indeed.
They had damaged innocent people for decades just because of idiotic patterns about the arian race and concepts. :puke:
I thought they were extincted because of the goverment's persecutions, now I see I'm so freaking wrong. :( :no:
I don't have anything againts Germans but Neo-nazis. If they saw a skinny handiccapped Mexican woman in the streets they'd hurt me or even kill me.
Us, as MJ Lovers must spreed Michael's msg of respect, tolerance or love all over the world no matter the gender, race, nationality, skin color or creed.
We must be even stronger guys!
shit.Im pretty sure that this will be on the news in a short time,it makes me sick to my stomach that I will hear "child molester and homosexual" on tv.

Michael didnt deserve that.Those nazis need to do their homework before doing this kind of thing
Oh - my - god. That'S disgusting.

You know, I don't think about people with nationalities, but as human being BUT this makes me being ashamed to be german.
I am relieved our beloved MJ is not here to see this kind of stupid things... sad as it might sound... :-(

I am rather concerned about the fans and the people at the theather at that moment. This must have been so shocking and disturbing to them. I mean... everytime I see TII is such a personal and important moment for me. It's MY time with Michael, my time to share the gift Mike was preparing to ME, to US!!! So if I had to face this... this would be extremely painful.

I do hope they are doing well. And I do hope they will forget this. Michael and his fans deserve better. If there was anyway for me to do that, and thought it might sound stupid, I do send them my love and big warm hugs.

As a friend used to say: "Ignorance is insolet".... and she is so right.
Not only for every German but for the entire human race. :no:

Our true nationality is mankind.
Quote by H. G. Wells

I know, but especially for us germans. Because of our history and stuff, unfortunatly. I feel bad to have such people in my country. :/
These kind of things make me so sad and so ushamed of the human being. At least I have some hope and think that all of this will change some day... :(
Spread Michael's words of love and respect.
That article is embarrassing for every german ..

Nazism isn't exclusive to Germany. There is probably a greater following in the UK and America and smaller parts of Europe. In Germany I believe they have strict ruling over the teaching of Nazism or Hitler in schools (as one example) because of fear of another uprising.
I know, but especially for us germans. Because of our history and stuff, unfortunatly. I feel bad to have such people in my country. :/

Please don't feel that bad. As Gonetoosoon mentioned, the nazis or neo-nazis (what's new about them, anyway?) are not only in Germany (and I hope this can be stopped, it's not good at all). I understand how difficult this could be for you, but don't let those people get you down. You are much better than that AND Germany has done a lot to try to correct its wrongs and support educative efforts in several countries. I know this from first hand, since I work with the DAAD and I see all the wondeful things to help Universities, teachers, scholars and students alike.

Education is the key. Yes, we can't change the whole world, but we are responsible to make our best within our reach.

Germany is a wonderful place and I have had the chance to work with many Germans for years and they are great. A bit messy for me... but great :). And so are Canadians, Aussies, Romanian... Poland is wondeful, so is Kenya and Mexico, Irak and South Africa...

"Cause we're all the same, yes the blood inside of me is inside of you" ;-)

Now tell me, Can YOU feel it??
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I hope this doesn't change the way people think of Germans! From personal experience and from what others have told me from their visits.. Germans are among the nicest people they've met! Very friendly, kind, respectful and helpful!

Don't let a couple of ridiculous extremists ruin the whole bunch.
I hope this doesn't change the way people think of Germans! From personal experience and from what others have told me from their visits.. Germans are among the nicest people they've met! Very friendly, kind, respectful and helpful! Don't let a couple of ridiculous extremists ruin the whole bunch.

I totally agree, Gonetoosoon. Germany is a wonderful country and its people are just as you say: friendly, respectful and helpful. And funny! And the country is sooo beutiful. You have great achievements and Germany has always showed its love and respect for MJ. Mike had great times at Germany too!

No, this doesn't change anything about Germans fans. If so... should we change our minds about the USA MJ fans because of people like Diane Diamon? Or about the UK fans because the Wa.. Ja... was created there? Not at all!

Those 8 are the crazy ones. Not MJ fans. MJ fans know better
I am relieved our beloved MJ is not here to see this kind of stupid things... sad as it might sound... :-(

Unfortunately he was :(
Things like this and worse were happening when he was accused of being a pedophile. Seriously, I don't get why they even bothered to go to the cinema! Most of the people going to see the film would be fans, and a couple of idiotic, thick racists calling Michael a pedophile isn't going to stop them going to see it. I'm sure they have read newspapers and watched Tv and saw MJ labeled a pedophile many times before and still supported him. The man is dead, let him rest, it's over! I'm so mad grrrr!!