Nazis rampaged in the cinema against TII - Guestrow, Germany.

What the...why? WHY? :cry:

I am ashamed of being human. This world is so f*cked up...seriously.
Can't find the right words.
sorry but whats the point in them protesting about a michael jackson movie...thats so pathetic.

they're attention seekers, and we are giving them attention.

people reading this, DO NOT let it bother you. you shouldn't let anything like this hurt you, people know what kind of people these are. the world is full of love for Michael Jackson.. spend time looking at that not isolated incidents like this. brush it off, don't give them your time.
small minded people with no education still call the germans "nazis" when they want to take cheap shots at their nationality that's why said real nazis don't exist anymore it keeps the stereotype alive. and neo-nazism is not the same thing
either way it's not like anyone's gonna listen to them they just want publicity they know MJ's name is gonna give them some exposure

That's true!
There are also Neo-Nazis in other countries (at least that's what they call themselves), and they even do "international meetings", which makes me laugh! They are so pathetic!

Those people at the cinema just wanted attention. F*ck them! It just so happened that they made Michael a target, if it wasn't for the movie, they would have found someone else.
people reading this, DO NOT let it bother you. you shouldn't let anything like this hurt you, people know what kind of people these are. the world is full of love for Michael Jackson.. spend time looking at that not isolated incidents like this. brush it off, don't give them your time.
Thank you, I needed to read something like that. :hug:
Nazis broke in to re-earth extortion. Oh well, let them burn in Hell...

The British Nationalist Party are not ALL radical, a lot of their points make sense.
Oh boy,what a fucking crazy people! :angry:
That's what I call a time waster, it's a shame. Michael never had said anything negative about them, why don't they respect him?? Just for the fact he is African American :puke:

Yes that is the complete reason why. If Michael was white they wouldn't pulled this. :mello: These are neo-nazis, they hate everyone who they think is not pure white. (Sorry to pull the race card, but it's true.) And they don't give a shit if he's innocent of the claims, MJ's black and to them he's guilty. And you don't have to say anything about these folk, if you are a black or another person of color of Influence they will hate you.
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I would like to see them try this at our cinema with just 8 of them and still get out of there unharmed.

Not a smart thing to do in a place with at least 20 hardcore MJ fans who are still grieving.:no:
Does this incident have any connection to them finding a live hand grenade at a Germany theater?

How smart of them to wait over a week after the movie been before they decided to protest. I see they really thought this through.
We need a global reformat already. This is just more disgusting human nature.
Makes me sad to this kind of ignorance. :(

Prejudice is ignorance.

Bunch of absolute low lifes. They all make me bloody sick.

Although I'm hoping that they bought tickets to the actual movie! That way their money goes right back into the estate's pocket! Good work idiots.
I'm also upset that those loving kind hearted people who went to see TII that day at that cinema had to witness and experience that... A sad world where we live :(
Oh boy,what a fucking crazy people! :angry:
That's what I call a time waster, it's a shame. Michael never had said anything negative about them, why don't they respect him?? Just for the fact he is African American :puke:
You must not know anything about the Nazis. Adoph Hitler refused to shake Jesse Owens hand during the Olympics back in the 1930s.
Goddamn nazis! Its ok though guys, they're only nazis... these are people who think they are superior to Michael because he's a black man.
Goddamn nazis! Its ok though guys, they're only nazis... these are people who think they are superior to Michael because he's a black man.
I don't think people who lived during World War 2 would say "they're only Nazis". That makes them sound like something harmless, like "they're only roaches".
excuse me...for a minute..i thought i was sleeping. and dreaming of a world with a person in it, named Michael Jackson...and..there was love.

oh..sorry...i'm awake...i was just dreaming. i'm still in this world...and i guess..i was just dreaming.
They are the british nationalist party but worse.

Or 'Red-neck extremists' if you're in the US!
AAhh and yet another reason to love Michael, he would have said 'they need love, someone forgot to show them love' where my first thought was of the movie 'misery' and how they should be hobbled so they can't run away!

It's too bad they didn't show up on opening night in NYC as hundreds of us stood in the rain for hours waiting to get in to the theatre...we would have been more than happy to help them with their beloved swastikas and signs by shoving them in every oriface!!!
Sorry, I try to be like Michael but I am only human and this ignorant behavior infuriates me!!!!!!!:mat:
Humans will never end to surprise me and desapointme. IS just sad there is so much hate in the world.

I think I'd be more concerned if Nazis were pro-Michael, to be honest.

I'd be pretty happy if I was hated by Nazis. What would be more concerning is being liked by them!

This is absolutelly true, I mean just imagine if there where all pro TII and Michael! Would that be way worst? I just saying.

Yes that is the complete reason why. If Michael was white they wouldn't pulled this. :mello: These are neo-nazis, they hate everyone who they think is not pure white. (Sorry to pull the race card, but it's true.) And they don't give a shit if he's innocent of the claims, MJ's black and to them he's guilty. And you don't have to say anything about these folk, if you are a black or another person of color of Influence they will hate you.

^^ True, they will hate you even if you are white and desagree with them also so, they hate practicly everybody, so is no surprise they hate Michael too:mello:

I'm also upset that those loving kind hearted people who went to see TII that day at that cinema had to witness and experience that... A sad world where we live :(

This is horrible to think :hugs: That has to suck big time. I am really sorry for this ppl :(