"My Brush With Badness"

Just love that note. So he lets you know he took 'one ink pen' mmmm! I wonder if he left notes on all the cars he dented,lol

I just dented your car.
Just love that note. So he lets you know he took 'one ink pen' mmmm! I wonder if he left notes on all the cars he dented,lol

I just dented your car.[/b]

:lol: good one!
LOL I can just imagine folks seeing Michael pulling up at the studio and his employees scream MICHAEL'S COMING MOOOVE YOUR CARS!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
oh yes...he a bad driver...4 those who wondered y he started taking the cadillac to court and not one of the yukons..... :rollin:
This was such a great story, and just like Michael. My mind takes me back to all those old home videos from the FOX special :)

I wonder if he left notes on all the cars he dented,lol[/b]
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:



haha someone's gonna make a siggy soon with that note and many other post-its that Michael "might" write. :lol:

From M.J.
I took 2 red M&M's from the candy jar.

This was such a great story, and just like Michael. My mind takes me back to all those old home videos from the FOX special :)
LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:


The question is.. is the car now worth more or is it worth less.

"Micheal would you please autograph this dent for me?" :huh:
He should of just went out and bought Mike a pak of Thong underwear and see what he thought then LOLOL
:lol: that was funny! Except for the "so- called King of Pop" remark!
I doubt Michael ever paid attention in Rose Fine's English classes. :lol:
Awww! Michael is a real sweetie petitie alright! :wub: :wub: Love the story. Thanks for sharing it with us TSCM :flowers:
By the way, MJfannn, I adore your siggy :kickass2: :yes:
Wonderful story. I know what my new career is gonna be ^_^
Hey mike i'll drive you ah round just call me "driving mr. jackson"

and "thirty-twos" is it, thanks for the info! :shifty:
Oh no, now peeps are gonna be giving him Hanes 32 undies for his birthday :lol:
Thank you for sharing this with us all, it is really heartwarming to read. And I think it gives anyone reading it a realistic and accurate perception of a very misunderstood man. Thanks again!
I guess I should mention at this point that Michael is an awful driver. He hit everyone's car in the studio lot at least once, including mine. One time, he rear-ended a guy on the 101 freeway, and just left the scene because the guy got out of his car and started screaming at him. Eventually, he gave up and got someone to drive him in to work every day.[/b]
lol :lol:

That blog just made my day... he took an ink pen, how cute is that :p
Great story…thanks for posting!

Always love hearing these personal accounts of their time with Michael…so few of us ever get to experience it! Michael a bad driver….lol…oh bless….did her ever have driving lessons?

In the LWMJ doc he seemed to be quite a good driver when him and Bashir were racing in those cars!

And the underwear….oh bless….if he was to read this I bet he’d be red in the face!
I guess I should mention at this point that Michael is an awful driver. He hit everyone's car in the studio lot at least once, including mine. One time, he rear-ended a guy on the 101 freeway, and just left the scene because the guy got out of his car and started screaming at him. Eventually, he gave up and got someone to drive him in to work every day.[/b]

On 101 freeway lol! Michael must be donning a disguise :lol: :lol:

Even thought it was just up the road, I was glad to get out of MJ's car and into the safety of the store![/b]

I guess he must have practised to perfection drving Oprah in his gold cart at Neverland :lol:

When I was almost out the door however, he came running up and yelled "make them thirty-twos, I don't want them to be too tight!" So there it is folks. The King of Pop wears tightie-whities![/b]

Bless you Michael! :lol:

......for the two years I worked with him. I really enjoyed this experience, and even got my name on the CD! Michael was always polite and reserved in the studio, but he had his silly moments as well.
He was also really concerned about doing anything that would inadvertently upset anybody around him. Even though he was spending five thousand bucks a day on studio time, Michael left me this note one day on my desk. I kept it as a souvenir, and pull it out now and then if people ever question my story. It pretty much tells you everything you need to know about him as a person and an artist.


Pretty much sums up Michael. Ever so considerate and sweet. :p