"My Brush With Badness"

Did this part get posted?


Monday, November 12, 2007

More Musings on Michael...

Just a few more random stories that I didn't manage to include in my original article...

--Once, Michael asked me to run down the street to McDonalds to grab some lunch for him. This was a pretty rare request, as he usually had a personal chef come in every day to prepare his meals. Anyway, when I asked him what he wanted, he admitted that he had no idea what they served, and that he had just heard from people that the food was good there!

I ended up getting him one sample of nearly every item from the menu. He took a small bite of each, and then told me what he liked and what he didn't. If I remember correctly, he really liked their fish sandwich.

--When the title track "Dangerous" was being recorded, Michael was injured in the studio and had to be rushed to the hospital! A temporary recording booth that we had built for him collapsed and knocked him on the head just as he started singing.

He ended up being just fine, and for a long time, we used to play an early mix of the song which started with a sample of him screaming in pain as the walls came tumbling down!

--He was amazing in the studio. He has the equivalent of a photographic memory for music. He could sing something 40 different ways, and then two weeks later, remember that takes # 6 and 27 were the best ones.

--We recorded so much music for Dangerous, that it was nearly impossible for MJ to pick out what was going to end up on the album. At once point, it was going to be a double album, as he had well over two hours of music chosen for the release.

When Sony decided they wanted it all to fit on a single CD, Michael kept coming back with lists of his his "final" selections, but they almost always added up to over 74 minutes--the maximum running time for the disc. I remember them going back and forth on this for weeks.

--Madonna visited MJ in the studio exactly one time. They spent a little while in his "private" room in the back, and then she left. When I asked Micheal later about her visit, he said that she "scared" him.

I think we all speculated that she tried to make a "move" on him, but Michael never said. In any event, we never saw her again after that...

--Brooke Shields used to call him on the phone a lot. This was the pre-cell phone era, so I would usually answer his calls and then have to go find him in the studio. She was always really nice to me.

The Backstreet Boys came by one day, too. And, in the whole time I worked there, Janet only stopped by once as well.

--There were originally three production teams working in our studio. After working up about a half a dozen songs with one of them, Michael decided he didn't like any of the stuff they had come up with, and fired them. I think some of these songs eventually came out in later releases...

--When Teddy Riley was brought on board, he didn't want to work in our studio. So for three months, our studio sat empty, and my whole job consisted of driving tapes back and forth between our place and Teddy's.

--MJ was very concerned about the Gulf War. Once, he asked me if I was going to have to go fight with the Army. When I told him I was planning on staying right where I was, he said "that's good--because if you go to the war, you could die."

--Michale had some $900 remote-controlled motorcycles delivered to the studio one day. He asked me to come out to the parking lot to try them out, and when we were messing around with them, he drove his motorcycle out of the lot and into the alley, when a car came by and ran it over!

He thought that was really funny. I couldn't believe that he could laugh so much at losing a thousand-dollar toy.

--He still has my ink pin!

Thanx for those additions Marni.
Although the Backstreet Boys thing has to be wrong (Nick Carter would have been 10 or 11 and the group didn't officially start till 1993 :blink:)- the rest of it is sooo cool! I love the bits about Macdonalds and the $900 remote controlled motorcycles. :lmao:
Although the Backstreet Boys thing has to be wrong (Nick Carter would have been 10 or 11 and the group didn't officially start till 1993 :blink:)-

Makes me think though that if that isnt true (I was thinking the same thing), then what else isnt true?
Well, maybe the Backstreet Boys were just starting out, and hadn't yet been signed, is all. It's not likely that this guy is making anything up on purpose.
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Makes me think though that if that isnt true (I was thinking the same thing), then what else isnt true?

I am fairly confident he meant some other band entirely- possibly Boyz II Men?

Well, maybe the Backstreet Boys were just starting out, and hadn't yet been signed, is all. It's not likely that this guy is making anything up on purpose.

No, they definitely didn't start until 1993- they didn't even have the band completed at the beginning of 1993. :yes: I think it's just a typo or honest mistake. Backstreet Boys weren't even thought of in 1991.

lmao Madonna scared him..how funny!!!I could imagine how he said that...
^ He says he worked for MJ during the making of Dangerous, for two years starting 1989. :yes:

Doesn't matter though, the story is great and the blogger was very generous for sharing these stories without even saying what studio it was and without being rude or too invasive about it. :yes: He seems very proud to have worked for MJ.
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maybe he meant The New Kids on the Block and not The Backstreet Boys..

i think new kids were still a band until 94.

that ink pen was cute...how many people say they are taking your pen if your not in the room? :)

but that sound booth coming down was interesting..espeically when he said they replayed it part lmaoooooooo
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Yeah, he probably meant Boyz II Men or New Kids on the Block.

Anyway, the thing about Michael leaving a note because he took a pen is fascinating, really, because it DOES say so much about who he is as a person. That's honesty, down to its roots.
I remember this story. I read it over at MJNO.com. Great read.
hehehe just watch out for Michael if he ever drives..lol im joking, i doubt he will ever drive again.. :) that story about him being a crappy driver was funny and cute though :p
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:lol: Yeah, LaToya also confirmed he is a bad driver. :lmao:



Awwww what an excellent story - thank u so much for this. I knew it was gonna be a good thread when I saw the title - but it was even better than I could imagine! :D

How sweet is he leaving that note, bless his heart!! And about the bad driving, well he can't be good at everything :p and I think it's because he had higher things on his mind at the time. xx
I remember this story! I loved reading it again. Thank you for posting :yes:
oooh i remember this! I loooooved it! i love when ppl have stories to tell about meeting mj!!!!!!!!!!!
:hysterical:remember on mjno there was quite the discussion about what an ink pin was. people were posting pictures of things far from an ink pen.:lmao: but it was the best MJ story i've heard.:rofl::clapping:
I remember reading this back a while ago, but yes this was indeed a great read. I really enjoyed it, I esp. loved the part about the "Ink Pin" and The Hanes underwear :lol:. Michael is too funny.
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Just bumping this up for the new fans who haven't read this yet. Some of the stuff this guy said is hilarious :lmao: