MTV try to make the new KOP

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MTV is nothing but a big huge joke to me anymore. Especially if they are name someone who is almost practically unknow in the U.S. as the KOP. Please the only one that should forever be called the KOP is Michael Jackson. And the funny thing about Robbie Williams. Was when I first heard of him some years ago. I always thought they meant Robin Williams and that they were reading his name wrong and was just misspelling the name as Robbie. I didn't even know Robbie and Robin were 2 different people until probably almost a year later.
LOL :rofl:. Yeah, the Germans here have the name "Robbie" strangely ingrained more in their minds :smilerolleyes:, so I hear things like, "Let's watch that movie with Robbie Williams." What? He did movies too? Oh, Hook? Don't you mean Robin Williams?:tease:
OMG, get effin' real, MTV. Michael was loved all over the entire world. Try to find someone over the age of 2 who doesn't know who Michael Jackson is and can't sing some of his songs. But then ask the average American who "Robbie Williams" is and they'll say, "Robin Williams? Loved him in 'Good Morning, Vietnam!' " ;)

:lmao: I agree. I doubt that the average American knows who Robbie Williams is.

KOP will always be MJ names just like GOdfather of Soul will ALWAYS be James Brown's.


The only reason I know about this guy (I know barely anything-just that he's a British singer) is because I know about David Beckham. Robbie is his friend and there were silly rumors that Robbie had hired people to keep him updated on David's hairstyle changes and fashion. BTW I think sometimes people can use the words "great" and "legend" too easily to describe today's entertainers, but oh well.
Besides isn't this dude only known in Europe?! I didn't even know who he was until some girl told me.
The funny part is, no, I actually haven't! I know he broke into the US charts with the song Millenium back in '99 and then a bit with Angels, however I never heard that last one and I lived in the US at the time. I only knew that song as redone by others. If you read the North America part of that wiki entry you see pretty quickly how most Americans, at least, would barely know his name. I know he was really big over here in Europe from the time of that boy band (forget the name -- I've had to learn all this stuff since moving to Europe, lol), especially in the UK. But so are a lot of singers or groups. And ones that are or were big in the US and not so much here in Europe. And, so what.... If you try to compare them to Michael it's just no contest. The 'new kop'? Completely ridiculous. Anyone even approaching the top of Michael's ladder even 50 rungs down needs to at least have huge global appeal. I'm not bashing Robbie Williams, but he's just not on the same level. Hell, I think the world probably knows Justin Timberlake more, lol.

yeah, it's completely ridiculous.

he's got a lot of haters in the UK though ;)
That's a waste of time.

MJ's marketing material has had "KOP" for a long time.

Now he's gone, the media cannot call him "has been KOP"

And any effort to give the title to anyone will bring attention to the fact that Elvis' title has never been given to anyone else.

Also, MJ's estate will continue to use "KOP" title for future releases.

yep. and you and I both know why this is being done.
I read through 3 pages and I still do not see where MTV is doing this. Any link to this or can we have the actual article, story, video where MTV is trying to proclaim someone KOP?
Wow ok....... Robbie Williams Hmmmmmmmmm

He is over rated in my opinion and gets away with being classed as a good entertainer because of his personality. The man cant sing he shouts in most of his songs apart from the odd few and that is when the good old helpful people in the recording studios come in!

He is from what i have seen arrogant and sooooo in love with him self!

Robbie in not even close to the same league as Michael, seriously not even close!

WHERE'S A PROOF they said this? If I remember correctly we argued and laughed at this last year. I don't remember if there was any proof then either.

Maybe a RW fan is planting this and upsetting MJ fans?
Wow ok....... Robbie Williams Hmmmmmmmmm

He is over rated in my opinion and gets away with being classed as a good entertainer because of his personality. The man cant sing he shouts in most of his songs apart from the odd few and that is when the good old helpful people in the recording studios come in!

He is from what i have seen arrogant and sooooo in love with him self!

Robbie in not even close to the same league as Michael, seriously not even close!

Seriously, how can you even compare the two?!!
Nobody has yet shown that MTV are trying to make Robbie the new KOP. Please post some proof..? I saw this same rumour somewhere else and the person said they had heard it somewhere and didn't state where.
Fans have started calling him it on his website too. Nice to see exactly what people think of Michael's legacy... :mat:
Didn't he sing that song angels? I guess he's popular in Europe, but here in the states, he hasn't had a song on the radio since the 90's-very early 00's.
Please guys! This is ridiculous, the only KOP ever is MJ and that's that, we know it, and they know it, arguing over it only brings a bad mood into our home.

It's also not cool to treat Robbie Williams like he's some piece of crap just because someone had the brilliant idea to compare him to Michael.
Robbie is a great entertainer who's got some fantastic songs, happens to be massive in lots of parts in europe and latin america.
It's a little hypocritical to say he's a nobody because he's not big in the US, we've always bitched about people saying Mike was a has been just because he wasn't selling in the US anymore, screaming 'US is not the entire world'... well you're doing the same to Robbie.
Bit of a rant I suppose, but I don't like the responses I've seen here.
wow I can't believe how unpopular he is outside Europe, no one even knows of him. I know of him of course, but that just proves the point that Michael has audience worldwide, unlike Robbie... MTV are idiots. Who cares what they say/do?

King Of Pop will always remain the title associated with the one and only - Michael Jackson.
It's not the first time , that the media in Europe try to call him "KOP". They try it everytime when he brings an album out. NOw the german channel Pro7 call him now "the biggest entertainer of all time". They have some contract with him, about some short stupid tv commercials, for some time.
I don't know which MTV is trying this time. I doubt it's Mtv US, cause he failed to gain success in USA and beside here in Europe no one knows him.
It's ridiculous. Not even worth loosing time to discus about it.
Not the first time, won't be the last desperate try to title some jerk with KOP.
Forget it.

At least the US got little smart and stopped calling Justin or Usher "new KOP".
I know where this came from. It was a poll done on their website a few years back and lets remember what is the main demographic that watches MTV now and goes to their website? Young, teenage girls. And they vote in droves. This is why Twlight won a ton of awards at the MTV Movie Awards back along.
Please guys! This is ridiculous, the only KOP ever is MJ and that's that, we know it, and they know it, arguing over it only brings a bad mood into our home.

It's also not cool to treat Robbie Williams like he's some piece of crap just because someone had the brilliant idea to compare him to Michael.
Robbie is a great entertainer who's got some fantastic songs, happens to be massive in lots of parts in europe and latin america.
It's a little hypocritical to say he's a nobody because he's not big in the US, we've always bitched about people saying Mike was a has been just because he wasn't selling in the US anymore, screaming 'US is not the entire world'... well you're doing the same to Robbie.
Bit of a rant I suppose, but I don't like the responses I've seen here.
I think the general statements by most people here are not that Robbie is a "piece of crap", just that he's not soooo amazing and can't be compared with MJ, so calling him the "new KOP" is pretty laughable. And the point about the US... everyone all over the entire world knows and loves Michael (and yes, he was still successful in the US this decade, still selling millions, even it wasn't as much as before), but they don't all know who the heck Robbie Williams is. Michael's like the 'king of the world' (lol, I know, cheesy, but I couldn't help it) and Robbie's like the 'prince of Europe and duke of a few outlying areas', lol. Sorry. Again, I never said I hated Robbie Williams. Just KOP? Please...
The point is you guys are getting all upset over something that is SO stupid, is a complete waste of time.
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