My message to disgracefull AEG LIVE....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am writing to you as a Michael Jackson fan and i know that this email will be ignored because companies such as you do not listen to fans. Anyway am also writing to you concerning the ticket refunds and i am disgusted with the way your company has acted because you expected die hard fans to pay £85 max for a ticket that will never be used and this is taking advantage of Michael Jacksons passing and trying to make profits off him even when he is dead. I epxected you as a company to send out tickets with refunds or make fans pay a small amount which will cover the making of the tickets and this will give the fans a memory of Michael Jackson and will help then in ways to get over his death but this is absolutely disgracfull that you are doing this and charging us the full price for these tickets and you will be reported!

This is my message to AEG LIVE but all i need now is an Email address to send this to so if any of you guys can help...

All i want to do is make sure that this evil company is not taking advantage of us and Michael Jackson by making us pay ridiculous prices for something we deserve to have for free!

Thanks in advanced
It is rediculous to charge people the full ticket price in order to recieve just the ticket. I hope your post doesn't get deleted because anything posted here that is against MJ or any of his business will be deleted. That's just how this palce is run.
i no they are giving us a choice but if michael jackson performed we would have paid £75 got to see michael and kept our ticket as a souvenir!!!!! soo that is why i am angry
Are they really expecting us to pay £85 for a ticket? that we will never use? which will just make us more depressed?

btw, disgraceful has 1 "L" in it!

Are they really expecting us to pay £85 for a ticket? that we will never use? which will just make us more depressed?

btw, disgraceful has 1 "L" in it!


lol thank you for the spelling i kind of did it in a rush as i was angry
Maybe all the fan clubs should cosign a letter regarding this? Make it an open letter and send it to the media also.
WTF I thought they are sending it out just like that!! Geez that is DISGUSTING!
Who said that the unused ticket will cost that?

im sorry to say this but AEG LIVE stated that they will be doing this its on there website. you get the refund or instead an un-used ticket
im sorry to say this but AEG LIVE stated that they will be doing this its on there website. you get the refund or instead an un-used ticket

Can't you get both? This is so cruel, Michael would be so angry!
just sent them a nice and kind e-mail. short and nice, make it that way.

all the best, take care of yourself, friends :better:
everyone please join me to make a petition to stop them from doing this and making money from Michael!!!
I'll copy paste what I already said on KOP boards.

I don't agree with charging full price for the souvenir ticket, but at the end of the day, AEG are a BUSINESS and are only in this to make money. What else did you think they were gonna do? Michael's shows would have been a huge profit for AEG and turned what was already a massive international live event promoter into pretty much the most respected event promotion company on the planet.
AEG need to make money to thrive in the current economic climate, and that is all they're trying to do. I doubt they didn't think about this at legnth. I'm sure the bosses at AEG know that many people will be angry to be told they can't have partial refunds after some have shelled out loads for V.I.P. tickets, but what else are they supposed to do? They must have lost a hell of a lot because of all this, they are only trying to recoup some of their losses and I don't blame them.

If you don't like paying the full price, don't have the ticket. It's pretty simple.

There is a merchandise section on the O2 Arena website, and it used to have an MJ section 'coming soon' until recently. So they were obviously working on merch for the shows, and are now deciding what to do with it. It could be that they send the ticketholders something, maybe not. Like I said, they're a business, and what would seem like a smart desicion from a business perspective to me is to sell TII merch on the MJLive website (which is owned by AEG, right? So they can do that). I can't see AEG changing this refund policy even if 5,000 people emailed them in protest. Money > Customer satisfaction. That's how companies like AEG get to the top in the first place.

This is disgusting. They know fans will want a souvenir ticket, they know they have a captive market and this is how they plan to offset the massive liability that they now carry given that they took our money and have already spent a good deal of it.

They play on our grief for profit.

I think it is in very poor taste and we as a global fan community should protest this as much as we can!
Quote from AEG Live:

"Since he loved his fans in life, it is incumbent upon us to treat them with the same reverence and respect after his death."

And they do this by making us PAY FULL PRICE FOR A TICKET THAT WE CAN NEVER USE.

How much more would they like to sink the knife in and twist it?!! "here, have a ticket for the show your dead idol was meant to perform, oh and we are keeping your money too" - TOTAL ASSHOLES. I for one will NOT be accepting the tickets. I dont want to remember how close we came to seeing him to have it all taken away and then to be charged full price for the privlege of remembering the day my heart broke. pffft
guys as far as i understand it you dont get a FULL refund if you want the ticket, but it means you still get money back - but not the complete. so lets wait first and see how much the difference will be. if you will get back like 65 pound, then hell, where is the problem?
as i sed eariler we would have paid £75 and saw michael and recieved our tickets back so why the F**K cant we have these as a memory, do they think this ticket will make up for not seeing Michael well they are soooo F**king rong

This is disgusting. They know fans will want a souvenir ticket, they know they have a captive market and this is how they plan to offset the massive liability that they now carry given that they took our money and have already spent a good deal of it.

They play on our grief for profit.

I think it is in very poor taste and we as a global fan community should protest this as much as we can!

Yes, they spent it on a show that NEVER HAPPENED. Which is exactly why they need to do this to make back some of the money they lost. Step back for a second and look at it from a business point of view.

You book a huge act to do a 50 date arena residency. Only the first 10 dates are insured, the remaining 40 are self-insured by your company, which is a HUGE risk even if the performer is in perfect physical condition. Especially considering the economy right now. The performer dies unexpectedly and you're left with a responsibility to make sure your company doesn't lose out on potential millions of dollars and go into debt.

AEG are not 'taking advantage'. People are not powerless and can decide for themselves whether or not to keep their tickets. They are giving people an option, unpopular as it may be, to keep a priceless souvenir. People would still be bitching if they offered a full refund but no option to keep the tickets. In a situation like this, NO ONE WINS. AEG will lose money whatever happens. They can go ahead and release a DVD of tour rehearsals, merch and etc but it will never make the same kind of profit that the 3 yr plan would have.

guys as far as i understand it you dont get a FULL refund if you want the ticket, but it means you still get money back - but not the complete. so lets wait first and see how much the difference will be. if you will get back like 65 pound, then hell, where is the problem?

No, 'in lieu of the refund' means completely instead of. Full refund, or ticket. That's it.
I'll be posting a link to a petition set up shortly
AEG LIVE are taking advantage of fan's greif.. this is disgusting
No, 'in lieu of the refund' means completely instead of. Full refund, or ticket. That's it.

actually i am not convinced that it is like that. i know that it means that you will get the ticket or money, but i doubt they will keep the whole amount. i bet they know too that this is too much
as i sed eariler we would have paid £75 and saw michael and recieved our tickets back so why the F**K cant we have these as a memory, do they think this ticket will make up for not seeing Michael well they are soooo F**king rong

So you expect AEG, on top of already suffering huge loses from self-insuring 40 dates, to pay the costs of printing tickets and shipping them? Now who's being unreasonable...
i think they will give us the tickets for a small amount. im still convinced we will get some money back even if we take the tickets... but we cant get the whole amount back.

they know that they cant charge us the whole money we were supposed to pay for a SHOW, just to get a small piece of paper