MTV try to make the new KOP

Not open for further replies. thats rich!, What MTV doesnt get is, Liz gave him that title and we coninued to use it cuz There's no other like him. Robbi williams is an ok singer IMO, but to compare him to Mike is just laughable.

Sorry MTV, You just cant take the name and place it on somebody else. In that case, Y dont you give the title "The king of rock and roll" to sombody else...Thats just the stupidest idea of them all!

And MTV, GET A LIFE!*I say that with Love, L.O.V.E.* :D

Wow, killing off the original KOP and looking for a replacement already?
You are comparing judging Robbie Williams to the Chandlers.......?

The Chandlers did something really horrible that stands out. Robbie hasnt.

What you say doesnt add up, shes a massive fan of his even if he was rude to her and other fans? Sorry, but I kind of get the impression you made that up in order to prove your point. Your friends a massive fan of Robbie, yet came back from meeting him and told you how horrible he was?! Please dont insult my intelligence.

I am not insulting your intelligence i am telling you something fact! Just because people you are a fan of turns out to be an arse dont mean you stop supporting them! I told you because you said i dont know jack when in fairness i know for a fact he is rude to his fans! Jesus way to blow up on people! Do i detest the man enough to make crap up about him??? No i have betta things to do with my time i was just telling you what i have been told!

However now i realise it is pointless!
Michael is the King of Pop PERIOD !! The phrase was created for him, not for anyone else! MTV can't just give it away !! it's not theirs to give away !! Long live KING MICHAEL! :)
Robbie is a great singer.. But he can never be the new king of pop.. No one can be the new king of pop.. No one is near Michael.. Michael is the TRUE King Of Pop.
You know, I never even liked the name "KOP", lolol. I never called Michael that in the past. Not that I didn't think he deserved the title (more the title of just "KING", period ;)), but I always thought names like that are kind of silly, especially when used in marketing. But it always pissed me off when the media would write "self-proclaimed" in front of it, because we all know it was just a way to belittle him out of spite. However, after seeing how the world reacted to Jun 25 it was like, well, I guess the WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD just declared that Michael is the KING OF POP, so all the haters can eat spit. He was, is and ever shall be. Deal with it, MTV ;)

Totally agree wíth you, mjbunny!

I personally like Robbie a lot! Some of his songs are really good and he is a lot of fun and is kind of cute, but King of Pop? Naaaah, never ever! Beside that Robbie doesn't have any talent in dancing ....! He's a good entertainer, but definitely not the King of Pop! We all know, there is only one and it can only be our beloved one .......!!!!
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Why do you bother yourself with this garbage? We know who will always be the one and only KOP the whole world knows. We have more serious issues to think about than that!
By the way... does anyone else here agree that MTV hasn't been "MTV" MUSIC television since reality shows took over??? Every time i tune in to MTV, theres less and less music going on and more and more "reality" type shows.

*in my best Kermit the frog impression* I miss MY MTV!!

and yes. this has to be totally bogus.
I am not insulting your intelligence i am telling you something fact! Just because people you are a fan of turns out to be an arse dont mean you stop supporting them! I told you because you said i dont know jack when in fairness i know for a fact he is rude to his fans! Jesus way to blow up on people! Do i detest the man enough to make crap up about him??? No i have betta things to do with my time i was just telling you what i have been told!

However now i realise it is pointless!

But why would she continue to go back and see him on other occasions. If he had already been rude to fans a few times before?


On top of that, I have been searching the past few hours for any other accounts of Robbie being rude to fans and couldnt find anything. Not one thing.

Your hardly going to admit to making it I guess ill just leave it at that.
How much CDs has he sold?

Erm... 20, maybe 30 million. Something along those lines maybe. But, I think that's just as a solo artist - he was in a group called Take That so including those sales it would probably be 50+ million. I'm not a fan so I don't know exact numbers.
But why would she continue to go back and see him on other occasions. If he had already been rude to fans a few times before?


On top of that, I have been searching the past few hours for any other accounts of Robbie being rude to fans and couldnt find anything. Not one thing.

Your hardly going to admit to making it I guess ill just leave it at that.

Okay i am lying to prove a point! Do you know what this place gets betta and betta you cant even say anything now without being called a liar!

It is up to her if she wants to continue seeing him, it is for none of us to decide!

We are going of topic now so i am gonna shut up and stop replying to you, all i was trying to do was give you an example of why i feel i can say he is not the nicest person in the world!

Michael is and always will be the king of pop! Thank you once again LTD for making me feel like i can not voice an opinion on this forum!
Okay i am lying to prove a point! Do you know what this place gets betta and betta you cant even say anything now without being called a liar!

It is up to her if she wants to continue seeing him, it is for none of us to decide!

We are going of topic now so i am gonna shut up and stop replying to you, all i was trying to do was give you an example of why i feel i can say he is not the nicest person in the world!

Michael is and always will be the king of pop! Thank you once again LTD for making me feel like i can not voice an opinion on this forum!

Its not to common that anyone is called a liar here. I didnt call you a liar, I accused you of lying about that to get your point across. Thats hardly labelling you a liar, thats a slight exageration. In fact, your whole post is pretty much an exageration.

You can express your opinion all you like. I was just questioning it.
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