Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

I had said it before... but it hurst SO bad, I have to say it again:

"I am taking my life back step by step and I wanted to come home."

And what about MJ taking his steps to make his comeback, to come back to US??? And what about his kids? Can they just make this step by step? Can they ever go back "home"?

"I, with my compassion, was only trying to help my fellow man"

Compassion???? Compassion????? Giving the WRONG thing, knowing this was wrong and dangerous??

I just want to cry. I just want to cry out of pain, and anger and despair. What is this?????

WHAT IS THIS????? Please someone tell me this is not for real!!! Please!!!!

OMG...omg.....ohhhhhh justice.... what can human justice do??? NOthing at all....

It remains in God's hands. No use in trusting this so called "justice". Sooner or later, with our without us knowing, real justice will win.

This world is.... agggggggggg....

:'-( :'-( :'-(

I wonder if you can say that in front of Mike's children... :no: :( :cry:

With such confusions don't it make you wanna screaaammmmmmmmmmmmm.........
Taking his life back?

What about the life he took, SOMEONE ELSE'S which he had no right to take? What about that?

He took Prince, Paris and Blanket's FATHER from them.
He took away OUR inspiration, mentor, idol and part of our lives.
He took a brother, uncle, son, nephew, cousin from his FAMILY.

Maybe Murray is trying to forget, but we won't EVER forget, neither will Michael's children or his family. We will remember this for years to come and Murray will have to live his life with the weight of the guilt on his shoulders.

With such confusions don't it make you wanna screaaammmmmmmmmmmmm.........

With such confusion dont it make you wanna scream
Your bash abusin victimize within the scheme
You find your pleasure scandalizin every lie
Oh father, please have mercy cause I just cant take it

:cry: I can't take it anymore... It hurts....
this man is a f-ing asshole,. eff him, he is a waste of life that bastard :mat::mat::mat::devil::evil::evil:
I don't understand what he says.
He thinks he is not guilty? He does not feel sorry at all? :bugeyed
bastard. He is so dishonest-his demeanour, his body language reek of guilt. He won't be free for long.
wrong place at the wrong time hardly works in this senario everything he did was planned.he was greedy he was doing things he knew he shouldnt be because of the love of $. did they tell him in the church that the love of money is the route of all evil. he fecked up yet wont even admit it. has he said sorry yet? its all about him

I wonder if you can say that in front of Mike's children... :no: :( :cry:

Exactly. This video brings back the terrible pain of June.
Why is this man so obtuse/unregenerate? How come he can't admit any mistakes?
I can't understand.:no:
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Giving the WRONG thing, knowing this was wrong and dangerous??
and leaving after that and not bother to try to back Michael to life in a time

what kind of :censored: compassion he is expecting now?
Ugh. I want to scream. I just hope justice prevails and Dr Murray pays for what he's done.
if this had been paul mccartney and not michale jackson the frigging media wouldnt be so damn sympathetic toward this murderer
It will make me feel so much better if he just apologize and admits that he was wrong...

I know it will not bring Michale back but that will make me feel so much better....

It angers me how indifferent he is regarding the death of Michael.
OMG...I just have no words, there's nothing I can say that will make me feel an ounce better about this mess, so I'll keep my mouth shut. :(
It will make me feel so much better if he just apologize and admits that he was wrong...

I know it will not bring Michale back but that will make me feel so much better....

It angers me how indifferent he is regarding the death of Michael.
he doesnt even care what he has done, everything is about him. he couldnt care less that he orphaned three children whats the difference between him and ''real'' murderers?! he shouldnt get away just bc he's a doc. this is so unbelievably wrong on many levels. i want justice, eff murray
He knows his time is up as a free man. It is only a matter of time before he's arrested and charged. Murray is an arrogant, narcissistic idiot.

I am so angry. :perrin:
He knows his time is up as a free man. It is only a matter of time before he's arrested and charged. Murray is an arrogant, narcissistic idiot.

I am so angry. :perrin:


I hope he can't sleep at night. I really do.:mello:

You done the wrong thing to the wrong person!

(Not that anyone deserves this but because its MJ its 100x bigger and the whole world knows)
Ummm... Yeah... He was just trying to help a fellow man? He wasn't at all interested in the big paychecks he was going to get? And as has been said already, he wasn't in the wrong place at a wrong time. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, he just didn't do his duty the way he should have. But wait a minute? What foreign documentary crew was following him? I do hope there won't be a documentary on this man, though I really won't be surprised if one surfaces... Disappointing...