My message to disgracefull AEG LIVE....

Do you think that Michael's estate will never do anything to continue to make money? Will that be taking advantage of the fans? If you all are truly worried about how Michael would have felt about this, why not petition his family to purchases the tickets for you?

Michael's allegiance to fans and AEG's were two separate things. But, somehow, I truly doubt Michael would be in shock at this. He understood things needing to be done purely for business standpoint. He himself has had to make such decisions.

Michael's family will make money for the children's future, not to fund a global promoter's enterprise.

Michael was always concerned fans be treated fairly concerning ticket pricing, remember the Victory tour ticket fiasco? 1 letter from an 11 year old kid changed the whole organisation of it.
yes but part of business is being fair to the consumer keeping £85 for a ticket that they KNOW the fans are going to want is just taking advantage and isnt fair, if they wanted to keep £20 per ticket than I think that would be fair, they get to keep some of the money and we get a souvenier at a reasonable price.

Then don't keep the ticket. Go to Ebay if it is that damn important because I'm sure that there will be plenty there before you know it. AEG fulfilled their obligation to Michael Jackson in helping prepare for the concerts. AEG fulfilled their obligation to the consumer in offering a product and now offering a refund since they can no longer deliver that product. Anything else, is their choice. They are not demanding that you take any deals. What this is boiling down to is your wanting it a certain way and because it is your want that is what is determining fairness.

If they do call it even they may say it isn't even worth the hassle to put together any DVDs or whatever because I'm sure that will eventually be called unfair also.
Then don't keep the ticket. Go to Ebay if it is that damn important because I'm sure that there will be plenty there before you know it. AEG fulfilled their obligation to Michael Jackson in helping prepare for the concerts. AEG fulfilled their obligation to the consumer in offering a product and now offering a refund since they can no longer deliver that product. Anything else, is their choice. They are not demanding that you take any deals. What this is boiling down to is your wanting it a certain way and because it is your want that is what is determining fairness.

If they do call it even they may say it isn't even worth the hassle to put together any DVDs or whatever because I'm sure that will eventually be called unfair also.

If you're dead against the petition then don't sign it. But let us just spread the word as best as we can.

What is really sad is kids and teenagers who had their parent's buy the tickets who won't get the option at all to keep their ticket if their parent decides they want a full refund
Michael's family will make money for the children's future, not to fund a global promoter's enterprise.

Michael was always concerned fans be treated fairly concerning ticket pricing, remember the Victory tour ticket fiasco? 1 letter from an 11 year old kid changed the whole organisation of it.

And since they sold almost 100 million dollars worth of tickets, thousands obviously thought, including Michael because we didn't hear any gripes from him, that the tickets were fair.

Whether you liked it or not, Michael was in a business all about money. He didn't shy away from it and neither did AEG. They are a business and a business can not look adoringly on fans the same as Michael could. Have you ever heard Michael say if you didn't like a record, I'll refund you? No, because as a businessman, he expected the consumer to know that their are some risks involved with any purchase. Again, AEG's only obligation is to refund tickets. They are attempting to live up to that obligation. Anything more, well, people will just have to decide what is truly worth more. Sometimes you can't have both. It just isn't an option.
And since they sold almost 100 million dollars worth of tickets, thousands obviously thought, including Michael because we didn't hear any gripes from him, that the tickets were fair.

Whether you liked it or not, Michael was in a business all about money. He didn't shy away from it and neither did AEG. They are a business and a business can not look adoringly on fans the same as Michael could. Have you ever heard Michael say if you didn't like a record, I'll refund you? No, because as a businessman, he expected the consumer to know that their are some risks involved with any purchase. Again, AEG's only obligation is to refund tickets. They are attempting to live up to that obligation. Anything more, well, people will just have to decide what is truly worth more. Sometimes you can't have both. It just isn't an option.

Doesn't hurt to kick up a fuss though does it. You don't ask you don't get. No-one ever changed anything that way
You guys no nothing officially in terms of insurance. They do.

Yes, we do. Randy Phillips, AEG Live main man, said more than once they got insurance for 23 shows and they would self-insure the rest of the tour if need be since they believed in Michael THAT much.

That tells us they have MEGA bucks behind them and they aren't going to lose as much as you assume. Insurance for 23 shows will cover quite a bit and they have their mega bucks anyway.

They'll also recoup any money through future TII releases such as rehearsal footage or the CD album Randy Phillips also talked about. Demand will be through the roof now and the profit will FAR outstrip any cost of producing. Michael's financial viability has shot through the roof BIG TIME.

they are really finishing us all off now by one more final twist of the knife.
Then don't keep the ticket. Go to Ebay if it is that damn important because I'm sure that there will be plenty there before you know it. AEG fulfilled their obligation to Michael Jackson in helping prepare for the concerts. AEG fulfilled their obligation to the consumer in offering a product and now offering a refund since they can no longer deliver that product. Anything else, is their choice. They are not demanding that you take any deals. What this is boiling down to is your wanting it a certain way and because it is your want that is what is determining fairness.

If they do call it even they may say it isn't even worth the hassle to put together any DVDs or whatever because I'm sure that will eventually be called unfair also.

i see what your saying and im not actually making a fuss, i havnt signed the petition as i dont think its something AEG need to deal with right now, i mean Randy Philips was a friend of Michaels i dont think this is the time for people to be sending them stuff like this, though as i said I think the deal with the tickets is UNFAIR and I wont change my mind on that so I have decided (like you suggested) to get a refund instead.
Its very simple really. You can get all your money back including booking fees or you get a souvenir ticket. Take your choice. There is no partial refunds - its either all or nothing as money is concerned. AEG are a business who in order to survive operating must look at this situation from a purely business viewpoint, with no emotion or sentiment. They have already spent huge amounts of money on this and need to recoup back whatever they can. THIS DOES NOT MAKE THEM EVIL OR HEARTLESS - IT IS PURELY BUSINESS.
Why do some fans expect to get all their money back and a FREE ticket posted to them. The admin for arranging the refunds to 800,000 people will be costly enough!!
I think AEG are within their rights to try to make some of their losses back (there will be no profit made) as long as it is done in a respectful and timely manner.

Its very simple really. You can get all your money back including booking fees or you get a souvenir ticket. Take your choice. There is no partial refunds - its either all or nothing as money is concerned. AEG are a business who in order to survive operating must look at this situation from a purely business viewpoint, with no emotion or sentiment. They have already spent huge amounts of money on this and need to recoup back whatever they can. THIS DOES NOT MAKE THEM EVIL OR HEARTLESS - IT IS PURELY BUSINESS.
Why do some fans expect to get all their money back and a FREE ticket posted to them. The admin for arranging the refunds to 800,000 people will be costly enough!!
I think AEG are within their rights to try to make some of their losses back (there will be no profit made) as long as it is done in a respectful and timely manner.


I do get your point totally, I just think the WHOLE price of the ticket is a little extreme, £20-30 would be fair