Murray Trial Day 22, November 1st

Walgren did look tired but the defense looked defeated.
I have to be honest here, I never wanted the trial to be over so soon for selfish purposes, what r we supposed to do after the verdict? My life revolved around Michael Jackson and this case for years, now this case ending, idk what I should/could do with myself. I have no idea, I don't wanna distance myself from Michael.
Heal the world,make it a better place inspired by Michael
As a lot of people have said this trial has given us focus. Something to distract us from the reality which we are unfortunately a part of :no: Michael being gone will be like a deep scar that will never go away. We'll be reminded of the pain and hurt of that tragic day :(

twink you are reading my mind this is exactly how i feel. now the testimony is over and its sinking in i feel pretty emotional could do with a goid cry now

If you ever feel like joining a meet up or anything please join us :) We don't bite ;)
Thank you--to everyone who have done all the work involved in typing up things--as they happened.
Your summaries have been so helpful.
Whatever the outcome--and I feel sure it will be a guilty verdict---we will ALWAYS have Michael in our hearts.
We have to put this trial behind us.
One of the reporters on In Session said tha when the Shafer came back to the stand, many of the jurors smiled at him even the guys. We can take this as a sign that the jury find him credible, easy to understand and likable. White did not get similar treatment from the jury.

Those of you who are thinking about what to do after the verdict, how about continue the positive aspects of Michaeling. As examples, continue with the charity projects and donate books, money, time in the name of Michael. Buy Michael related products. Keep writing and presenting information on his contributions to our world. Visit the manhood thread. Continue discussing his music.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for the updates and explanations too. A lot of things were hard for me to understand when it came to the numbers and such. But people were nice enough to explain and I did understand.

I dreaded this trial all the way back to when Murray was charged. Honestly I don't know what will happen. It's hard to know. I know I feel very scared and nervous too. I don't try to think too much about either way it will go. I get really emotional. As for after the trial, Michael is always with us. We have our memories and love for him. As fans, we have each other to share that too.
One of the reporters on In Session said tha when the Shafer came back to the stand, many of the jurors smiled at him even the guys. We can take this as a sign that the jury find him credible, easy to understand and likable. White did not get similar treatment from the jury.

Those of you who are thinking about what to do after the verdict, how about continue the positive aspects of Michaeling. As examples, continue with the charity projects and donate books, money, time in the name of Michael. Buy Michael related products. Keep writing and presenting information on his contributions to our world. Visit the manhood thread. Continue discussing his music.

Hehe, figures, they sort of were his students - that was the feeling I got when he explained so passionately. He's a great person!

I agree with the rest, I did that during the trial since I needed something to balance all the information and I needed to remind myself of who Michael is to me. To me, he is not the person that was discussed in this trial but someone I loved like my own family. His music, his dance, his persona and humanness is everything I remember...
Thats good re the reaction to shaffer. havnt heard to much about reactions but thats a good sign. how can not like shaffer
this may seem strange and bizarre, but in some twisted way the trial has been important to me on more levels than just founding out what happenend and hopefully see Murray get convicted. I just have a feeling that his might be the last really big "event" where the fan community comes together and U can expect all of the most interesting and intelligent posters dedicating time and effort on MJ message boards. i fear what will happen after this, yes we will have cirque shows and projects here and there. But this is the last real thing that binds us together at this level.....
We will always stand up for Michael. There will be people who will try to discredit him or disrespect his memory. But these people will have us to deal with. In the years to come we want to see Michael to be treated with respect and his legacy too. We will always be there for him.
So pissed off after the day we have had to hear more crap from the jacksons. as if today wasnt hard enough
sorry milka but your answer doesnt help me :( what jury instructions? x

The instructions from the judge for the jury for the deliberations. I would really advise you to look for a good internet dictionary ...
this may seem strange and bizarre, but in some twisted way the trial has been important to me on more levels than just founding out what happenend and hopefully see Murray get convicted. I just have a feeling that his might be the last really big "event" where the fan community comes together and U can expect all of the most interesting and intelligent posters dedicating time and effort on MJ message boards. i fear what will happen after this, yes we will have cirque shows and projects here and there. But this is the last real thing that binds us together at this level.....

this may seem strange and bizarre, but in some twisted way the trial has been important to me on more levels than just founding out what happenend and hopefully see Murray get convicted. I just have a feeling that his might be the last really big "event" where the fan community comes together and U can expect all of the most interesting and intelligent posters dedicating time and effort on MJ message boards. i fear what will happen after this, yes we will have cirque shows and projects here and there. But this is the last real thing that binds us together at this level.....
those are exactly my fears.
those are exactly my fears.
Me too. :(
When this is over and everybody goes back to just getting through their lives will MJJC just fade away? I kind of feel like it is losing Michael again...
That's what I have been thinking too. This is it isn't it? There's nothing else left. It's a weird feeling, but we just have to believe that things will be ok and we'll stay together not just because of Michael, but the adventures and experiences and tragedies we shared together.

We spent the happiest times together and the saddest. That's a pretty strong bond.
The gen discussion section is still here. theres things to discuss. its upto us to keep the place alive. and i for one arent going no where