"My Brush With Badness"

I started my working day with the biggest smile because of that story. I`ve read so much similar stories but that one, along with the note...just made my day.

Thank you for bumping!
Ooooh, I hadn't read this before either! Sooo funny...

Michael didn't say much to me at first, until one day he ran in screaming that there was a "vagabond" sitting in the alley behind the studio. I took a look, expecting Charlie Chaplin to pop out or something, but there was just some homeless guy sipping malt liquor out of a bag on the back steps.

Eventually, Michael warmed up to me, and even started talking to me once in a while if he was in the mood. Once, he asked if I was going to have to go fight in the (Gulf) war. I told him I was probably too old to be drafted, and he responded by saying that he was relieved, because "if you went to the war, you could die."

:lol: And the ink pin omg LOL. Michael was really really special. :wub:
he even left a note to inform ppl he took a pen :D
so cuteeeeeeeee
thanks for posting.:)
haha so that confirms the bad driving.

that note is so sweet :)

aww Michael, there won't be another like you.
Ah I was wondering where I could read this a few days ago! Love it. :wub:
That's awsome. Thank you for posting TSCM. Michael's unique, lol. What's an ink pin though? Is it like an ink cartradge or something? He's right though, isn't he, Michael won't even do the smallest thing which might affect you without telling you, I guess that's the point of him saying the note tells you everything you need to know about him as an artist and a person. That's sweet, good insight into Michael's personality. Thanks again.

Tighty whities, lol.

:D No. Michael just misspelled "ink pen". It makes it that much more authentic though.

"Quick man! I'm out of droz!!!" That's what Mike shoulda said. Hahahahaha!
John Lucas

P.S.: Oh. Look how clueless I am. I'm replying to poster's comment made 2 years ago. D'oh!!
John Lucas
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beautiful story!!! thanks to OP and for the bump.

Here's Michael from the photo shoot for L'Uomo Vogue 2007 magazine. i guess this is as bold as he could get.

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This thread is from 2007? :blink: How on earth did I miss it? :doh:


:rollin: :rollin: :rollin:

The underwear, the wreckless driving, the "ink pin" .... everything is just too adorable :rollin:

God, this guy was too good...
Haha. Awww, he's so cute. "Ink pin" :lol:
Ink pins are security tags they put on clothes in shops that release ink if people try to remove them.
So yeah...I'm guessing he meant "pen". :rofl:
That was an amazing read! Michael was so unique, sweet and the world's only superhuman in my eyes. I loved the bit about his dodgy driving!!! LOL!!!
These stories are love:heart:
Especially now............

thanks for bumping this back up, I think people get bogged too much with stuff that doesn't matter when it comes to MJ and this brings it all back..
someone needs to put together a book with people's personal, cute, anectotal experience with MJ - including family members. It would be a really cute read.
Ohmy...this just broke me down again. :cry: Lovely story, so funny! OMG hahah 'I took one ink pen'.:wub:
Don't know whether I'm crying 'cuz it's so cute and funny or that I just miss him so badly. *sigh*
Aww, what a nice story. He's seems like such a sweetie. :wub: Thanks for reviving the thread so that we could all read it.
The "awful driver" part cracked me up! Doesn't surprise me though. Creative people are often distracted.

Love how he left the note about the pen too. He was so honest.
^yeah, he was probably distracted all the time. aww Mikey was the sweetest... such lovely stories thank you!!
Aww thanks for bumping it was great to read again. Michael is.. was such a sweetheart :give_heart: