MTV try to make the new KOP

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He my opinion.

And in a lot of other peoples opinions as well...:smilerolleyes:

You are joking right? :bugeyed
Since I never even heard of this guy I doubt its gonna fly. I mean......I am not living in a vacuum and I would think the person should be popular at least.

Robbie william as the new KOP? MTV claim it?
who the heck is Robbie william anyway?
OMG, get effin' real, MTV. Michael was loved all over the entire world. Try to find someone over the age of 2 who doesn't know who Michael Jackson is and can't sing some of his songs. But then ask the average American who "Robbie Williams" is and they'll say, "Robin Williams? Loved him in 'Good Morning, Vietnam!' " ;)
Why is the media so ega for someone to replace Mike as The King Of Pop. I don't see them in any hurry to replace Elvis Presley as the king of rock n roll
Hey...Nothing wrong with a bit of Robbie. I think hes great.
Nah, I couldn't care less about people trying to name other celebrities as King of Pop. There is on one KOP and everyone knows who he is. That title will always be his.
he's a british pop star. ever heard of No Regrets?
The funny part is, no, I actually haven't! I know he broke into the US charts with the song Millenium back in '99 and then a bit with Angels, however I never heard that last one and I lived in the US at the time. I only knew that song as redone by others. If you read the North America part of that wiki entry you see pretty quickly how most Americans, at least, would barely know his name. I know he was really big over here in Europe from the time of that boy band (forget the name -- I've had to learn all this stuff since moving to Europe, lol), especially in the UK. But so are a lot of singers or groups. And ones that are or were big in the US and not so much here in Europe. And, so what.... If you try to compare them to Michael it's just no contest. The 'new kop'? Completely ridiculous. Anyone even approaching the top of Michael's ladder even 50 rungs down needs to at least have huge global appeal. I'm not bashing Robbie Williams, but he's just not on the same level. Hell, I think the world probably knows Justin Timberlake more, lol.
That's a waste of time.

MJ's marketing material has had "KOP" for a long time.

Now he's gone, the media cannot call him "has been KOP"

And any effort to give the title to anyone will bring attention to the fact that Elvis' title has never been given to anyone else.

Also, MJ's estate will continue to use "KOP" title for future releases.
Where did it actually say this was happening? Link?

I don't like Robbie, think he's overrated. He sounds like a pub/club singer to me.
is he popular? I never heard his name. by the way, did "king of pop" make by the media and MTV? I think no one can decide "who is king of pop" including Michael Jackson himself because only the public, people around the world decide who is king of pop.
Where did it actually say this was happening? Link?

I don't like Robbie, think he's overrated. He sounds like a pub/club singer to me.
:lmao: He was on here in Germany on the big show 'Wetten dass...' a week or so ago and I was like... whoopety. I totally don't get it. I guess it's people who got into him back in his Take That days (see I'm learning about Europeans... I found out the name of the boy band now, lol) who have stayed fans. Some of RW's songs are ok (of the few that I've heard), but I don't get why he's supposedly so great. He just doesn't impress me. He's certainly no MJ.
is he popular? I never heard his name. by the way, did "king of pop" make by the media and MTV? I think no one can decide "who is king of pop" including Michael Jackson himself because only the public, people around the world decide who is king of pop.

^^^ Exactly, I mean I dont dislike Robbie, but KOP???!!! No way!:mello:
MTV is way out of line with this one :bugeyed
KOP will always be MJ names just like GOdfather of Soul will ALWAYS be James Brown's.
That's a waste of time.

MJ's marketing material has had "KOP" for a long time.

Now he's gone, the media cannot call him "has been KOP"

And any effort to give the title to anyone will bring attention to the fact that Elvis' title has never been given to anyone else.

Also, MJ's estate will continue to use "KOP" title for future releases.


Robbie is more popular in Europe I guess. I was at one of his concerts one time. Sang to all his song and everything. Had a great time, but he's no Michael. Not a chance.

There will only be one true King of Pop; past, present and future!
Just because MTV say this does NOT mean it will be. WHitney called Bobby Brown King of R & B but you do not see on one calling his or referring to him as that (at least not seriously).
With Robbie, a lot of it is to do with his personality IMO.

Hes allways been the common lad from Manchester with a great sense of humour who charms all the girls. He also had killer songs in the late 90's and early 00's. I mean literally smash hit songs.

Angels, Let me entertain you and Millenium are the main ones.

Hes a great entertainer, I love to watch his shows as he interacts with the fans so well.

Not KOP though.......not by a long shot.

But I still think hes great.
You know, I never even liked the name "KOP", lolol. I never called Michael that in the past. Not that I didn't think he deserved the title (more the title of just "KING", period ;)), but I always thought names like that are kind of silly, especially when used in marketing. But it always pissed me off when the media would write "self-proclaimed" in front of it, because we all know it was just a way to belittle him out of spite. However, after seeing how the world reacted to Jun 25 it was like, well, I guess the WHOLE FREAKIN' WORLD just declared that Michael is the KING OF POP, so all the haters can eat spit. He was, is and ever shall be. Deal with it, MTV ;)
MTV is nothing but a big huge joke to me anymore. Especially if they are name someone who is almost practically unknow in the U.S. as the KOP. Please the only one that should forever be called the KOP is Michael Jackson. And the funny thing about Robbie Williams. Was when I first heard of him some years ago. I always thought they meant Robin Williams and that they were reading his name wrong and was just misspelling the name as Robbie. I didn't even know Robbie and Robin were 2 different people until probably almost a year later.

It's a joke that that man is even famous!

Michael Jackson cannot to be replaced. END OF.
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